Democrats, Pacifism, and Felons


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Following WWI, and reaching an apex during the Vietnam War, the Left has generally been hostile to anything having to do with war, often embracing pacifism. The bumper-sticker “War is Not the Answer” expresses a nearly universal Left-wing view.
a. The Left believes that just about every conflict can be settled through negotiations, that war solves nothing, and that American expenditures on defense are merely a sign of militarism, imperialism, and the insatiable appetite of the “military-industrial complex.”
b. In fact, violence is deemed immoral, and the use of the military considered nefarious, unless it is used as boy scouts would be.
Dennis Prager

c. Actually, pacifism is immoral, as it stands in the way of dealing with evil.

2. The domestic version of pacifism is practiced regularly by Liberal elected officials. The was Massachusetts Democrat Governor Dukakis, who " believed that it was “rehabilitative” for prisoners to be allowed to roam the streets unsupervised in what was known as the Prison Furlough Program.... convicted murderer Willie Horton was released from the Northeastern Correctional Center in Concord. Under state law, he had become eligible for an unguarded, 48-hour furlough. He never came back....Horton punched, pistol-whipped, and kicked Barnes – and also cut him 22 times across his midsection.
When Barnes’ fiancée Angela returned that evening, Horton gagged her and savagely raped her twice." Dukakis & Willie*Horton ? The Forerunner

3. Then there was Illinois Democrat Governor Pat Quinn..."To have a consistent, perfect death penalty system ... that's impossible in our state," Quinn told reporters. "I think it's the right and just thing to abolish the death penalty and punish those who commit heinous crimes -- evil people -- with life in prison without parole and no chance of release."
Illinois governor signs death penalty ban | Reuters

4. And California Democrat Pat Brown:
"Taking a page from Dukakis’ book, California Governor Jerry Brown is now making a habit of paroling convicted murders. According to Brown, he expunged the records of 128 felons last year, and also gave the greenlight to parole for 377 convicted murders, a full 81 percent of all those the parole board recommended go free. Virtually all other California governors have rejected such pleas from the parole board."
CA Gov. Brown Paroles 377 Convicted Killers

And, in a related story....

5. "Joe Biden Says You Don't Need Assault Weapons
Elmira, N.Y. - Vice President Joe Biden says he doesn't think you need assault style rifles in order to protect your home from an intruder.
He made those comments on Tuesday night at a facebook town hall meeting.

Biden was asked by a woman named Kate who wondered if the federal government bans certain military-style weapons and high capacity magazines, would that make law abiding citizens a target for criminals. This was his response.

Biden said, “If you want to protect yourself, get a double barrel shotgun. Have the shells for the .12 gauge shotgun and I promise you, as I told my wife, if ever there is a problem, just walk on the balcony here or walk out and put that double barrel shotgun in the air and fire two blasts outside the house. You don't need an AR 15.”
Joe Biden Says You Don't Need Assault Weapons - WETM 18 Online

And, by an inexplicable coincidence, Vice-President Biden happens to belong to the same political party as Michael Dukakis, Pat Quinn and Pat Brown.

How 'bout this...

"Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court."
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! Do you think this should be allowed or not?

"Currently jailed felons are only allowed to vote in Maine and Vermont. Democrats would like to change state laws so all currently jailed inmates even those with felony records can vote including those out on parole and awaiting release from prison. With 5.8 million convicts that is a lot of votes. Democrats also know that 80 percent of all felons polled would vote democrat so now we can see the reason behind the push for prisoner rights."

Victim rights advocates call the push by democrats “insulting” and a “slap in the face to all victims of crime”. This issue will not be decided in time for this election, but democrats say they will continue to fight for a prisoner’s right to vote in all local and national elections.
Why Democrats Want Jailed Felons To Vote | Medford Oregon City Search

What's the common denominator.....?
Are you talking about pacifism, penitentiary reform, or gun control. You say "in a related story", related to what?

"What is the common denominator?" The same rattle brained person put all five of this topics in one post?
Are you talking about pacifism, penitentiary reform, or gun control. You say "in a related story", related to what?

"What is the common denominator?" The same rattle brained person put all five of this topics in one post?

Now stop fibbing..... can connect those dots, can't you.

I understand the practiced blindness of the Left, as you evince...'cause without that pretense, you couldn't find a way to support that political philosophy.

Isn't that true?
Democrats are more worried about making prisoners comfortable or releasing them early than they are about punishing and reforming them. The criminals will be released even though they are just as dangerous, if not more so, than when they were convicted.

They treat terrorism the same. They were more aghast at the thought of enhanced interrogation than countless acts of mass murder by terrorist organizations. While the worst attack on our soil has been reduced to a national day of volunteering, enhanced interrogation remains a huge issue with the left. Forgiving those ruthless murderers fits in with their pacifist nature. Coming down hard on terrorists and other murderers is what they see as unforgivable. While they use the death of innocents as an excuse to disarm the public, don't expect them to shed a tear for the countless victims who will die because they are unable to protect themselves.

They pretend that no one really wants to harm others and all that is needed is some kindness to encourage killers to change their evil ways. Fighting against evil isn't an option for the left. Pacifying those who are evil temporarily makes things seem okay and worthless "feel good" legislation has always been preferrable to those who are unwilling or unable to admit that there are evil people and that it's okay to literally fight against them.

I would like to see our prison system operate more as rehabilitation centers instead of training grounds for criminals and gangs. As it is, they are thrown in there to fend for themselves and it would seem the guards aren't able to protect prisoners from other prisoners.

We have to acknowledge that there are psychopaths in this world who were born without a conscience and will never change. They kill people with less emotion than most do killing spiders. Members of the drug cartels, gangs and terrorists are a lot alike. Killing people is all in a day's work and they don't lose a moment of sleep. The left tends to sympathize with these people rather than fear or despise them. Funny how they can be so benevolent to cold-blooded killers, yet hold the average citizen in such contempt.
Sure, FDR, a liberal, embraced pacifism. So did LBJ. So does President Obama.

Or Not.

Massive miltary spending since WWII has more to do with cronyism and corruption than it does with keeping Americans safe. IMO. Most all politicians are in that game.
Democrats are more worried about making prisoners comfortable or releasing them early than they are about punishing and reforming them. The criminals will be released even though they are just as dangerous, if not more so, than when they were convicted.

They treat terrorism the same. They were more aghast at the thought of enhanced interrogation than countless acts of mass murder by terrorist organizations. While the worst attack on our soil has been reduced to a national day of volunteering, enhanced interrogation remains a huge issue with the left. Forgiving those ruthless murderers fits in with their pacifist nature. Coming down hard on terrorists and other murderers is what they see as unforgivable. While they use the death of innocents as an excuse to disarm the public, don't expect them to shed a tear for the countless victims who will die because they are unable to protect themselves.

They pretend that no one really wants to harm others and all that is needed is some kindness to encourage killers to change their evil ways. Fighting against evil isn't an option for the left. Pacifying those who are evil temporarily makes things seem okay and worthless "feel good" legislation has always been preferrable to those who are unwilling or unable to admit that there are evil people and that it's okay to literally fight against them.

I would like to see our prison system operate more as rehabilitation centers instead of training grounds for criminals and gangs. As it is, they are thrown in there to fend for themselves and it would seem the guards aren't able to protect prisoners from other prisoners.

We have to acknowledge that there are psychopaths in this world who were born without a conscience and will never change. They kill people with less emotion than most do killing spiders. Members of the drug cartels, gangs and terrorists are a lot alike. Killing people is all in a day's work and they don't lose a moment of sleep. The left tends to sympathize with these people rather than fear or despise them. Funny how they can be so benevolent to cold-blooded killers, yet hold the average citizen in such contempt.

Great post.

"We have to acknowledge that there are psychopaths in this world who were born without a conscience and will never change."

Therein you've exposed another aspect of Liberalism....

...child-like it is, and as such, whatever is wished for is assumed to be true.
Are you talking about pacifism, penitentiary reform, or gun control. You say "in a related story", related to what?

"What is the common denominator?" The same rattle brained person put all five of this topics in one post?

Now stop fibbing..... can connect those dots, can't you.

I understand the practiced blindness of the Left, as you evince...'cause without that pretense, you couldn't find a way to support that political philosophy.

Isn't that true?

It is a 20 sec click played over and over for 10 min. Why I don't know.
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Does this mean that idiots on the right should stop trying to blame the Left for Vietnam,

and stop trying to blame Democrats for the Iraq war?
Democrats are more worried about making prisoners comfortable or releasing them early than they are about punishing and reforming them. The criminals will be released even though they are just as dangerous, if not more so, than when they were convicted.

They treat terrorism the same. They were more aghast at the thought of enhanced interrogation than countless acts of mass murder by terrorist organizations. While the worst attack on our soil has been reduced to a national day of volunteering, enhanced interrogation remains a huge issue with the left. Forgiving those ruthless murderers fits in with their pacifist nature. Coming down hard on terrorists and other murderers is what they see as unforgivable. While they use the death of innocents as an excuse to disarm the public, don't expect them to shed a tear for the countless victims who will die because they are unable to protect themselves.

They pretend that no one really wants to harm others and all that is needed is some kindness to encourage killers to change their evil ways. Fighting against evil isn't an option for the left. Pacifying those who are evil temporarily makes things seem okay and worthless "feel good" legislation has always been preferrable to those who are unwilling or unable to admit that there are evil people and that it's okay to literally fight against them.

I would like to see our prison system operate more as rehabilitation centers instead of training grounds for criminals and gangs. As it is, they are thrown in there to fend for themselves and it would seem the guards aren't able to protect prisoners from other prisoners.

We have to acknowledge that there are psychopaths in this world who were born without a conscience and will never change. They kill people with less emotion than most do killing spiders. Members of the drug cartels, gangs and terrorists are a lot alike. Killing people is all in a day's work and they don't lose a moment of sleep. The left tends to sympathize with these people rather than fear or despise them. Funny how they can be so benevolent to cold-blooded killers, yet hold the average citizen in such contempt.

Last week you idiots were attacking Obama for killing terrorists.

I guess you got bored with that bashing and decided to try it from the opposite direction.
3. Then there was Illinois Democrat Governor Pat Quinn..."To have a consistent, perfect death penalty system ... that's impossible in our state," Quinn told reporters. "I think it's the right and just thing to abolish the death penalty and punish those who commit heinous crimes -- evil people -- with life in prison without parole and no chance of release."
Illinois governor signs death penalty ban | Reuters

I guess you are unaware that one of his Republican predecessors did the same thing. The first Illinois Governor to ever do so.
Several people who were on death row have been exonerated with the advent of DNA testing. This is strong evidence the justice system is seriously broken and needs to be fixed before we proceed with more executions.
The Catholic Church is also opposed to the death penalty. Can someone be a good Catholic if they support abortion like Joe Biden does?

If not, how can someone be a good Catholic if they support the death penalty?
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If Democrats are so eager for Prisoners to vote then why doesn't Obama just pardon them all?
Democrats are more worried about making prisoners comfortable or releasing them early than they are about punishing and reforming them. The criminals will be released even though they are just as dangerous, if not more so, than when they were convicted.

They treat terrorism the same. They were more aghast at the thought of enhanced interrogation than countless acts of mass murder by terrorist organizations. While the worst attack on our soil has been reduced to a national day of volunteering, enhanced interrogation remains a huge issue with the left. Forgiving those ruthless murderers fits in with their pacifist nature. Coming down hard on terrorists and other murderers is what they see as unforgivable. While they use the death of innocents as an excuse to disarm the public, don't expect them to shed a tear for the countless victims who will die because they are unable to protect themselves.

They pretend that no one really wants to harm others and all that is needed is some kindness to encourage killers to change their evil ways. Fighting against evil isn't an option for the left. Pacifying those who are evil temporarily makes things seem okay and worthless "feel good" legislation has always been preferrable to those who are unwilling or unable to admit that there are evil people and that it's okay to literally fight against them.

I would like to see our prison system operate more as rehabilitation centers instead of training grounds for criminals and gangs. As it is, they are thrown in there to fend for themselves and it would seem the guards aren't able to protect prisoners from other prisoners.

We have to acknowledge that there are psychopaths in this world who were born without a conscience and will never change. They kill people with less emotion than most do killing spiders. Members of the drug cartels, gangs and terrorists are a lot alike. Killing people is all in a day's work and they don't lose a moment of sleep. The left tends to sympathize with these people rather than fear or despise them. Funny how they can be so benevolent to cold-blooded killers, yet hold the average citizen in such contempt.

Last week you idiots were attacking Obama for killing terrorists.

I guess you got bored with that bashing and decided to try it from the opposite direction.

Excuse me, idiot, but would you link to the post of mine to back that up?
If a bad Catholic who supports abortion should be written off as a Democrat, and a good Catholic who opposes the death penalty should be written off as a Democrat, who else can we write off as Democrats today?

Most Mexicans are Catholics. So why don't we start in on Mexican-Americans next.

I should add that Pope John Paul opposed the Gulf War. He "embraced pacifism".
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The Lutheran Church also opposes the death penalty.

We increasingly question whether the death penalty has been and can be administered justly.

Geez, they sound like that namby-pamby Governor of Illinois in the OP!

It is because of this church's ministry with and to people affected by violent crime that we oppose the death penalty. Executions focus on the convicted murderer, providing very little for the victim's family or anyone else whose life has been touched by the crime. Capital punishment focuses on retribution, sometimes reflecting a spirit of vengeance. Executions do not restore broken society and can actually work counter to restoration.

So I guess any good Lutheran who opposes the death penalty should also be written off as a Democrat. Bad Lutherans who favor the death penalty are good Republicans.
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What...did I shut this topic down that easily? Really?
3. Then there was Illinois Democrat Governor Pat Quinn..."To have a consistent, perfect death penalty system ... that's impossible in our state," Quinn told reporters. "I think it's the right and just thing to abolish the death penalty and punish those who commit heinous crimes -- evil people -- with life in prison without parole and no chance of release."
Illinois governor signs death penalty ban | Reuters

I guess you are unaware that one of his Republican predecessors did the same thing. The first Illinois Governor to ever do so.

[Happens to me all the time. I consider it getting the last word in. :D]

That is the problem with cherry picking. There is always a matching cherry on the other side of the tree.
Of course I knew....he did so in the hopes of getting sympathy for a reduces sentence.

But it in no way mitigates the refusal of Liberalism to confront evil.

Don't be afraid to focus on this pillar of Liberalism.....

Defend it if you can.

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