Democrats Lose Another State As Florida Officially Becomes Red

And even if Biden exits, the US is sick and tired of the Left.

The Left in America has no future, it seems to me. Enough is enough.
The left's fate was sealed after the 2010 purge of moderate Dems. It was the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years. Most of the radical left wing survived and some openly were glad their moderates were now out of the way.

Does this combination of words actually mean something in your warped little mind? Or have you just been reading the "Daniel Palos Manual for Creating Unintelligible Forum Posts"?

Trump has threatened Desantis.. He demands loyalty.
Amazing Florida!

Bless Floridians, Bless DeSantis! :2up:

Let all of America follow their example and go Red! It's about time! :clap:

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Hasn't Florida been red for decades?

All those Cuban-Americans?
It’s not wise to invoke Cubans and disallow posts mentioning Arabs. This is a state matter, so DNA matters, especially because Obama-Biden administration links to funding for vaccine teecchnology that is now being mandated. The Kenyan State will tell the DNA what category it will go into for the archives. Thus an Arab son fronting as a black to help win an election that eventually mandates vaccines will also be critiqued. The karma should eventually demand a price.

’Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother’s side, 43.75% Arab, and 6.25% African Negro from his father’s side. Obama’s father was only 12.5% African Negro, 87.5% Arab. His father’s birth certificate even states that he is an Arab, not African Negro.’
(Letter From Matar, Women in Green, Jerusalem, Jun 2008)

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