Democrats Now With 201 House Seats--19 Pick-Up--FoxTV Ratings Plunge(?)--West Loses.


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Soon no one will watch Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News-Anymore: Except for aging Romney advisers, and maybe Karl Rove. The Tea-Cajones of the U. S. House of Represenatives are down to 49. FL Rep. West conceded. That leaves only one member of any House Black Caucus to chat with.

Florida Representative Allen West concedes defeat - Yahoo! News

17 votes is all that Pelosi needs, on matters affecting money. . .or gifts. . .or however the 234 GOP House members talk. Likely even drought-stricken states have no need of a fiscal cliff. Pundits may wonder if they even need. . .dikes anymore. Money they probably could use.

Approaching the federal holiday, when The Republicans sit down to thank Obama-Biden for all the gifts that so many enjoy: Anyone can now include Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Reid in the general chorus of songs and satiation gutteral and flatulent noise-making. Black Friday even starts the very day after!

Turning back the 2010 Red Tide starts with the first 19 seats, continues on into the holiday season! Turning backs on the 49 Tea Cajones has likely already begun!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Cajones shown not good way to do official business after all--Even after Romney, now of the empty chair(?)!)
Shame, west is one of the few I respect.

Democrats are a party all about hate, free shit and bowing to everything wrong in this world.
Honestly what is wrong with West?

We need more like him and Cain to teach hard work to the younger generation.
Shame, west is one of the few I respect.

Democrats are a party all about hate, free shit and bowing to everything wrong in this world.

November 20, 2012

Another Teabagger Bites-The-Dust!!!!!

"Republican U.S. Representative Allen West, a favorite of the conservative Tea Party movement, conceded defeat on Tuesday after two weeks of challenges and partial recounts that only widened his Florida congressional opponent's victory in the November 6 election.

"While many questions remain unanswered, today I am announcing that I will take no further action to contest the outcome of this election," said the outspoken West, who had sought re-election to a second term in Congress.




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Funny how you elected a WHITE MAN to replace someone honorable like Allen West. I'm not going to say it.
Funny how you elected a WHITE MAN to replace someone honorable like Allen West. I'm not going to say it.

It's okay, I will.
YOU RACISTS!!!!!!!!111111!!!!111oneoneoneoneeleven

In all seriousness, though, I blame the Republican party for Allen West not getting reelected what with that gerrymandering and all.
Funny how you elected a WHITE MAN to replace someone honorable like Allen West. I'm not going to say it.

West is a radical right wing, america hating piece of shit that should be in prison for war crimes.
And if all members of the House of Reps would put Constitutional inclusion first, above party politics, then all conflicts would have to be resolved up front, in order to pass legislation that represent all parties equally without discrimination, instead of majority rule by one party's agenda over the other's (which is a form of discrimination by excluding on the basis of party). *IF* we enforced the Code of Ethics for Govt Service and *IF* we started holding officials to the Constitution instead of party agenda....

Soon no one will watch Fantacize-Along-With-Fox-TV-News-Anymore: Except for aging Romney advisers, and maybe Karl Rove. The Tea-Cajones of the U. S. House of Represenatives are down to 49. FL Rep. West conceded. That leaves only one member of any House Black Caucus to chat with.

Florida Representative Allen West concedes defeat - Yahoo! News

17 votes is all that Pelosi needs, on matters affecting money. . .or gifts. . .or however the 234 GOP House members talk. Likely even drought-stricken states have no need of a fiscal cliff. Pundits may wonder if they even need. . .dikes anymore. Money they probably could use.

Approaching the federal holiday, when The Republicans sit down to thank Obama-Biden for all the gifts that so many enjoy: Anyone can now include Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Reid in the general chorus of songs and satiation gutteral and flatulent noise-making. Black Friday even starts the very day after!

Turning back the 2010 Red Tide starts with the first 19 seats, continues on into the holiday season! Turning backs on the 49 Tea Cajones has likely already begun!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Cajones shown not good way to do official business after all--Even after Romney, now of the empty chair(?)!)
Honestly what is wrong with West?

We need more like him and Cain to teach hard work to the younger generation.

I think you answered your own question, Matthew
He would teach the value of hard work to younger generations.

Not the shortcuts that Obama got by privilege and political connections, which everyone wants so they don't have to face reality of how much work it really takes.
We need more like him and Cain to teach hard work to the younger generation.

Cain would still be running if he had not been asked to leave by his own party while West was told the same thing by the voters.
Karl Rove more likely has an unemployment check, than Fox TV News likely having a database on much of anything, now! For one thing, the 1% got pricier, and probably not now inclined to watch ads on Fox!

What it takes to get into the top 1% - Nov. 20, 2012

"Gifts" and "Trusts" mean different things to different people. Obama-Biden may have bestowed enough in "gifts:" That now the 1% are way more gifted than they were--in that different sense of "gifted." In that, too, they "trust."

Romney-Ryan deserved the title of, "The Two Supid Guys, Way Too Stupid." That does mean that actually they came in second!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not know that second is different from first, where "Who" is sometimes on. . .in history of entertainment(?)!)

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