Democrats love this crap....


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
On Saturday, a military-style vehicle was seen rolling down the palm-tree-lined Ocean Drive on social media as outnumbered Miami Beach police officers struggled to disperse the raucous crowds. Tourists were urged to stay inside their hotels and pedestrians or vehicles were not allowed to enter the restricted area after 8 p.m.

More competent leadership in a democratic city.
More competent leadership in a democratic city.

Dumbass DeSantis opened up his state right before Spring Break and said “Come on Down”

They did

Allowing the people to make their own decisions is "dumbass" now?

Whatever happened to the liberal "pro-choice" policy?
Exactly. You go to spring break during COVID you are a dumbass.
You kill a fetus who needs oxygen to survive you are exercising you right to choose.

Where the fuck did we go wrong?
Allowing the people to make their own decisions is "dumbass" now?
Please exhibit a modicum of common sense and social responsibility when you get in a tizzy because our government of, by, and for the People insists that you wear pants in public and drive on the right side of the road.
Allowing the people to make their own decisions is "dumbass" now?
Please exhibit a modicum of common sense and social responsibility when you get in a tizzy because our government of, by, and for the People insists that you wear pants in public and drive on the right side of the road.
Non sequitur, Karen.
Exactly. You go to spring break during COVID you are a dumbass.
You kill a fetus who needs oxygen to survive you are exercising you right to choose.
You exhibit common sense, the advice of medical experts, and social responsibility, and you are submitting to State oppression.

You insist that the State should not dictate that the control of wombs must be arrogated by politicians and bureaucrats but, rather, respect a women's right to make personal decisions in consultation with her trusted spiritual and medical advisers and loved ones, and you are being uppity.
Allowing the people to make their own decisions is "dumbass" now?
Please exhibit a modicum of common sense and social responsibility when you get in a tizzy because our government of, by, and for the People insists that you wear pants in public and drive on the right side of the road.
With very little taxes you are right. That is not what we have.
Allowing the people to make their own decisions is "dumbass" now?
Please exhibit a modicum of common sense and social responsibility when you get in a tizzy because our government of, by, and for the People insists that you wear pants in public and drive on the right side of the road.
most, if not all people, will wear pants in public and drive on the right side of the road. They dont need a government mandate. The ones that dont? They dont care what the government mandate is and will do the opposite anyway.

Sort of like the gun situation. Those that want to use a gun and kill someone really don't give a fuck if there is a law preventing the ownership of a gun.....why? Because there is a law against killing someone. Not rocket scinece.
most, if not all people, will wear pants in public and drive on the right side of the road. They dont need a government mandate. The ones that dont? They dont care what the government mandate is and will do the opposite anyway.

Sort of like the gun situation. Those that want to use a gun and kill someone really don't give a fuck if there is a law preventing the ownership of a gun.....why? Because there is a law against killing someone. Not rocket scinece.
The logical conclusion of some illogical extremists is that all crime may as well be legalized because criminals will commit crime anyway.

Governments of, by, and for the People seek a balance of private and public interests through the democratic process.

Wear pants when you mince around in public. Whether you do so out of consideration for the sensibilities of others or because you get arrested when you don't is of no practical consequence.
most, if not all people, will wear pants in public and drive on the right side of the road. They dont need a government mandate. The ones that dont? They dont care what the government mandate is and will do the opposite anyway.

Sort of like the gun situation. Those that want to use a gun and kill someone really don't give a fuck if there is a law preventing the ownership of a gun.....why? Because there is a law against killing someone. Not rocket scinece.
The logical conclusion of some illogical extremists is that all crime may as well be legalized because criminals will commit crime anyway.

Governments of, by, and for the People seek a balance of private and public interests through the democratic process.

Wear pants when you mince around in public. Whether you do so out of consideration for the sensibilities of others or because you get arrested when you don't is of no practical consequence.
Crime...or what is defined as laws are nothing but guidelines. Those who obey them more often than not would do the same for personal safety and safety for others whether a law or not. Those that disobey them would do so whether they were crimes or not as they have little concern about personal safety and the safety of others.
However......laws are in place to deter those that want to but wont because they don't want to be fined or jailed.
But lets be real....if someone wants to rob a bank, they dont say to themselves "robbing a bank is against the law"....
More competent leadership in a democratic city.

Dumbass DeSantis opened up his state right before Spring Break and said “Come on Down”

They did
And he still has one of the lowest mortality rates on the planet.

No he doesn't. If Florida was a country, it would have the 17TH HIGHEST DEATH RATE IN THE WORLD, based on deaths per million of population. MEXICO has a lower death rate than Florida.

The ONLY reason that Florida and Texas have a lower rate of death than California or New York is because the infection hit both of those states later. They could have learned from what others did better, and had a death rate like Canada, or even lower, but the death rate is nearly 3X the death rate in Canada.
....if someone wants to rob a bank, they dont say to themselves "robbing a bank is against the law"....
They are far less to do so because it is against the law, and because the law has consequences.
My point exactly. The laws of the land are not for those who do the right thing. They are for those that question whether they should do the wrong thing....and not because it is the wrong thing....they question whether the consequences for doing what they prefer are worth the consequences.

Truth be told....someone who is hell bent on murdering someone does not give a fuck if there is a law against buying a gun illegally.
....someone who is hell bent on murdering someone does not give a fuck if there is a law against buying a gun illegally.
Certainly, that underscores the failure of capital punishment, the State arrogating the right to kill people in cold blood, serving as a deterrent to murder, besides which, those who still do don't usually plan to be caught.

Gun laws can only make it more difficult to obtain a gun for someone intent on murder. Permissiveness does not.

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