Democrats’ post-election strategy: Hate on voters

Hispanics in Texas or Florida are not like Hispanics in California or New York...

Guess whose jobs illegals take and drive down wages? They literally steal the food off latinos' tables and money out of their pockets, and turn their barrios into the same shitholes they claim to be 'refugees' from.
A warning from the religious Baldwin....

She admitted some men she spoke to felt "like the Democratic Party was emasculating them,"

I guess that ship had sailed for you, huh?

You guys have lost 3 out of the last 4 elections. 2 mid terms and one presidential. So you won one this time and start talking crazy with a 1-3 record.

You guys have lost 3 out of the last 4 elections. 2 mid terms and one presidential. So you won one this time and start talking crazy with a 1-3 record.
You voted for Trump, didn’t you, you misogynistic voter!
She's right.
Many Hispanic voters are first generation folks that escaped leftist tyrannical regimes, and criminal cartels

They see what the demafasict party has to offer, they know they escaped that in South America
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