Democrats don't know how to assume any responsibility

President Trump, bypassed the corrupt biased lying press and briefed the American people directly and frequently. Some like this poster pout and cry about it.
When Trump spoke he'd do shit like telling people to drink bleach or that he and Kim Jong Un were in love with each other. I guess you were really into that.
Shirking of responsibility is the platform then blaming others is the method.
It’s who they are and who they wish to recruit(illegals)
Even more delicious is you and I are racist for discussing this fact
longer will the American people put up with this shit show?

I credit the American people's handling of the situation the best we can within our power. We alternate pretty well between one set of a-holes with the other. That the country keeps getting more liberal I'll credit to left's increasing absurdity and the right's gradual move towards the center as the country becomes increasingly urban.
That the country keeps getting more liberal I'll credit to left's increasing absurdity and the right's gradual move towards the center as the country becomes increasingly urban.
Can I question a little bit of this? I don't think this country is getting more liberal, as in Left leaning. If the Left is getting more absurd, which I think they are, then how does that translate into the country moving further Left? Logically one might think the opposite, no?

I do think the right is moving towards the Center as you say, but I'm not sure the country is becoming more urban. I would think that all the chaos and destruction going on over the last year in our bigger cities would lead to more people leaving and staying. Maybe it's a question of where do the illegals and indigents (homeless) go. I'll be very interested to see if the democrats continue to do well in our urban areas as they have in the past. If they do, then I guess those people will get the local gov't they deserve.
It is amazing how the democrat party wants to lead with a lust for power at any price, but then lead by blaming Trump as they distance themselves from everything bad that is happening around them.

How long can this go on? As the US explodes with illegal immigrants brining Covid to the country and Covid rates exploding exponentially and the Middle East in flames, how much longer will the American people put up with this shit show?

For now, I'll plead the 5th on this question. :aug08_031:

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