Democrats: Damnit, we need tougher gun control to protect us from us.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Kinda sounds funny doesnā€™t it?
I havenā€™t looked up statistics in quite some time but isnā€™t it mostly Democrats that are doing all the killing with guns? Arenā€™t the majority of mass shooters Democrats, Lefties or Muslims? The ghetto folks killing each other in our ghettos and barrios....yep, Liberal Democrats.
I would love to hear a Democratic lawmaker stand at the podium on the senate floor and say....ā€Now damnit, we are tired of all this killing, we must get aggressive on gun control, we have to enact laws which will protect us from.....ummm, umm, Democrats.ā€
Siete why not fight to deprive Democrats, brown and black folks of constitutional rights? Think of how much safer this nation would be...youā€™d only have to deal with the mass shootings then...right?
Would the list of LAā€™s Most Wanted be this dark if you took their guns?
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department

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