Democrats Intentionally Hurting Our Farmers And Companies

actually, we love our country and all the good that we ever stood for, it is YOU who hates it and hates the constitution and rule of law, who does not.... :rolleyes:

Care, you are a democrat of the old years...when a Democrat was for the people. My mother was the same type of democrat.

You really need to wake up and take a look at reality rather than toe the 'old' democrat line.

Seriously, in the state of Maine, I could share some sad stories of how the democratic party affected my family...until death do they part...

It's not only the USMCA...think of how the DACA people feel...their lives hang in the balance!

Trump puts out a 4 point plan to let the DACA people stay & gain a path to citizenship in his first SOTU address. 1.8 million of them (them & their parents & children).

The democrats wouldn't even listen to it.

the 4 points were
1-Build the wall
2-End thew visa lottery
3-End chain migration
4. Let the DACA people stay

It was a fair deal & good for EVERYBODY!


Elaborate your eloquent dissension please.
What you term "your country" does not exist, and never has.

It does exist. What you want this country to be doesn't .

Funny, your Alinsky-inspired "opposites game" is ineffective. You people took off your masks 20 years ago. We know what you are.

You don't know shit. I've never read or listened to Alinsky.

I assure you he has no idea how that applies to his opinions nor how the pap he is served (and eagerly swallows) reflects Alinsky. Not a clue.

I have a clue because if I haven't read or heard Alinsky, my views are not made in consideration of his ideas. Alinsky is a bogeymen for you right wingers to use. To me he's an old white man who was a rich white spoiled brat in the 60's.
actually, we love our country and all the good that we ever stood for, it is YOU who hates it and hates the constitution and rule of law, who does not.... :rolleyes:

No you don’t and neither do they. The only thing Republicans and Democrats care about is keeping their own power and control and none of you follow the Constitution

That's not true.

What's not true?

Virtually all of what was said.
It's not only the USMCA...think of how the DACA people feel...their lives hang in the balance!

Trump puts out a 4 point plan to let the DACA people stay & gain a path to citizenship in his first SOTU address. 1.8 million of them (them & their parents & children).

The democrats wouldn't even listen to it.

the 4 points were
1-Build the wall
2-End thew visa lottery
3-End chain migration
4. Let the DACA people stay

It was a fair deal & good for EVERYBODY!


Elaborate your eloquent dissension please.

Trump did not present any plan and he turned down a democratic deal. So your post was bullshit.
actually, we love our country and all the good that we ever stood for, it is YOU who hates it and hates the constitution and rule of law, who does not.... :rolleyes:

No you don’t and neither do they. The only thing Republicans and Democrats care about is keeping their own power and control and none of you follow the Constitution

That's not true.

What's not true?

Virtually all of what was said.
Yup … you swallow every word:
“I have a favor I want from you,” Schiff said while appearing to read from a paper. “And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that.”
Congress sure is a different place from the days of NAFTA's original passage. Trump will need to be a magician to navigate its passage. Not sure who is to blame, partly though, our presidents of late seem to have lost the art of political wheeling and dealing.

After a full day of often passionate debate, the House voted 234-200 in favor of the pact that phases out tariffs and trade barriers with Mexico and Canada. A majority of Democrats voted against the treaty, 156-102, while Republicans voted 132-43 in favor. The lone independent was opposed.​

In a quirky alignment of political forces, House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) and other Democratic leaders lined up votes against Clinton, while the president traded fire with organized labor and cozied up to his most partisan Republican enemies.

By relying on an odd coalition of centrist Democrats and Republicans to pass NAFTA, critics said, Clinton won a victory that could come at considerable cost to his relationship with unions and liberal Democrats in the House.

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It does exist. What you want this country to be doesn't .

Funny, your Alinsky-inspired "opposites game" is ineffective. You people took off your masks 20 years ago. We know what you are.

You don't know shit. I've never read or listened to Alinsky.

I assure you he has no idea how that applies to his opinions nor how the pap he is served (and eagerly swallows) reflects Alinsky. Not a clue.

I have a clue because if I haven't read or heard Alinsky, my views are not made in consideration of his ideas. Alinsky is a bogeymen for you right wingers to use. To me he's an old white man who was a rich white spoiled brat in the 60's.

He's posthumously running you people. You might want to learn something about him.
Funny, your Alinsky-inspired "opposites game" is ineffective. You people took off your masks 20 years ago. We know what you are.

You don't know shit. I've never read or listened to Alinsky.

I assure you he has no idea how that applies to his opinions nor how the pap he is served (and eagerly swallows) reflects Alinsky. Not a clue.

I have a clue because if I haven't read or heard Alinsky, my views are not made in consideration of his ideas. Alinsky is a bogeymen for you right wingers to use. To me he's an old white man who was a rich white spoiled brat in the 60's.

He's posthumously running you people. You might want to learn something about him.
IM2s cannot be taught ... they can only be led by the nose.

You don't know shit. I've never read or listened to Alinsky.

I assure you he has no idea how that applies to his opinions nor how the pap he is served (and eagerly swallows) reflects Alinsky. Not a clue.

I have a clue because if I haven't read or heard Alinsky, my views are not made in consideration of his ideas. Alinsky is a bogeymen for you right wingers to use. To me he's an old white man who was a rich white spoiled brat in the 60's.

He's posthumously running you people. You might want to learn something about him.
IM2s cannot be taught ... they can only be led by the nose.


Democrats Intentionally Hurting Our Farmers And Companies

Democrats abandoned the people long ago. They are the party of government workers and leftwing extremist. They don't give a shit about the poor, minorities, or the working class.
How in the hell can anyone support these libtarded jackasses when they're intentionally refusing to vote on the USMCA?

Nancy Pelosi has had this treaty sitting on her desk for months and refuses to expedite it just because it's Trump's deal. Every single day this doesn't get passed hurts our farmers and companies trading with Mexico and Canada.

When these jackasses rail "party before country" at Conservatives all you have to do is think of this blatant betrayal by Democrats who will intentionally screw our people to make Trump look bad.

So take your "party before country" brain fart and stick it up your mascot's ass, Democrats.[/QUOTE. ]

It’s Rea
It's called The Art of the Deal

Moscow Mitch has hundreds of passed by the House Bills, many in a bipartisan manner, sitting on his desk since the Democrats took the HOuse, that he refuses to bring up for a vote.

Nancy is following Moscow Mitch the bitch's lead, or needs something in her hands to bargain with Moscow Mitch over.....

it's simply political posturing

Where was you when Dingy Harry had over 400 bills passed by the House sitting on his desk?

Your bullshit defense of libtardos is pathetic. This treaty has a direct impact on the prosperity of our people. Not some ideological policy. It impacts inflation. It impacts GDP. It impacts capital investment.

You crusty, smelly lieberals just want a Socialist country. You can't even hide your blatant commie leanings any more.
weren't 399 of those bills to repeal Obamacare? :lol:

You may think that's funny but when America had enough of that jackass he got kicked to the curb. And you can thank Dingy Harry directly for ensuring a Conservative SCOTUS for decades to come when he dropped approving judges to a simple majority.

And Republicans may even get to seat a 7-2 court after Trump is re-elected. Enjoy!

Hey stupid! Nobody kicked Obama to the curb. He wasn’t allowed to run for a third term. If he was, he would have won in a landslide, again!

He left with a 60% approval rating. Dumb Donald can’t even get to 50%, and more than half of all Americans now think he should be impeached and removed from office.

If Trump runs for re-election, it’ll be the worst loss by a sitting President in history. Pulling out of Syria like this has even cost Trump the evangelical vote.
Got to love it the crazy Dems in the house pass stuff they know has no hope of passing in the senate then claim it is the republicans being bad actors. They try and pass off legislation that every other week everyone must take a week off work and present it as well thought out, reasonable. The funny part is their base actually laps up this pablum and repeats it.

Gone are the days when both parties sat down and worked together to create legislation that works for the country. The Dems have become so crazy no matter what happens they will only back something that make republicans or Trump look bad.

sort of like the 58 times the GOP voted in the House to repeal ObamaCare knowing it would never pass the Senate?
I oi realize that you think it is bad pointing out that Dems do things that Republicans do. But no matter how you slice it they both do it. The only difference is that Republicans don't spend as much time pushing the pablum. But you can worry that someone dares to call out your side if you want.

Don't even try to pretend you are not partisan.
Hey stupid! Nobody kicked Obama to the curb. He wasn’t allowed to run for a third term. If he was, he would have won in a landslide, again!

LMAO the American people absolutely kicked Obama to the curb. Obama went on national television and pleaded with voters to support his legacy and policies by voting for Hillary. He put his political capital, legacy, and reputation on the line and he couldn't even carry the three blue states Trump won. Here this is for you :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Democrats Intentionally Hurting Our Farmers And Companies
Democrats abandoned the people long ago. They are the party of government workers and leftwing extremist. They don't give a shit about the poor, minorities, or the working class.
The Democrat Socialist Party has dissipated the coalition that made them a viable political organization and succumbed to the rigid ideological demands of "progressives" (pronounced "regressives").


I oi realize that you think it is bad pointing out that Dems do things that Republicans do. But no matter how you slice it they both do it. The only difference is that Republicans don't spend as much time pushing the pablum. But you can worry that someone dares to call out your side if you want.

Don't even try to pretend you are not partisan.

I think it is fantastic that people point out that Dems do things that Republicans do I wish more would do it.

And I wish more people would point out that Repubs do things that the Dems do.

All it does is prove my point there is little difference between the two....which I have been saying for more than 20 years now.
How in the hell can anyone support these libtarded jackasses when they're intentionally refusing to vote on the USMCA?

Nancy Pelosi has had this treaty sitting on her desk for months and refuses to expedite it just because it's Trump's deal. Every single day this doesn't get passed hurts our farmers and companies trading with Mexico and Canada.

When these jackasses rail "party before country" at Conservatives all you have to do is think of this blatant betrayal by Democrats who will intentionally screw our people to make Trump look bad.

So take your "party before country" brain fart and stick it up your mascot's ass, Democrats.
She's just doing as Moscow Mitch does.

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