Democrats Have Finally Exposed Their True Nature To Everyone.....What Are We Gonna Do About It?

What I hope conservatives do, including here.... is not carpet bomb "BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! "
And create our own version of "BDS".
Sorry, but a good example is the threads/news sites talking about Biden not wearing a mask on Federal Property. It has been customary throughout 2019 when people gave interviews/press statement they take off their mask. Otherwise we can't understand what they are saying.
This is WHITE NOISE. And if we do this for the next few years - we are the same as those we said had TDS.

There will be PLENTY of issues to post up and debate.
If we carpet bomd this site with meaningless white noise... then all we are doing is switching sides on the rock throwing contest.
What I hope conservatives do, including here.... is not carpet bomb "BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! "
And create our own version of "BDS".
Sorry, but a good example is the threads/news sites talking about Biden not wearing a mask on Federal Property. It has been customary throughout 2019 when people gave interviews/press statement they take off their mask. Otherwise we can't understand what they are saying.
This is WHITE NOISE. And if we do this for the next few years - we are the same as those we said had TDS.

There will be PLENTY of issues to post up and debate.
If we carpet bomd this site with meaningless white noise... then all we are doing is switching sides on the rock throwing contest.
I'm looking forward to discovering and using a magnificent BDS image.

Good post though.
Democrats think we can't do anything about their massive overreach.

Have they shown their true hand too soon?

"So, what is the left’s position now? They lost seats in Congress. Even more significant, they lost power in state governments. These are the same state bodies that are going to reapportion congressional districts this year. They’ve exposed their true nature to all Americans. Through their actions over the last year, they’ve revealed themselves to be petty, vindictive, dishonest autocrats. It is not an attractive look. They’ve also exposed all of their covert operators. The media, tech oligarchs, and faceless bureaucrats have taken sides -- and now we know it. Much of their power came from secrecy, which they no longer have. All of this was sacrificed to drag a demented, racist has-been across the finish line. President Asterisk enters office in the weakest position of any president in recent history. We’re not at the dawn of the left’s ascendancy. They have peaked. They’re spent. I’m sure they’re not done fighting, but their strategic position is not something to envy. It’s doubtful they can retain power.
However, what conservatives have is quite formidable. We have over 75 million followers. That number is our floor, not our ceiling. Our ranks are growing every day. The more our ruling class attempts to suppress us, the faster our movement will grow. Remember when the left used to warn us, “Don’t mistreat terrorists. They’ll use it as a recruiting tool.” They were right, and it applies here too."

Oh crap, I thought President Biden was gonna hand out free coke and we'd all get laid.

Ironic question, since the Trumpsters had just finished exposing THEIR true nature for four years.

All along, we thought you were conservatives.
Democrats think we can't do anything about their massive overreach.

Have they shown their true hand too soon?

"So, what is the left’s position now? They lost seats in Congress. Even more significant, they lost power in state governments. These are the same state bodies that are going to reapportion congressional districts this year. They’ve exposed their true nature to all Americans. Through their actions over the last year, they’ve revealed themselves to be petty, vindictive, dishonest autocrats. It is not an attractive look. They’ve also exposed all of their covert operators. The media, tech oligarchs, and faceless bureaucrats have taken sides -- and now we know it. Much of their power came from secrecy, which they no longer have. All of this was sacrificed to drag a demented, racist has-been across the finish line. President Asterisk enters office in the weakest position of any president in recent history. We’re not at the dawn of the left’s ascendancy. They have peaked. They’re spent. I’m sure they’re not done fighting, but their strategic position is not something to envy. It’s doubtful they can retain power.
However, what conservatives have is quite formidable. We have over 75 million followers. That number is our floor, not our ceiling. Our ranks are growing every day. The more our ruling class attempts to suppress us, the faster our movement will grow. Remember when the left used to warn us, “Don’t mistreat terrorists. They’ll use it as a recruiting tool.” They were right, and it applies here too."

Their 1st mistake is calling freedom loving Patriots terrorists.
Democrats think we can't do anything about their massive overreach.

Have they shown their true hand too soon?

"So, what is the left’s position now? They lost seats in Congress. Even more significant, they lost power in state governments. These are the same state bodies that are going to reapportion congressional districts this year. They’ve exposed their true nature to all Americans. Through their actions over the last year, they’ve revealed themselves to be petty, vindictive, dishonest autocrats. It is not an attractive look. They’ve also exposed all of their covert operators. The media, tech oligarchs, and faceless bureaucrats have taken sides -- and now we know it. Much of their power came from secrecy, which they no longer have. All of this was sacrificed to drag a demented, racist has-been across the finish line. President Asterisk enters office in the weakest position of any president in recent history. We’re not at the dawn of the left’s ascendancy. They have peaked. They’re spent. I’m sure they’re not done fighting, but their strategic position is not something to envy. It’s doubtful they can retain power.
However, what conservatives have is quite formidable. We have over 75 million followers. That number is our floor, not our ceiling. Our ranks are growing every day. The more our ruling class attempts to suppress us, the faster our movement will grow. Remember when the left used to warn us, “Don’t mistreat terrorists. They’ll use it as a recruiting tool.” They were right, and it applies here too."

What kind of overreach have you seen in the last 24 hours? Nice charge, but of what?
Federal mask mandate that Biden, himself, disregarded. That's the over reach. The mandate is unconstitutional in that it assumes that you are infected.
Democrats think we can't do anything about their massive overreach.

Have they shown their true hand too soon?

"So, what is the left’s position now? They lost seats in Congress. Even more significant, they lost power in state governments. These are the same state bodies that are going to reapportion congressional districts this year. They’ve exposed their true nature to all Americans. Through their actions over the last year, they’ve revealed themselves to be petty, vindictive, dishonest autocrats. It is not an attractive look. They’ve also exposed all of their covert operators. The media, tech oligarchs, and faceless bureaucrats have taken sides -- and now we know it. Much of their power came from secrecy, which they no longer have. All of this was sacrificed to drag a demented, racist has-been across the finish line. President Asterisk enters office in the weakest position of any president in recent history. We’re not at the dawn of the left’s ascendancy. They have peaked. They’re spent. I’m sure they’re not done fighting, but their strategic position is not something to envy. It’s doubtful they can retain power.
However, what conservatives have is quite formidable. We have over 75 million followers. That number is our floor, not our ceiling. Our ranks are growing every day. The more our ruling class attempts to suppress us, the faster our movement will grow. Remember when the left used to warn us, “Don’t mistreat terrorists. They’ll use it as a recruiting tool.” They were right, and it applies here too."

What kind of overreach have you seen in the last 24 hours? Nice charge, but of what?

For one, he just destroyed women's sports...
I've got a problem with sports during this scamdemic. Why is it that 22 men can line up on a football field and bump, spit, and sweat on each other, without masks, but we can't go into a restaurant and enjoy a meal with our families? I am not picking solely on football, same for basketball, soccer, baseball--all of them.
What I hope conservatives do, including here.... is not carpet bomb "BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! "
And create our own version of "BDS".
Sorry, but a good example is the threads/news sites talking about Biden not wearing a mask on Federal Property. It has been customary throughout 2019 when people gave interviews/press statement they take off their mask. Otherwise we can't understand what they are saying.
This is WHITE NOISE. And if we do this for the next few years - we are the same as those we said had TDS.

There will be PLENTY of issues to post up and debate.
If we carpet bomd this site with meaningless white noise... then all we are doing is switching sides on the rock throwing contest.
I'm looking forward to discovering and using a magnificent BDS image.

Good post though.
Show an image of thugs killing your own children. Rihanna threw her trash out as a insult to Trump. she needs to go to Barbados and give up her Five head flat nosed spoiled ass living to help her own impoverished people. Like Trump she has money. But at least Trump shared the wealth a bit.
Democrats think we can't do anything about their massive overreach.

Have they shown their true hand too soon?

"So, what is the left’s position now? They lost seats in Congress. Even more significant, they lost power in state governments. These are the same state bodies that are going to reapportion congressional districts this year. They’ve exposed their true nature to all Americans. Through their actions over the last year, they’ve revealed themselves to be petty, vindictive, dishonest autocrats. It is not an attractive look. They’ve also exposed all of their covert operators. The media, tech oligarchs, and faceless bureaucrats have taken sides -- and now we know it. Much of their power came from secrecy, which they no longer have. All of this was sacrificed to drag a demented, racist has-been across the finish line. President Asterisk enters office in the weakest position of any president in recent history. We’re not at the dawn of the left’s ascendancy. They have peaked. They’re spent. I’m sure they’re not done fighting, but their strategic position is not something to envy. It’s doubtful they can retain power.
However, what conservatives have is quite formidable. We have over 75 million followers. That number is our floor, not our ceiling. Our ranks are growing every day. The more our ruling class attempts to suppress us, the faster our movement will grow. Remember when the left used to warn us, “Don’t mistreat terrorists. They’ll use it as a recruiting tool.” They were right, and it applies here too."

What kind of overreach have you seen in the last 24 hours? Nice charge, but of what?
Federal mask mandate that Biden, himself, disregarded. That's the over reach. The mandate is unconstitutional in that it assumes that you are infected.
Looked like he took it off to speak out on the steps, but suit yourself.
The whining has begun already...mostly by assholes supported Insurrection

The Resistance will be here every minute of every day to insult, harass, demean, humiliate, and hold accountable EVERY member of the Biden administration, and all their supporters.

Get used to it.
The whining has begun already...mostly by assholes supported Insurrection
Guess I will read, listen and laugh at the Henny Pennys and Chicken Lickens off and on for four years or until I see something(s) that effect me. We just came out of 4 years of somebody that I determined sucked for sure after the first 9 months, figuring that was long enough to get the real lay of the land. I'm kind of low on righteous indignation right now over future events, except for this winter thing, without snow for the next 2 months, but don't see anybody doing anything about it, so I guess I will live with it. I miss seeing snow, though as this will be the first ski season I have had to miss since I took it up.
Democrats think we can't do anything about their massive overreach.

Have they shown their true hand too soon?

"So, what is the left’s position now? They lost seats in Congress. Even more significant, they lost power in state governments. These are the same state bodies that are going to reapportion congressional districts this year. They’ve exposed their true nature to all Americans. Through their actions over the last year, they’ve revealed themselves to be petty, vindictive, dishonest autocrats. It is not an attractive look. They’ve also exposed all of their covert operators. The media, tech oligarchs, and faceless bureaucrats have taken sides -- and now we know it. Much of their power came from secrecy, which they no longer have. All of this was sacrificed to drag a demented, racist has-been across the finish line. President Asterisk enters office in the weakest position of any president in recent history. We’re not at the dawn of the left’s ascendancy. They have peaked. They’re spent. I’m sure they’re not done fighting, but their strategic position is not something to envy. It’s doubtful they can retain power.
However, what conservatives have is quite formidable. We have over 75 million followers. That number is our floor, not our ceiling. Our ranks are growing every day. The more our ruling class attempts to suppress us, the faster our movement will grow. Remember when the left used to warn us, “Don’t mistreat terrorists. They’ll use it as a recruiting tool.” They were right, and it applies here too."

What kind of overreach have you seen in the last 24 hours? Nice charge, but of what?

For one, he just destroyed women's sports...
I've got a problem with sports during this scamdemic. Why is it that 22 men can line up on a football field and bump, spit, and sweat on each other, without masks, but we can't go into a restaurant and enjoy a meal with our families? I am not picking solely on football, same for basketball, soccer, baseball--all of them.
Similar to the media remaining mute about the fact that the summer protests included thugs who committed acts of arson, looted and damaged businesses (black and white owned), and destroyed public and private property . I almost had to laugh, if it were not so sad, while viewing media clips showing fires raging in the background,and a supposedly “reporter type” in the foreground saying, “Well, the protest has remained relatively violent free” lol Selective reporting cannot be any more biased especially when based on a corporation’s (handful of wealthy New Yorkers mostly)political views... their PERSONAL political views btw- not any peon voter’s.
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What I hope conservatives do, including here.... is not carpet bomb "BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! "
And create our own version of "BDS".
Sorry, but a good example is the threads/news sites talking about Biden not wearing a mask on Federal Property. It has been customary throughout 2019 when people gave interviews/press statement they take off their mask. Otherwise we can't understand what they are saying.
This is WHITE NOISE. And if we do this for the next few years - we are the same as those we said had TDS.

There will be PLENTY of issues to post up and debate.
If we carpet bomd this site with meaningless white noise... then all we are doing is switching sides on the rock throwing contest.
The idiot was wearing one when he was signing EOs.
He knew people would be watching him then.
What I hope conservatives do, including here.... is not carpet bomb "BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! BIDEN!!! "
And create our own version of "BDS".
Sorry, but a good example is the threads/news sites talking about Biden not wearing a mask on Federal Property. It has been customary throughout 2019 when people gave interviews/press statement they take off their mask. Otherwise we can't understand what they are saying.
This is WHITE NOISE. And if we do this for the next few years - we are the same as those we said had TDS.

There will be PLENTY of issues to post up and debate.
If we carpet bomd this site with meaningless white noise... then all we are doing is switching sides on the rock throwing contest.
The idiot was wearing one when he was signing EOs.
He knew people would be watching him then.
Bidens mask wearing has always been a bit comical. When no one is near him, and not wearing one in a group of 20 people talking.
But I don't care about that. It is white noise. We are going to have many-man-many problems and egregious acts this President will do, I don't want them to be drowned out by the white noise.
Put it this way.... as usual, Democrats here are going to avoid the real threads, about real shit - and flock to the stupid ones and make fun of it. Meanwhile Biden will be doing all manner of shit and no one is even talking about it.
I don't want to merely switch places.
I want to be better than they were with Trump.

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