Democrats Keep Telling Us They Think They Have The Election Rigged...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
How can Democrats think that they are going to win an election when they keep showing us how reckless they are?

Well, I think it's because they really think they have the election rigged.

It's clear that they aren't popular, and the people of this country are turning on them. All you have to do is show up at one of their pitiful events. But they still act like they have a winning campaign going. This is only in their minds.

I don't listen to the news anymore because it is so petty and ridiculous I just switch it off. I'm not going to listen to propaganda designed to help a bunch of compulsive liars. I'd rather listen to country music about going to prison, and I hate country music. The media tells us who is surging even though nobody is surging. The media tells us Trump is being petty when everyone that talks about him is clearly being petty themselves. It's a pathetic display of communist engineering tactics. Psychological Warfare of the first order. They have been caught red-handed pulling so many hoaxes that the media has lost most of it's credibility.
The latest surging candidate is the fake indian. Their front-runner is turning out to be a gaff-machine who can't keep his mind on what he's saying. He's clearly showing signs of dementia....and it's getting so bad that his wife put out a video pleading to everyone to vote for her pathetic excuse of a husband just because he is the only one of a sorry list of retards that has any chance of beating Trump. So now the media is trying to prop up Liz Warren. *phffffffffffffft*

I think the left has a secret candidate in mind......maybe Michelle Obama....but she doesn't want the job. So the only solution the left has is lie their asses off about everything and hope that enough people aren't paying attention.

August 22, 2019
Elizabeth Warren, the worst of the bunch
By Patricia McCarthy
"Hi, I’m Elizabeth Warren. Even though I’m as white as library paste, I pretended to be an American Indian to get preferment. My research on medical bankruptcies was as fraudulent as the way I gamed the racial spoils system. So you should totally trust me when I say I’m “capitalist to my bones”!


Caricature by Donkey Hotey

There is quite the contest among the declared candidates for the Democrat nomination, and for reasons unknown to most of us, they are each clamoring to be the most wealth-redistributing socialist, the most radical, the nearest to communist. They each advocate for open borders to all who show up, no matter from what their home country, no matter how likely they may be to be criminals. Not one of them cares about the thousands of American citizens who are killed by illegal immigrants. No, they only care about the "poor children at the border" whose parents have either sold or rented them to drug cartels or coyotes for a price. But bleeding-heart Warren now wants to repeal the 1994 crime bill, pushed by Joe Biden at the time, and that actually worked. For wholly mysterious reasons, Warren, like the rest of the left, values criminals, legal or illegal residents, over American citizens. This is how they roll. They think this is a winning tactic, as if there are more criminals than law-abiding citizens in America and that coddling them is the answer.

While nearly all of the Democrat candidates are monstrous hypocrites, especially on climate change, Warren may well be the worst of the bunch. Her despicable record as a liar to gain a position at Harvard is well-known; she claimed to be Native American which, as we all know now, is preposterous on its face. She gave no thought to taking a position which an actual minority applicant might have won. In short, she is a woman of low character who is willing to do or say anything she supposes might work in her favor to gain power. She was once an avowed capitalist who worked for corporations to avoid insurance claims -- but no more. Now she is a fully formed anti-American who loathes the wealthy she promises to punish in order to support the deluge of migrants from around the world she assumes will reward her with their support.

She will of course grant them the right to vote as will any one of the candidates if elected. If you have entered the US illegally, then Warren and her fellow candidates are there for you. Commit a crime? No problem. The Democrats are there for you. Need free medical care? US citizens will pay. The left values you over legal citizens. Warren is the worst of the bunch. She is the "dead phony walking." She is a liar and a cheat and, if the nominee, will remind everyone of their most hated elementary school teacher. She does not talk, she harangues.

Like Hillary Clinton, Warren is contemptuous not only of Trump and his supporters but of pretty much all Americans. By her standards, we are all stupid. She overstates her significance; we are not as dumb as she thinks. She is an armchair lefty whose cheap disdain for the rest of us is all there is to her. The gamblers are betting on her to be the candidate now that Biden's dementia is showing. What does that tell us about the American left in 2019? "Evil appears as good in the minds of those whom God leads to destruction." (Sophocles) If Warren is the nominee, Trump will sail to victory with ease.
How can Democrats think that they are going to win an election when they keep showing us how reckless they are?

Well, I think it's because they really think they have the election rigged.

It's clear that they aren't popular, and the people of this country are turning on them. All you have to do is show up at one of their pitiful events. But they still act like they have a winning campaign going. This is only in their minds.

I don't listen to the news anymore because it is so petty and ridiculous I just switch it off. I'm not going to listen to propaganda designed to help a bunch of compulsive liars. I'd rather listen to country music about going to prison, and I hate country music. The media tells us who is surging even though nobody is surging. The media tells us Trump is being petty when everyone that talks about him is clearly being petty themselves. It's a pathetic display of communist engineering tactics. Psychological Warfare of the first order. They have been caught red-handed pulling so many hoaxes that the media has lost most of it's credibility.
The latest surging candidate is the fake indian. Their front-runner is turning out to be a gaff-machine who can't keep his mind on what he's saying. He's clearly showing signs of dementia....and it's getting so bad that his wife put out a video pleading to everyone to vote for her pathetic excuse of a husband just because he is the only one of a sorry list of retards that has any chance of beating Trump. So now the media is trying to prop up Liz Warren. *phffffffffffffft*

I think the left has a secret candidate in mind......maybe Michelle Obama....but she doesn't want the job. So the only solution the left has is lie their asses off about everything and hope that enough people aren't paying attention.

August 22, 2019
Elizabeth Warren, the worst of the bunch
By Patricia McCarthy
"Hi, I’m Elizabeth Warren. Even though I’m as white as library paste, I pretended to be an American Indian to get preferment. My research on medical bankruptcies was as fraudulent as the way I gamed the racial spoils system. So you should totally trust me when I say I’m “capitalist to my bones”!


Caricature by Donkey Hotey

There is quite the contest among the declared candidates for the Democrat nomination, and for reasons unknown to most of us, they are each clamoring to be the most wealth-redistributing socialist, the most radical, the nearest to communist. They each advocate for open borders to all who show up, no matter from what their home country, no matter how likely they may be to be criminals. Not one of them cares about the thousands of American citizens who are killed by illegal immigrants. No, they only care about the "poor children at the border" whose parents have either sold or rented them to drug cartels or coyotes for a price. But bleeding-heart Warren now wants to repeal the 1994 crime bill, pushed by Joe Biden at the time, and that actually worked. For wholly mysterious reasons, Warren, like the rest of the left, values criminals, legal or illegal residents, over American citizens. This is how they roll. They think this is a winning tactic, as if there are more criminals than law-abiding citizens in America and that coddling them is the answer.

While nearly all of the Democrat candidates are monstrous hypocrites, especially on climate change, Warren may well be the worst of the bunch. Her despicable record as a liar to gain a position at Harvard is well-known; she claimed to be Native American which, as we all know now, is preposterous on its face. She gave no thought to taking a position which an actual minority applicant might have won. In short, she is a woman of low character who is willing to do or say anything she supposes might work in her favor to gain power. She was once an avowed capitalist who worked for corporations to avoid insurance claims -- but no more. Now she is a fully formed anti-American who loathes the wealthy she promises to punish in order to support the deluge of migrants from around the world she assumes will reward her with their support.

She will of course grant them the right to vote as will any one of the candidates if elected. If you have entered the US illegally, then Warren and her fellow candidates are there for you. Commit a crime? No problem. The Democrats are there for you. Need free medical care? US citizens will pay. The left values you over legal citizens. Warren is the worst of the bunch. She is the "dead phony walking." She is a liar and a cheat and, if the nominee, will remind everyone of their most hated elementary school teacher. She does not talk, she harangues.

Like Hillary Clinton, Warren is contemptuous not only of Trump and his supporters but of pretty much all Americans. By her standards, we are all stupid. She overstates her significance; we are not as dumb as she thinks. She is an armchair lefty whose cheap disdain for the rest of us is all there is to her. The gamblers are betting on her to be the candidate now that Biden's dementia is showing. What does that tell us about the American left in 2019? "Evil appears as good in the minds of those whom God leads to destruction." (Sophocles) If Warren is the nominee, Trump will sail to victory with ease.
Mr. Mudwhistle, "How can Democrats think that they are going to win an election when they keep showing us how reckless they are?"
Well, someone in our USMB past picked out the perfect answer to the whys of how libbie groupthink keeps on keeping on, and it is here>>>>>: :lalala: <<<<<<<

And as for former Vice President Biden, what can I say but :laughing0301: !!!
Furthermore, I don't think he's crazy but crafty. He does not want to go to prison for threateneing and extorting a United States foreigner business partner out of a billion dollars payable with a job offer to his son while he was using his power as a Vice President of the United States to do the biggest extortion job I ever heard tell.
Most everyone on the left is pushing the recession idea. They are hoping if they scare people enough they will start believing it. If they can get enough people scared it will force a recession. After the Russia fail, the impeachment, fail, the emulments fail, the Stormy Daniels fail, they can only grasp at straws. They know full well that they will lose the election.
Has anyone noticed that the media always publishes the numbers at Trump rallies, into the thousands, yet never publishes the number of Dem attendees? Why publish numbers of a hundred or less.
The dems are splintered as usual, women, minorities, progs, unions, greens, socialists, etc.
The GOP is united, at least more than in 2016.
Trump is a 7:1 favorite in Vegas, no matter WTF the polls say.

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