Democrats Make Their Decision: They Are Ridin’ with Biden Despite Deep Concerns


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats Make Their Decision:

They Are Ridin’ with Biden Despite Deep Concerns

9 Jul 2024 ~~ By Nick Gilbertson

The coup to replace President Joe Biden as the Democrat nominee appears to be sputtering as prominent Democrats are publicly lining up behind the presumptive nominee despite deep private concerns documented within the party.
From vulnerable Democrat senators trying to win reelection in red and purple states, to squad members from deep blue districts, to the chairs of the Congressional Black and Hispanic Caucuses, the party is publicly rallying behind an extremely vulnerable Biden to be at the top of the ticket this fall.
Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bob Casey (D-PA), and Jon Tester (D-MT), who face extremely competitive Senate races, refused Monday to abandon Biden—who, along with his family, is adamant he is remaining in the race.


Democrats are in a conundrum... If they get rid of Joe at this point they have to start all over again. Problem is that Joe has that money tied up in his campaign.
Vulnerable Democrats are "lining up behind Biden". At the same time they don't want to be seen in public anywhere near him.
Joe Biden supposedly got 81 million votes in 2020. To this day nobody explained how that totaled from a guy who campaigned in his basement.
He was just as brain dead then as he is now. If they are all rallying around Biden right now, that means they have something they're cooking up for November. Probably the fake ballots are already printed.
Strange isn't it. Both UK and France had elections and the results were announced that day! Why can't we have that here?
Why has it become so complicate in America?

its only going to get worse for the guy physically and mentally....he has had 2 brain aneurysm already,he is lucky to be alive.........pressure is a mother fucker.....
I think it has more to do with the BCF showing-up and digging in their heels.....Even FJB's doctor is in on the BCF's grift.

Barring being 25thed by his cabinet FJB is not going anywhere unless the Reaper takes him.....The sooner the better IMHO.
Trump said on the radio today that Biden owns those democrat delegates. He won them. They cannot be handed over to Kamala.

Trump said the 25th Amendment is the only way they could get rid of Biden, but they have run out of time.
No matter who the democrats put forward voters must come out in large numbers in order to defeat the electoral college. RINO's don't have enough voters to succeed thus they rely on voter suppression, voter fraud and lies to make the Electoral College win it for them.

Moderate Republicans should consider voting with democrats to save the USA and kick the electoral college out of the way.

Harris is the logical choice because she has access to the Biden/Harris campaign money which is important.

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Democrats Make Their Decision:

They Are Ridin’ with Biden Despite Deep Concerns

9 Jul 2024 ~~ By Nick Gilbertson

The coup to replace President Joe Biden as the Democrat nominee appears to be sputtering as prominent Democrats are publicly lining up behind the presumptive nominee despite deep private concerns documented within the party.
From vulnerable Democrat senators trying to win reelection in red and purple states, to squad members from deep blue districts, to the chairs of the Congressional Black and Hispanic Caucuses, the party is publicly rallying behind an extremely vulnerable Biden to be at the top of the ticket this fall.
Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bob Casey (D-PA), and Jon Tester (D-MT), who face extremely competitive Senate races, refused Monday to abandon Biden—who, along with his family, is adamant he is remaining in the race.


Democrats are in a conundrum... If they get rid of Joe at this point they have to start all over again. Problem is that Joe has that money tied up in his campaign.
Vulnerable Democrats are "lining up behind Biden". At the same time they don't want to be seen in public anywhere near him.
Joe Biden supposedly got 81 million votes in 2020. To this day nobody explained how that totaled from a guy who campaigned in his basement.
He was just as brain dead then as he is now. If they are all rallying around Biden right now, that means they have something they're cooking up for November. Probably the fake ballots are already printed.
Strange isn't it. Both UK and France had elections and the results were announced that day! Why can't we have that here?
Why has it become so complicate in America?

/——/ It always was announced within a day. But democRATs figured out how to stuff the ballot box and turn everything upside down. Bastards.

Democrats Make Their Decision:

They Are Ridin’ with Biden Despite Deep Concerns

9 Jul 2024 ~~ By Nick Gilbertson

The coup to replace President Joe Biden as the Democrat nominee appears to be sputtering as prominent Democrats are publicly lining up behind the presumptive nominee despite deep private concerns documented within the party.
From vulnerable Democrat senators trying to win reelection in red and purple states, to squad members from deep blue districts, to the chairs of the Congressional Black and Hispanic Caucuses, the party is publicly rallying behind an extremely vulnerable Biden to be at the top of the ticket this fall.
Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bob Casey (D-PA), and Jon Tester (D-MT), who face extremely competitive Senate races, refused Monday to abandon Biden—who, along with his family, is adamant he is remaining in the race.


Democrats are in a conundrum... If they get rid of Joe at this point they have to start all over again. Problem is that Joe has that money tied up in his campaign.
Vulnerable Democrats are "lining up behind Biden". At the same time they don't want to be seen in public anywhere near him.
Joe Biden supposedly got 81 million votes in 2020. To this day nobody explained how that totaled from a guy who campaigned in his basement.
He was just as brain dead then as he is now. If they are all rallying around Biden right now, that means they have something they're cooking up for November. Probably the fake ballots are already printed.
Strange isn't it. Both UK and France had elections and the results were announced that day! Why can't we have that here?
Why has it become so complicate in America?

Run Joe run
Trump's going to best the diaper rash off your ass.
The power structure apparently believes that they can cheat well enough to drag him across the finish line again....Or they're counting on him ending up like Scalia in the not-too-distant future.
No cheating needed. Not in the past and not in the future
We don't know because everything is a secret in the administration that once touted itself as the "most transparent". Indications are that the democrat party is in chaos but nobody is talking and the media isn't really interested in finding out.

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