Democrats hate Carson because he is black

Spotlight is on Carson tonight

He is lead dog and will get most of the questions. Hope he stays awake and appears presidential

Hope he actually did his homework this time and is prepared

Is there another debate tonight?

Seems that way....Carsons turn to be leading

These things are like political whac-a-mole where whoever pops his head up gets whacked

I haven't been watching them. I just don't see a candidate anywhere worth backing or wanting to know.
Spotlight is on Carson tonight

He is lead dog and will get most of the questions. Hope he stays awake and appears presidential

Hope he actually did his homework this time and is prepared

Is there another debate tonight?
8pm Eastern Time CNBC. The irrelevants have one at 6 Eastern Time I believe.

So far both sides have irrelevants, Not liking anyone enough to walk across the street to vote for. I am really soured on the politics and the hammering each other.
Spotlight is on Carson tonight

He is lead dog and will get most of the questions. Hope he stays awake and appears presidential

Hope he actually did his homework this time and is prepared

Is there another debate tonight?
8pm Eastern Time CNBC. The irrelevants have one at 6 Eastern Time I believe.

So far both sides have irrelevants, Not liking anyone enough to walk across the street to vote for. I am really soured on the politics and the hammering each other.
Going with total ignorance again I see. lol. And yet the high road somehow. lol
Spotlight is on Carson tonight

He is lead dog and will get most of the questions. Hope he stays awake and appears presidential

Hope he actually did his homework this time and is prepared

Is there another debate tonight?
8pm Eastern Time CNBC. The irrelevants have one at 6 Eastern Time I believe.

So far both sides have irrelevants, Not liking anyone enough to walk across the street to vote for. I am really soured on the politics and the hammering each other.
Going with total ignorance again I see. lol. And yet the high road somehow. lol

So being choosy is ignorance? You are a racist idiot. Nice going hater dupe.
Spotlight is on Carson tonight

He is lead dog and will get most of the questions. Hope he stays awake and appears presidential

Hope he actually did his homework this time and is prepared

Is there another debate tonight?
8pm Eastern Time CNBC. The irrelevants have one at 6 Eastern Time I believe.

So far both sides have irrelevants, Not liking anyone enough to walk across the street to vote for. I am really soured on the politics and the hammering each other.
Going with total ignorance again I see. lol. And yet the high road somehow. lol

So being choosy is ignorance? You are a racist idiot. Nice going hater dupe.
So you're "really soured on the politics and the hammering each other''
Is there another debate tonight?
8pm Eastern Time CNBC. The irrelevants have one at 6 Eastern Time I believe.

So far both sides have irrelevants, Not liking anyone enough to walk across the street to vote for. I am really soured on the politics and the hammering each other.
Going with total ignorance again I see. lol. And yet the high road somehow. lol

So being choosy is ignorance? You are a racist idiot. Nice going hater dupe.
So you're "really soured on the politics and the hammering each other''

I'm tired of democrats and republicans. I also tire of racists such as yourself.
Watching Carson in the debate tonight....I just don't get it

He really doesn't have a firm grasp of the issues
Watching Carson in the debate tonight....I just don't get it

He really doesn't have a firm grasp of the issues
Of course you don't get it .... you would have to be able to think to understand it and we all know you can't

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I am perfectly able to understand his weak policies

The opening question showing his tax proposal losing $2 trillion a year showed where Carson is

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Democrats can't stand when the black man steps out of line. The racist Democrats hate blacks who succeed with their own ideas.
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Carson: Democrats ‘Tend To Look More At Skin Color’
Posted by Alan Colmes | September 25, 2015
Ben Carson spoke in Jackson, MI, commemorating the birthplace of the Republican Party

Ben Carson spoke in Jackson, MI, commemorating the birthplace of the Republican Party

“I find black Republicans are treated extremely well in the Republican Party,” Carson, a former Democrat, said. “In fact, I don’t hear much about being a black Republican.”

The retired neurosurgeon said he’s generally found the Republican Party to be more welcoming than his former party.

“If you’re black and you don’t think a certain way as far as they are concerned, you’re an Uncle Tom, you’re a sellout, you’re a traitor, you hate yourself, you hate your race,” he said. “When you look at the philosophies of the two parties now, what I have noticed as a black Republican is that Republicans tend to look more at the character of people. And Democrats tend to look more at the color of their skin.”

Carson spoke to the Republican Party’s history of fighting for the abolition of slavery, saying that it was founded as an “abolitionist party.”


Carson: Democrats ‘Tend To Look More At Skin Color’ | Liberaland
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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I think Carson's tax plan will explode the deficit, and I disagree with his views on heath care and regulations. However, he seems far more likable and intelligent than Trump or most of the other candidates. Why are you obsessing on his skin color?
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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I think Carson's tax plan will explode the deficit, and I disagree with his views on heath care and regulations. However, he seems far more likable and intelligent than Trump or most of the other candidates. Why are you obsessing on his skin color?

We aren't.

We are just pointing out that, by the dem's own rules that they are being racist.

As those rules have been the rules that public discourse have been run by for quite some time, it is time they are held accountable for their racist behavior.

Oh, and sorry, but your attempt to rationalize your racism with "issues" doesn't fool anyone.

You racist.

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