Democrats Easily Winners Again: GOP Walling Off Diversity, Heading Far Right, White(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe.

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)!

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties.

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking alters of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," at least one more time. . .or more(?)!)
It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe.

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)!

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties.

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking alters of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," at least one more time. . .or more(?)!)
funny how the lesser educated out smarted you genius'. let me take a moment and

It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe.

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)!

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties.

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking alters of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," at least one more time. . .or more(?)!)
funny how the lesser educated out smarted you genius'. let me take a moment and

She removed her own braces, or is she waiting for a treat for turning a trick?
It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe.

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)!

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties.

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking alters of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," at least one more time. . .or more(?)!)
The rest of the world is far right, retard.

French people are white, retard.

I really hope Democrats stay the anti-white course though, because that will insure the death of your pathetic party.
It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe.

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)!

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties.

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking alters of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," at least one more time. . .or more(?)!)
funny how the lesser educated out smarted you genius'. let me take a moment and

She removed her own braces, or is she waiting for a treat for turning a trick?
she heard the less educated kicked the genius' out of office and is laughing her ass off.
It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe.

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)!

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties.

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking alters of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," at least one more time. . .or more(?)!)
The rest of the world is far right, retard.

French people are white, retard.

I really hope Democrats stay the anti-white course though, because that will insure the death of your pathetic party.
the genius of us in here doesn't know what the word 'minority' means.
It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe.

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)!

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties.

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking alters of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," at least one more time. . .or more(?)!)
funny how the lesser educated out smarted you genius'. let me take a moment and

She removed her own braces, or is she waiting for a treat for turning a trick?
she heard the less educated kicked the genius' out of office and is laughing her ass off.
As I have found, those claiming to be a genius has a hard time changing a light bulb. I should know, I'm married to one...
More evidence of why the democrats lost this election: the demonizing of being white and working class.
There are White People in the new Democratic Coalition! Even Dr. Ben Carson dropped out already from the New Trump White House. The original Party of Abraham Lincoln actually killed off the 750,000 White people 1861-1865, and soon to be White House supported(?).

There is clearly no diversity-embracing signal being sent from anywhere in the GOP transition. Again: The Chief White House Adviser has only two years to at least get started, building all the new plants in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Any wall-building, along the Southern Border, won't help there. All the other Republican House Districts have to agree on the new priority. . .as in no time soon! Ending Trade Agreements means having to start new trade agreements--a decades-long process, more usual. Someone with widely respected, well-regarded, ties to various U. S. National groups has to be the Secretary of State. That will likely not be Bill or Hillary Clinton, who had that starting day one, had it happened.

Finally, Slovenia--now ascendant in U. S. National politics--is actually supportive more of Austria, Germany, and anyone Slavic: Having nothing to do with France(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations, maybe now seeking new hires. . .even with origins, in Slovenia--for new kind of squaw-woman(?)!)
It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe. Wow, you really got the white american a good one. Allow an uneducated white person to read between the lines, okay? In this context, white america is anyone who doesn't "think" like a liberal. That and you're butt-hurt. How am I doing so far?

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)! I'm actually eating a bagel right now, swear to God.

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! This is another liberal narrative designed to reduce their opponents to stupid. Did you know Romney captured the vote of most college grads., not Obama? Course you didn't, that would require an "education". BTW, our college system is run as a liberal institution, which is one reason they're pumping out illiterate, emotionally charge ineffective machines. Read 45 declarations for communist takeover, and apply some critical thought. You won't find it easy.

Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far. Congratulations on "winning" the "popular" vote. Perhaps next time you'll lift someone off the primary who understands the Constitution, and therefore has basic knowledge of the goal.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties. Wholly shit, are you high right now?

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray! What a shock that liberal news has already declared Trump a failure. Irony defined, they declared the Democrats winners as well. You really showed us.
It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe.

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)!

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties.

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking alters of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," at least one more time. . .or more(?)!)

Wtf is this shit? Talk about nonsense. And if i call people chocolate, caramel or butter cream, i am stereotyping klan member according to people like you.

What us your hard on for multiculturalism? Pepple you orgasm at the word.
Great different people, hopefully we unite and have the same purpose for our country instead of divide into.groups.
So as TheDude poster, and buckeye45_73 seem to concur: Rejecting liberal diversity, and allusions to diversity, are now centerpiece GOP! Following TheDude poster, and bukeye45_73--who is concurring(?): There are no apparent plans to open new manufacturing plants in any counties in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania! On that basis they supported GOP--which lost the vote count, overall. Anyone sees why!!

Anyone sees in this thread why the Democrats won the vote count--and picked up federal legislature seats!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes have no gold for sale, after all(?) Now maybe ready for finer turquoise, instead!)
So as TheDude poster, and buckeye45_73 seem to concur: Rejecting liberal diversity, and allusions to diversity, are now centerpiece GOP! Following TheDude poster, and bukeye45_73--who is concurring(?): There are no apparent plans to open new manufacturing plants in any counties in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania! On that basis they supported GOP--which lost the vote count, overall. Anyone sees why!!

Anyone sees in this thread why the Democrats won the vote count--and picked up federal legislature seats!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes have no gold for sale, after all(?) Now maybe ready for finer turquoise, instead!)
did you mean to say something?
It has yet to occur to most of less educated, White America, that there really aren't that many people like them in China, the rest of Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East. Mongolia, and many of the the Pacific Islands. Like in Canada, there are even French people in Europe.

Mostly, Republicans have a sour cream base in a world more chocolate, coffee, caramel, and even real butter colored--and margarine too(?)! There is even whole milk in the color scheme! It is not even clear that the sour cream base wants anything to do with bagel eaters(?)!

Trump won only among Whites, and mostly the lesser educated of those! Clinton may wind up with a two million vote plurality, or more. California is three or four million votes behind in the counting, so far.

The Chief White House Advisor is not on board with diversity! He only has two years to ramp up jobs in the Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania less urban counties.

Tuesday, November today: The reports are that the Trump Transition Team is already in disarray!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many will come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking alters of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," at least one more time. . .or more(?)!)

What the hell are you talking about?
So as TheDude poster, and buckeye45_73 seem to concur: Rejecting liberal diversity, and allusions to diversity, are now centerpiece GOP! Following TheDude poster, and bukeye45_73--who is concurring(?): There are no apparent plans to open new manufacturing plants in any counties in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania! On that basis they supported GOP--which lost the vote count, overall. Anyone sees why!!

Anyone sees in this thread why the Democrats won the vote count--and picked up federal legislature seats!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes have no gold for sale, after all(?) Now maybe ready for finer turquoise, instead!)

I hate to be the one to break this to you.....nothing you ever type or post reveals an education, sorry.
"White Votes Matter"

As the liberal redneck said,

But the other thing I think is, you know, it’s been my perception—it’s been the perception of white, working class people, poor people, that liberal America has basically ignored them for a really long time, and that’s part of what happened here too. There was a blind spot. They counted those people out a long time ago. They either think they’re never going to win with those people, or they don’t want them on their side, even. Because of the stereotypes of rednecks, or working class white people, I don’t think the left has made much of an effort to court them or care about them for a while.

The volume of them—how many of them there were, and how passionate and upset they were getting, they just had their blinders on when it came to that, and it bit them in the ass, ultimately.

The Liberal Redneck Warned Us to Take Trump Seriously. Here’s What He Thinks Could Happen Now.

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