Democrats lie about recession

You may have a McMansion but the best restaurant within an hour is an Applebees, your standard of living isn’t as good as it seems.
I'm not talking about places out in the middle of nowhere. I am simply talking about medium to small size red cities/towns as opposed to very large blue ones.

The objective fact is that Democratic areas have much more economic output than Republican ones.

It is all relative when it comes to standard of living vs income. There are 4 Starbucks within a 5 mile radius of my home. I have some privacy, Payless taxes, and have a much nicer home than those who live in large Urban areas with similar or even higher incomes. In my particular area, the average income is also significantly higher than average, so we have the best of all worlds.
I'm not talking about places out in the middle of nowhere. I am simply talking about medium to small size red cities/towns as opposed to very large blue ones.

It is all relative when it comes to standard of living vs income. There are 4 Starbucks within a 5 mile radius of my home. I have some privacy, Payless taxes, and have a much nicer home than those who live in large Urban areas with similar or even higher incomes. In my particular area, the average income is also significantly higher than average, so we have the best of all worlds.
Standard of living is subjective.

Income is not.

The fact is that objectively blue counties are more prosperous. Far more prosperous. You can make subjective arguments about why that should or shouldn’t matter based on your own biases.

But the fact remains.
Quick rule of thumb
Lers see if US Economic Analysts declare a recession based on multiple economic factors

We can also see if that -0.9 percent gets adjusted upward as more data is received.

You seem so anxious to declare a recession
Half a million new jobs last month...

There is still clear volatility in the market which is going to take years to settle...

Trumpsters only concentrate on the negative... So guys, if you think we are going into a recession how about you sell your stocks and buy gold... Stop your whining and pull out the green and put it on the table...
I don't think so...

  1. a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters:
    "the country is in the depths of a recession" · "measures to pull the economy out of recession

Any person taking a college level economic course has learned that a recession is two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP.

But a recession isn't helpful to the democrats in furthering their agenda so they have undertaken the Orwellian task of lying reality out of existence.

Biden's top economic dog, Janet Yellen is faced with addressing the recession, and has chosen a favorite tactic of the democrat party - she is flat out lying.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen doubled down on her claim that the US economy is not in a recession — despite the fact that the latest GDP report showed its second straight quarterly decline.

Yellen said experts “should avoid a semantic battle” when discussing the US economy, even as the White House on Thursday scrambled to push back against the widely held view among economists that two straight quarters of GDP declines are the definition of a recession.}

Joe Biden lied to the America people as well.

Will the lies of the democrats lessen the impact of this recession? Will the public buy into it? Will the NY Times and other party propaganda be able to erase 200 years of economic reality to serve the current regime?

Post-pandemic, we have had strong GDP growth as the economy has recovered. This is not a recession in the classical sense. Certainly the 500,000 jobs that were created does not indicate recession. Clearly there is still a strong demand for workers. You are the ones who are lying to the American people.
Post-pandemic, we have had strong GDP growth as the economy has recovered. This is not a recession in the classical sense. Certainly the 500,000 jobs that were created does not indicate recession. Clearly there is still a strong demand for workers. You are the ones who are lying to the American people.
Not just half a million jobs last month... almost 3 million jobs since the beginning of the year when these yahoo's claim we've been in a recession.
Not just half a million jobs last month... almost 3 million jobs since the beginning of the year when these yahoo's claim we've been in a recession.
Because business does not expand in a Recession
Half a million new jobs last month...

There is still clear volatility in the market which is going to take years to settle...

Trumpsters only concentrate on the negative... So guys, if you think we are going into a recession how about you sell your stocks and buy gold... Stop your whining and pull out the green and put it on the table...
I don't think so...
So last Presidency and during Bush's term Democrats focused on the negatives. It seems to be the job of the party not in power to complain. It is old and tiring.
Standard of living is subjective.

Income is not.

The fact is that objectively blue counties are more prosperous. Far more prosperous. You can make subjective arguments about why that should or shouldn’t matter based on your own biases.

But the fact remains.

Yes, union garbage collectors in large urban areas make as much or more than some experienced engineers in many blue areas. That is factually correct.

As far as housing, a Rolls Royce is a nicer car than a Toyota Corolla. That is a subjective statement for certain, but one that most reasonable people would ascribe.
Yes, union garbage collectors in large urban areas make as much or more than some experienced engineers in many blue areas. That is factually correct.

As far as housing, a Rolls Royce is a nicer car than a Toyota Corolla. That is a subjective statement for certain, but one that most reasonable people would ascribe.
Large urban areas don’t have better economic production because their garbage collectors earn more. It’s because that’s where commerce is centered.
Large urban areas don’t have better economic production because their garbage collectors earn more. It’s because that’s where commerce is centered.

Ok, and everything is more expensive more than making up for the higher wages. I am talking about the average standard of living here.
Ok, and everything is more expensive more than making up for the higher wages. I am talking about the average standard of living here.
Is expensive because it’s in demand. It’s in demand because it’s economically prosperous.

The reason rural West Virginia isn’t in demand. You can buy a big house there for next to nothing but your economic prospects are extremely limited.

You’re bragging about a symptom of economic stagnation in red states.
Is expensive because it’s in demand. It’s in demand because it’s economically prosperous.

The reason rural West Virginia isn’t in demand. You can buy a big house there for next to nothing but your economic prospects are extremely limited.

You’re bragging about a symptom of economic stagnation in red states.

Ok, you need to travel a bit. I live in a solid blue state and in a suburb of a small city/town. My wife and I do very well economically speaking. We could move to a large red city and our salaries would increase, but we would take a significant loss in terms of our standard of living which includes our home, crime, etc.

Working from home is taking a toll on the idea that you must live in one of these large urban areas to make money. That is why we have so many former urban dwellers moving our way.
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Ok, you need to travel a bit. I live in a solid blue state and in a suburb of a small city/town. My wife and I do very well economically speaking. We could move to a large red city and our salaries would increase, but we would take a significant loss in terms of our standard of living which includes our home, crime, etc.

Working from home is taking a toll on the idea that you must live in one of these large urban areas to make money. That is why we have so many former urban dwellers moving our way.
I have no problem with your anecdote except for the fact that it’s meaningless.

Many people do fine in red counties but the data shows that the economy is far more prosperous in blue counties.

It’s not a red state vs blue state issue per se. Even in deep red states, the economy still centers around the blue counties.
Dow futures rip higher by nearly 400 points after lighter-than-expected inflation report

U.S. stock futures rose on Wednesday morning after a key inflation reading showed a better-than-expected slowdown for rising prices.

Futures for the Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 400 points, or 1.2%. S&P 500 futures gained 1.7%, while Nasdaq 100 futures jumped 2.4%.

The headline consumer price index for July rose 8.5% year over year, and was flat compared to June. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones were expecting increases of 8.7% and 0.2%, respectively.

Core inflation, which strips out volatile food and energy prices, also saw a smaller-than-expected increase.

More bad news for Repubs.
Even in deep red states, the economy still centers around the blue counties
Not true at all in my red state. The red counties are far, far more prosperous than the blue ones.
So what? Cherry picking data is very weak.
It's not cherry picking. Wealthier counties are Republican in red states. Poor counties are heavily Democrat. The numbers are a bit skewed in very urban areas but wealthier people typically vote Republican in these states. It helps to know demographics.
It's not cherry picking. Wealthier counties are Republican in red states. Poor counties are heavily Democrat. The numbers are a bit skewed in very urban areas but wealthier people typically vote Republican in these states. It helps to know demographics.
I don’t know if what you’re saying is actually true or not since you have not presented any data on it yet, but it’s a fact that you’re cherry picking data just from red states now.
Biden LIES about the recession and only minion Liberal brainwashed folks believe him, that is there is no recession.

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