Democrats Move to Make Gun-Makers Liable for Gun Crimes

If someone steals a Mustang, gets drunk, drives like an idiot, and runs a bus full of kids off a cliff, is Ford legally liable?
Why not?

When I stop laughing I have to pause to think just how idiotically stupid this is.

Do we hold car makers accountable for all vehicle deaths?

Do we go after distillers for the deaths caused by their beverages?

We also make big Pharma pay up for every prescription drug related death?

Democratic lawmakers introduced legislation Tuesday to hold gun manufacturers liable for crimes committed with their products.

The measure, introduced in both the House and Senate, seeks to repeal legislation passed in 2005 that enacted litigation protections for the gun industry, National Public Radio reported.

Responsible actors in the gun industry don’t need this limitation on liability. And the irresponsible ones don’t deserve it,” California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, said at a press conference Tuesday.

Victims of gun violence deserve their day in court.

Watch as @SenBlumenthal and I, alongside activists with @MomsDemand, @NewtownAction, @bradybuzz & @GiffordsCourage, introduce legislation to hold the gun industry accountable: End Special Protections for the Gun Industry - Repeal PLCAA
Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) June 11, 2019
All we’re doing through this proposal is giving victims of gun violence their day in court,” said Connecticut Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal, co-sponsor of the bill’s Senate version.

More @ Democrats Move to Make Gun-Makers Liable for Gun Crimes

Blame everyone but the shooter.. the gun, the maker, the cops... just anyone.
Do we hold car makers accountable for all vehicle deaths?
Do we go after distillers for the deaths caused by their beverages?
We also make big Pharma pay up for every prescription drug related death?
1) Not all but some yes.
2) No
3) Yes
We hold car manufactures accountable for vehicle deaths caused by manufacturing or design defects.

If a person points a firearm in a particular direction and pulls the trigger, which causes the firing pin to strike the detonation cap on the cartridge, igniting the powder and sending the cartridge tip out the barrel in the direct pointed at a high rate of speed....the firearm performed as designed and as manufactured without defects.

If that person deliberately points the barrel of that firearm toward the body of another person and fires, that firearm was deliberately used as a deadly weapon, which should relieve ANY manufacturer of such a firearm of ANY liability, because the SOLE PROXIMATE CAUSE was the intentional actions of the user.

The same can be said for the operator of an automobile. If the firearm manufacturer can be held liable for the deliberate, intentional acts of a user in causing death or serious bodily injury to another, the same standard can and should be applied when an operator deliberately points the automobile at another person and runs them over.

Holding gun manufacturers liable for the deliberate acts of users will not only ass fuck the inalienable rights of people to keep/bear arms, but will also turn centuries of tort law right on its head.

This is far more reaching than just gun rights.

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Can we make Liberals responsible for economic disasters that are always caused by Liberal economic policies?

That would be fair, wouldn't it?
Not really.
Not really?

This opens the door for automatic strict liability for ANY manufacturer of ANYTHING. It sure the hell is far more reaching than just guns.

But, I agree that guns are the STATED target.

This is a move for government ownership of the means of all production.

Why does the gun industry have special protection ?
Because of people who want to bring lawsuits that would be thrown out of court if they were brought against any other manufacturer.
All these people need do, see, is fund a sympathetic liberal judge to allow such a suit; the law passed by Congress denies those people and that judge said opportunity.

Every other manufacturer is immune to liability when their legal product is stolen from its legal owner and then used to commit a crime -- why should gun manufacturers be an exception?
Why does the gun industry have special protection ?
Why does any industry get protection? CASH FLOW! The flow of money is what keeps civilizations alive. You end the purchase and sales of guns, you end all the jobs related to guns? How many people will be out of work? Hunting and gun firing is a hobby and people throw their whole paychecks into. You get rid of that money sponge and shit... We're fucked. Not just domestically, but internationally as well. How many countries does the USA supply weapons for? Those guys don't make their own guns, ammo, tanks, fighters -- We do, and we get good fucking money for it.
Why does the gun industry have special protection ?

Because they are targets of the left.

The left are anti-American. In other words, they hate our Constitution that gives Americans the right to own a firearm. Since they can't change our Constitution, they look for ways to undermine it.

There won't be any guns for law abiding citizens if there is no place to buy them. Democrats want a disarmed public to create a larger group of victims. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
If they can go after guns then they should be able to go after cars.

How many people are killed in car accidents every year?? Its gotta be the cars fault. Not the person driving it.

Just like guns. The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

They should let us all know when they can regulate and control dipshits who use guns to commit crimes.

Another load of horse shit brought to you by professional politicians who think voters are dumber than dirt.

Guns are very similar to this internet we're using.

Most of us use the internet for good things like staying informed of the news, talking with people that have the same interests like here on USMB, learning new things whether it be fixing a washing machine or studying a foreign culture, staying in touch with friends and family be it email, social media, or face to face private conversations.

But the internet can also be used for evil, such as scamming people out of their money, using it to upload or download child porn, advertising a fake product so you can lure your victim into a situation of robbery or murder, learning how to make bombs or contact foreign terrorists.

But what would happen to this internet if we held Microsoft and Apple accountable for the evils people use the internet for? What would happen if we held cell phone companies liable for the same reasons? Or perhaps your internet provider? Or social media because some school kid committed suicide due to hate posts on Facebook?
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