Democrats: Learn from the GOP's mistakes


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Who wins an election is often no more important than who sets the agenda. Back in the 1990's Republicans such as Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Fred Thompson took a hard right stance in their policies and speeches, their fiery rhetoric and government shutdown fired up their base: and the result- Bill Clinton was reelected by a comfortable margin in 1996. Independent and swing voters decide who stays in power, and these folks don't like radicals on either side of the partisan fence. Newly elected lawmakers such as Ocasio-Cortez, are making the same mistake that many in the GOP did in the 90's. Despite all of Trump's hateful actions and speeches, his approval numbers are now back up to the mid 40's, due in no small part to the Medicare for all, and green New Deal rhetoric from Cortez and Sanders. Tone it down a little Democrats, or you'll be on the outside looking in - again.
Who wins an election is often no more important than who sets the agenda. Back in the 1990's Republicans such as Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Fred Thompson took a hard right stance in their policies and speeches, their fiery rhetoric and government shutdown fired up their base: and the result- Bill Clinton was reelected by a comfortable margin in 1996. Independent and swing voters decide who stays in power, and these folks don't like radicals on either side of the partisan fence. Newly elected lawmakers such as Ocasio-Cortez, are making the same mistake that many in the GOP did in the 90's. Despite all of Trump's hateful actions and speeches, his approval numbers are now back up to the mid 40's, due in no small part to the Medicare for all, and green New Deal rhetoric from Cortez and Sanders. Tone it down a little Democrats, or you'll be on the outside looking in - again.
Despite all of Trump's hateful actions and speeches,
Yeah build the wall, stop the raping and killing of US citizens, stop the drugs and diseases from crossing our borders....Sure is hateful actions and speeches. Not like Nanny who says that we need to let loose illegal criminals that cross the borders so they can rape and kill again, because we just dont have room for them....No hate or actions there...
I want very very very expensive electricity. I want weak power sources but lots of them, and they should be very intermittent. I want electricity that we can never rely on in a state of emergency or war. I want giant 600 foot towers everywhere I look. I want the sound of wind turbines everywhere I am. I want to see birds slaughtered by the thousands. Not just little birds but grand eagles.

I am voting for democrats cause they give us exactly this.
Who wins an election is often no more important than who sets the agenda. Back in the 1990's Republicans such as Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Fred Thompson took a hard right stance in their policies and speeches, their fiery rhetoric and government shutdown fired up their base: and the result- Bill Clinton was reelected by a comfortable margin in 1996. Independent and swing voters decide who stays in power, and these folks don't like radicals on either side of the partisan fence. Newly elected lawmakers such as Ocasio-Cortez, are making the same mistake that many in the GOP did in the 90's. Despite all of Trump's hateful actions and speeches, his approval numbers are now back up to the mid 40's, due in no small part to the Medicare for all, and green New Deal rhetoric from Cortez and Sanders. Tone it down a little Democrats, or you'll be on the outside looking in - again.
Neither side seems to be able to learn how to work for the majority of the population. most of us don't have enough money to buy one of them.
I want to see my president get rich, I want to see the people I vote for make millions. I want to see all our nasty uranium that we don't need given to Russia and if our politicians make millions doing that, then our politicians are very smart and we should simply follow them. I will vote for the Democrats.
I want to see my president get rich, I want to see the people I vote for make millions. I want to see all our nasty uranium that we don't need given to Russia and if our politicians make millions doing that, then our politicians are very smart and we should simply follow them. I will vote for the Democrats.
And she still didnt get to be president, even with the deep state behind her....

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