Democrats Lose Another State As Florida Officially Becomes Red

It's good news, and as long as the republicans don't over play their hand, they will
have the Independents that the democrats are hemorrhaging.

You are right! :thup:........... and with DeSantis at the helm things can't go too wrong! I think this trend towards conservatism in Florida will continue!

“This is a milestone moment in Florida’s history,” said Helen Aguirre Ferré, executive director of the Republican Party of Florida.
Biden is shaping up to be a disaster for the Democrats and for the life of me I cannot fathom why?

It just does not make sense, Biden just had to exist.
And even if Biden exits, the US is sick and tired of the Left.

The Left in America has no future, it seems to me. Enough is enough.
I don't think the majority of democrats signed up for what is being thrown our way.
They voted for Brandon thinking he was actually a moderate democrat. They had no idea
that once in, Brandon was going to hand over the reigns to Bernie Sanders.
It's good news, and as long as the republicans don't over play their hand, they will
have the Independents that the democrats are hemorrhaging.

Republicans can literally do nothing, absolutely nothing, and still pick up all of those voters the Dems are hemorrhaging. And that's the problem too. Every time Republicans have been in the position where they were set to win big just by doing nothing due to the Dems mishandling of power, nothing is exactly what they did. And as a result, they handed power right back to the Dems in the subsequent election.

Just look at the 2016-2018 Republican Congress, for example. 2016 was a referendum on Obama and the dems. The Republicans accomplished jack squat and then got wiped out in 2018.
Republicans can literally do nothing, absolutely nothing, and still pick up all of those voters the Dems are hemorrhaging. And that's the problem too. Every time Republicans have been in the position where they were set to win big just by doing nothing due to the Dems mishandling of power, nothing is exactly what they did. And as a result, they handed power right back to the Dems in the next election.
I wish I could argue with you on this,'re absolutely right.
I don't think the majority of democrats signed up for what is being thrown our way.
They voted for Brandon thinking he was actually a moderate democrat. They had no idea
that once in, Brandon was going to hand over the reigns to Bernie Sanders.

He certainly did. But it's Obama that holds the reins and directs what this administration is doing... Joey Xi Bai Dung is just an empty suit.
Here in Florida Democrats use to out number Republicans 3 to 1 not too long ago. Even then they had a hard time getting anyone elected except for more moderate to conservative democrats. I and others warned them about setting a litmus test for candidates. You had to follow the national party line or nothing and now we have the results. Only 1 Democrat for National Office and 1 on a state executive level.
I don't think the majority of democrats signed up for what is being thrown our way.
They voted for Brandon thinking he was actually a moderate democrat. They had no idea
that once in, Brandon was going to hand over the reigns to Bernie Sanders.
The first day in the White House there were executive orders piled to the ceiling for him to sign. That sealed our fate for what we see now.
It's good news, and as long as the republicans don't over play their hand, they will
have the Independents that the democrats are hemorrhaging.
You can count on that at some point. They always do. The Dems are doing it now.
Dems will lose many more states when this gets out - Biden and Dems include a $280 BILLION tax cut for millionaires in the build back better act. It's the largest single provision. $280 billion tax giveaway to millionaires, nice one Dems.
Trump is furious with Desantis bleating that he's not grateful enough to Trump. What are you going to do??

Does this combination of words actually mean something in your warped little mind? Or have you just been reading the "Daniel Palos Manual for Creating Unintelligible Forum Posts"?

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