Democrats Don't Get It That THEY Are the Bad Guys

3. They throw US workers, and all Americans, under the bus, by supporting unrestrained/excessive immigration (legal and illegal).

The worker visa program was signed into law by daddy bush. Now tRump wants to give them all US citizenship's.
The Bushes were illegal alien ass kissers. We all know that.

Trump is the first president to take the illegal immigration fiasco to task, since Eisenhower.
It seems Republicans are only on the edges. Either they’re so rich they don’t need to work or they’re on welfare and food stamps and don’t want to work. Doesn’t seem there’s a lot in between.
Republicans are workers. Democrats are welfare loafers. This is why Obama's inauguration was so populous. They were all free to go there, while Trump's fans were AT WORK. :biggrin:
all lies.

you're a deranged lunatic.
They are all 100% true, AND YOU KNOW IT. That's why your pitiful post is absent any substance, in an attempt to refute the OP

But this is what hopeless Democrats do nowadays. Character assassinate with no facts, and just sling mud. Self-respect out the window for them. :rolleyes:
Democrats support increased pay for Working Class Americans. Republicans don't.
Then how come it is a Republican (Trump), who just now got the US median wage to be the hihest it's ever been in US history ?

And of course Democrats don't support increased pay for support increased pay for Working Class Americans. If they did, they wouldn't be importing foreigners into intoe US from the 3rd world, driving wages down, across the board, and depriving "Working Class Americans" of jobs.
tRump won because the founding fathers gave us a stupid idea called the electoral college.
It's not stupid. It allows small states all over the country to compete with larger ones (like California who stack their vote counts with illegal aliens). Smart move. Thank you, founding fathers.
Not seeing that much good stuff, mostly seeing those in power cover there own asses, & promote their own agenda. So much for working together for the good of the public.
Not seeing that much good stuff, mostly seeing those in power cover there own asses, & promote their own agenda. So much for working together for the good of the public.
It would help if those who controlled the direction for decades would give back a bit as a good will gesture. They seem not to.
tRump won because the founding fathers gave us a stupid idea called the electoral college.
It's not stupid. It allows small states all over the country to compete with larger ones (like California who stack their vote counts with illegal aliens). Smart move. Thank you, founding fathers.

You got on a roll today.
An accurate roll!
Great job!

Democrats need a platform. Democrats need to put their country before their party. Democrats need to stop undermining our President and country. Democrats need to stop favoring illegal aliens over Americans. Democrats need to put their socialist agenda to rest. Democrats need to lose their hatred for police, religion, rich people, soldiers and business in general. They need to get reparations, free college, debt forgiveness, full benefits for illegal aliens, green deal, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, including illegal aliens and raising taxes out of their vacuous heads Democrats don't have much to like there unless you're a masochist.

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