Democrats love this crap....

....someone who is hell bent on murdering someone does not give a fuck if there is a law against buying a gun illegally.
Certainly, that underscores the failure of capital punishment, the State arrogating the right to kill people in cold blood, serving as a deterrent to murder, besides which, those who still do don't usually plan to be caught.

Gun laws can only make it more difficult to obtain a gun for someone intent on murder. Permissiveness does not.
I do not support capital not sure where that came from. I guess an assumption on your part. You dont know me personally, so I understand why you thought otherwise.

If someone wants to murder and gun laws wont allow that individual to go to Bass Pro Shops to buy a gun, that individual will buy a gun on the street or grab a steak knife, hammer or bow and arrow.
I do not support capital not sure where that came from. I guess an assumption on your part. You dont know me personally, so I understand why you thought otherwise.
I never opined concerning your position concerning capital punishment one way or another.
If someone wants to murder and gun laws wont allow that individual to go to Bass Pro Shops to buy a gun, that individual will buy a gun on the street or grab a steak knife, hammer or bow and arrow.
I can't speak for the murder-disposed, but the more impediments they encounter in acquiring their preferred murder weapon, the better. Perhaps,a reasonable waiting period while their criminal record is checked can also serve as a cooling off period during which they come to their senses.
I do not support capital not sure where that came from. I guess an assumption on your part. You dont know me personally, so I understand why you thought otherwise.
I never opined concerning your position concerning capital punishment one way or another.
If someone wants to murder and gun laws wont allow that individual to go to Bass Pro Shops to buy a gun, that individual will buy a gun on the street or grab a steak knife, hammer or bow and arrow.
I can't speak for the murder-disposed, but the more impediments they encounter in acquiring their preferred murder weapon, the better. Perhaps,a reasonable waiting period while their criminal record is checked can also serve as a cooling off period during which they come to their senses.
That would work if their was not an market.
And to be frank...if one wants to buy a gun to murder someone, they likely already own one...and if they dont and they cant get one, they will use a tree chipper if they need to.
That would work if their was not an market.
And to be frank...if one wants to buy a gun to murder someone, they likely already own one...and if they dont and they cant get one, they will use a tree chipper if they need to.
There being an illegal market for guns with which to murder is not a reason for permissiveness, imho.

Committing a crime in trying to buy a gun illegally can be the reason the murder is prevented.

If the murderer needs to resort to tree chippers, bludgeoning with a frozen squirrel, or 40 kilo blocks of Jello® dropped from a high building to kill, those are less preferred and less efficient methods of killing for understandable reasons.
Allowing the people to make their own decisions is "dumbass" now?
Please exhibit a modicum of common sense and social responsibility when you get in a tizzy because our government of, by, and for the People insists that you wear pants in public and drive on the right side of the road.
most, if not all people, will wear pants in public and drive on the right side of the road. They dont need a government mandate. The ones that dont? They dont care what the government mandate is and will do the opposite anyway.

Sort of like the gun situation. Those that want to use a gun and kill someone really don't give a fuck if there is a law preventing the ownership of a gun.....why? Because there is a law against killing someone. Not rocket scinece.

Both wearing pants and driving on the right side of the road (in North America, at least), things have been mandated by law for generations - so long that people don't consider doing anything any differently. THAT 's the true effect of mandating behaviour.

When I was growing up, people drove down the road with a beer in hand. In the 1960's, when drinking and driving laws first were passed, people were appalled. A bunch of the usual suspects were sitting around having a beer one Saturday, when I overheard one of them say ".08!!!! The only time I ever drive is when I'm too drunk to walk!".

Since then, there have been law suits against people who knowingly serve alcohol to those they know will be driving, and driving after drinking is now socially unacceptable, and those who get arrested for it, are arrested, jailed, lose their license, and watch their insurance rates quadruple for years thereafter, even if they don't harm someone. Today, only alcoholics or real assholes drive drunk, because it's just not worth the risk.

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