Democrats Hint At Assassination In Response To Supreme Court Immunity Decision


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats Hint At Assassination In Response

To Supreme Court Immunity Decision

1 Jul 2024

Nobody likes to lose but leftists take indignant defeat to a whole new level. Though they claim to "defend democracy" in their spare time, Democrats also have a tendency to abandon the democratic process when that process interferes with their intentions to remain in power.
Case in point:
The Supreme Court's recent decision to give immunity from prosecution to Donald Trump in the case of "some official acts" taken during his tenure in office. Leftists have responded with outrage at the 6-3 decision with much of their political hopes resting on the strategy of burying Trump in as many legal battles as possible to keep him from running for president again. Democrats are now flooding social media and the news feeds with suggestions that the SC decision makes it possible for Joe Biden as president to eliminate the conservative competition "as a part of his official duties."

The tools for legally punishing presidents already exist, including impeachment and charges of treason. And, keep in mind, if Trump does not have immunity for previous actions as president, then neither does any other president. How many skeletons are in the closets of men like Bill Clinton, George W. Bush or Barack Obama?
Beyond this, assassination of a political opponent or the conservative members of the Supreme Court is not recognized as an official duty of the presidency. Democrats, as usual, take their conclusions to the dramatic extreme in order to provoke public fear through emotionally energized disinformation.
It should be noted that Presidents already have immunity from civil liability while in office and must be impeached for a violation before lawsuits can proceed. The Supreme Court has simply extended that immunity to cover criminal prosecution.
The SC is likely responding to this lawfare by limiting it to criminal cases outside of presidential acts, of which there are none. Otherwise, the chicanery on the part of Democrats would cripple the presidency for years to come and every party and president from now on would have to engage in the same lawfare in order to compete.

It is not legal now or ever has been to threaten or kill (lol) SCOTUS members...furthermore why would SCOTUS thenselves say it you propose?
This what we are dealing with here folks...pure derangement and stage five dementia.
The instant that a Supreme Court Justice is removed from office with extrajudicial force by Democrats, it will be unequivocally clear that the Constitution is null and void and that the Republic no longer exists. Civil war will soon follow.
On the subject of assassination, is that like Obama killing an American citizen in Yemen, or he and Hillary planning the death of Momar Gaddafi in Lybia?
Then there's the 61 year old question of who really killed JFK and why Democrats refuse to release all the information.
Really ?
Absurd .
That route would guarantee a national Dumbocrat vote of 178 maximum out of however many million are legally and illegally allowed to vote .

And a splendid Civil War to boost TV figures .
Why not? The SC just determined that a president could do that.
why hint? and characterizing the immune official action of an immune unitary executive as "assassination" seems a bit rude.

biden must lock this entire gang up in guantanamo as an act of self defense.
why hint? and characterizing the immune official action of an immune unitary executive as "assassination" seems a bit rude.

biden must lock this entire gang up in guantanamo as an act of self defense.
Thats right. Biden is immune because that would be an official presidential act.

Democrats Hint At Assassination In Response

To Supreme Court Immunity Decision

1 Jul 2024

Nobody likes to lose but leftists take indignant defeat to a whole new level. Though they claim to "defend democracy" in their spare time, Democrats also have a tendency to abandon the democratic process when that process interferes with their intentions to remain in power.
Case in point:
The Supreme Court's recent decision to give immunity from prosecution to Donald Trump in the case of "some official acts" taken during his tenure in office. Leftists have responded with outrage at the 6-3 decision with much of their political hopes resting on the strategy of burying Trump in as many legal battles as possible to keep him from running for president again. Democrats are now flooding social media and the news feeds with suggestions that the SC decision makes it possible for Joe Biden as president to eliminate the conservative competition "as a part of his official duties."

The tools for legally punishing presidents already exist, including impeachment and charges of treason. And, keep in mind, if Trump does not have immunity for previous actions as president, then neither does any other president. How many skeletons are in the closets of men like Bill Clinton, George W. Bush or Barack Obama?
Beyond this, assassination of a political opponent or the conservative members of the Supreme Court is not recognized as an official duty of the presidency. Democrats, as usual, take their conclusions to the dramatic extreme in order to provoke public fear through emotionally energized disinformation.
It should be noted that Presidents already have immunity from civil liability while in office and must be impeached for a violation before lawsuits can proceed. The Supreme Court has simply extended that immunity to cover criminal prosecution.
The SC is likely responding to this lawfare by limiting it to criminal cases outside of presidential acts, of which there are none. Otherwise, the chicanery on the part of Democrats would cripple the presidency for years to come and every party and president from now on would have to engage in the same lawfare in order to compete.

It is not legal now or ever has been to threaten or kill (lol) SCOTUS members...furthermore why would SCOTUS thenselves say it you propose?
This what we are dealing with here folks...pure derangement and stage five dementia.
The instant that a Supreme Court Justice is removed from office with extrajudicial force by Democrats, it will be unequivocally clear that the Constitution is null and void and that the Republic no longer exists. Civil war will soon follow.
On the subject of assassination, is that like Obama killing an American citizen in Yemen, or he and Hillary planning the death of Momar Gaddafi in Lybia?
Then there's the 61 year old question of who really killed JFK and why Democrats refuse to release all the information.

Almost certainly the post was written to show the danger of the ruling, and to show how ironic is that they're doing this to protect Trump, but it's Biden who gets the protections.

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