Democrats Ignored Last Summers Riots....But Now All Of The Sudden...They're Fomenting Fear Of Domestic Terrorism From Trump Supporters

Who just got elected to be POTUS?
And who just lost the Senate?
And who held the House?
The Democratic Communist Party used fraudulent elections.
Interesting. The election process in 2016 was just fine with you when DJT won the electoral college with 306 votes but lost the majority vote. But now all of a sudden, after DJT being in office for 4 years (with plenty of time to fix a fraudulent election system) the election process is fraudulent when Joe Biden wins a historic majority vote and 306 electoral college votes. You swallowed a great big, embarrassing, Orange Lie. Own it and 1/6/21.

And by the way, it is The Democratic Party. Get it right.

So predictable:

We knew you wouldn't be sorry for supporting a fascist coup. You're only sorry that it failed, catastrophically for your side. Now you're trying to lie about it not really being a fascist coup, using some "Democrats are just as bad!" big lies.

Nope. Democrats never attempted a violent fascist coup against the American government. Your side is all alone in supporting that kind of treason.

The two sides are total opposites. The left is peaceful and loyal, the right is violent and treasonous. No honest person can really deny that any more.

So, suck it hard, traitors. Your traitor pals will be going to jail for a long time, no matter how much you whine and how many lies you tell.
Republicans have never staged a coup? What the fuck are you smoking? :cuckoo:
So predictable:

Not a word about 2020's horrific rioting and looting....not a peep out of these degenerates.
But now they claim they're scared:

View attachment 440875

And what's a massive media hoax without the wonderfully honest Dan Rather:

And then we have the turncoat asshole Colin Powell....who helped get us into the Iraq War:

BS..Fact check: Democrats have condemned violence linked to BLM, anti-fascist protests

A handful of tepid reactions after years of violent left wing protests that have been a regular occurrence since Trump's election. We all know democratic leaders and the MSM turned a blind eye and downplayed BLM/antifa riots. Why even try to deny it?

Would that be like how Trump Humpers turn a blind eye and deaf ear to Trump's lies.

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