Democrats Poised for 2018 Mid Term Disaster

IF there's still a Republican Prez in office in two years, the Democrats will pick up ground, probably a lot. Because that's the way the system has worked as long as the Duopoly has existed --- whoever has the White House loses ground in the mid-term.

Actually if Rump has had two years of his aimless twittering self-absorbed wanking by then, Democrats probably will sweep in historic proportions.
Can you imaging having a 60 vote majority in the Senate? The Republicans will be able to pass any legislation they want.
IF there's still a Republican Prez in office in two years, the Democrats will pick up ground, probably a lot. Because that's the way the system has worked as long as the Duopoly has existed --- whoever has the White House loses ground in the mid-term.

Actually if Rump has had two years of his aimless twittering self-absorbed wanking by then, Democrats probably will sweep in historic proportions.

Wow you are in deep denial. Trump Prez, your bullshit isnt going to change it no matter how many electors are threatened or how many Russian stories you have.

And you dont know who's up in 18. Its gonna be brutal for dems, which is why youll see some dems vote FOR Trump bills.
IF there's still a Republican Prez in office in two years, the Democrats will pick up ground, probably a lot. Because that's the way the system has worked as long as the Duopoly has existed --- whoever has the White House loses ground in the mid-term.

Actually if Rump has had two years of his aimless twittering self-absorbed wanking by then, Democrats probably will sweep in historic proportions.

Wow you are in deep denial. Trump Prez, your bullshit isnt going to change it no matter how many electors are threatened or how many Russian stories you have.

And you dont know who's up in 18. Its gonna be brutal for dems, which is why youll see some dems vote FOR Trump bills.

Actually I don't just mean electors, I mean if Rump's term survives two years which is highly doubtful, then that's what the pattern is. And considering what's likely to be swirling down the drain like an Atlantic City casino by then, the pattern could be epic.

No we don't know who's up '18 as far as challengers; we do know the incumbents. Neither of those matter --- the party in the White House almost always loses ground in its mid-term. You can take it to the bank. There have been exactly three exceptions since the Civil War.
IF there's still a Republican Prez in office in two years, the Democrats will pick up ground, probably a lot. Because that's the way the system has worked as long as the Duopoly has existed --- whoever has the White House loses ground in the mid-term.

Actually if Rump has had two years of his aimless twittering self-absorbed wanking by then, Democrats probably will sweep in historic proportions.

Wow you are in deep denial. Trump Prez, your bullshit isnt going to change it no matter how many electors are threatened or how many Russian stories you have.

And you dont know who's up in 18. Its gonna be brutal for dems, which is why youll see some dems vote FOR Trump bills.

Actually I don't just mean electors, I mean if Rump's term survives two years which is highly doubtful, then that's what the pattern is. And considering what's likely to be swirling down the drain like an Atlantic City casino by then, the pattern could be epic.

No we don't know who's up '18 as far as challengers; we do know the incumbents. Neither of those matter --- the party in the White House almost always loses ground in its mid-term. You can take it to the bank. There have been exactly three exceptions since the Civil War.
Not this time. Remember how Hillary was going to destroy Trump?
Liberalism will be rejected yet again.

Liberalism's been around 228 years. It ain't going nowhere. Go get a flight to Pyonyang if you can't hack it.
Today's liberlism has been around since the 1960's. It was called the Weather Underground and Black Panthers.

Bullshit. The fact that you don't know how to use the term* ------- or even how to spell it ------- is on you, not the term. Liberalism has been here since the 18th century. It's what founded this country. Period.

*case in point --- read your own thread title. It's about Democrats, not "Liberals". "Liberal" is not a political party. It cannot gain or lose seats.

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