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Democrats propose "transaction tax" on financial transactions. (Poll)

Do you support the new "transaction tax", and if so, what would you do with the revenue?

  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • Yes, to pay for free community college & job training

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Yes, to pay for 1/2 of 4-year college and advanced degrees

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, to pay into the general revenue fund to pay for SS & Medicare

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Yes, see my post for where I'd put the $80b/yr revenue

    Votes: 5 17.9%

  • Total voters
Investors buy and hold stock in a company to provide CAPITAL to grow the company.
HFTs use computers to buy/sell in microseconds stealing that CAPITAL.

So if I place an order to buy 10,000 shares of GE, HFTs are stealing
capital from GE or stealing capital from me?

Feel free to explain either scenario that applies.
The HFT computers know how to steal money from investors, its what they do, its all they do.
You seem to be coming from the "zero-sum-game" theory of economics. Not every gain implies someone else's loss.
IMHO when investors buy stocks, and HFTs remove some of that capital via computerized algorithms, that money they removed hurts investors' 401Ks. HFTs make no products, and provide no services, they just rake in investor's cash.
How are they removing it? They are buying it with money, (capitol), and then reselling it, where someone else is buying it with more capitol
People buy stock as an investment, betting that the company will use the money to grow over time.
HFTs buy and sell stock in microseconds using computers to steal the other people's investment.
See the difference? Investors vs thieves.
you have let to explain why it's thief when they are in fact buying, with money, something for sale, and then selling it for money in return.

People buy stocks to make money, some long term, some short term...not sure why you think you have the right to tell people they can't purchase something, or sell their property....and frankly support a tax on people simply doing that.

This tax is going to do nothing but hurt the working class. Sad you support that
1. You're not getting that HFTs are not "buying and selling" anything. Its all computerized theft done in microseconds.
2. In post #446 I'm proposing that instead of a "transaction tax" that a new law that requires a 48-hr holding period before the stock could be sold. This way money actually transfers back and forth to the company, and then back to the HFTs. Instead of computerized theft in microseconds.
3. Its a matter of fairness. Our 401Ks don't buy/sell in microseconds. Our money stays invested, the HFTs don't "invest" they just steal.
4. You are not taking into account that the money HFTs steal would be returned to investors. The tax won't be noticed by most investors.
It is not theft it is a purchase and a sale it doesn't matter how quickly it's done

So why don't you tell me how much was "stolen" from your portfolio because someone mad e a purchase and a sale in less than a second?
1. Its NOT a purchase/sale if no money changes hands, its computerized theft. Thats why a 48-hr holding period works too.
2. You can lookup how much HFTs made in the last 20-years. That is money that should be in our 401Ks.
Investors buy and hold stock in a company to provide CAPITAL to grow the company.
HFTs use computers to buy/sell in microseconds stealing that CAPITAL.

So if I place an order to buy 10,000 shares of GE, HFTs are stealing
capital from GE or stealing capital from me?

Feel free to explain either scenario that applies.
The HFT computers know how to steal money from investors, its what they do, its all they do.
You seem to be coming from the "zero-sum-game" theory of economics. Not every gain implies someone else's loss.
IMHO when investors buy stocks, and HFTs remove some of that capital via computerized algorithms, that money they removed hurts investors' 401Ks. HFTs make no products, and provide no services, they just rake in investor's cash.
How are they removing it? They are buying it with money, (capitol), and then reselling it, where someone else is buying it with more capitol
People buy stock as an investment, betting that the company will use the money to grow over time.
HFTs buy and sell stock in microseconds using computers to steal the other people's investment.
See the difference? Investors vs thieves.
you have let to explain why it's thief when they are in fact buying, with money, something for sale, and then selling it for money in return.

People buy stocks to make money, some long term, some short term...not sure why you think you have the right to tell people they can't purchase something, or sell their property....and frankly support a tax on people simply doing that.

This tax is going to do nothing but hurt the working class. Sad you support that
1. You're not getting that HFTs are not "buying and selling" anything. Its all computerized theft done in microseconds.
2. In post #446 I'm proposing that instead of a "transaction tax" that a new law that requires a 48-hr holding period before the stock could be sold. This way money actually transfers back and forth to the company, and then back to the HFTs. Instead of computerized theft in microseconds.
3. Its a matter of fairness. Our 401Ks don't buy/sell in microseconds. Our money stays invested, the HFTs don't "invest" they just steal.
4. You are not taking into account that the money HFTs steal would be returned to investors. The tax won't be noticed by most investors.
It is not theft it is a purchase and a sale it doesn't matter how quickly it's done

So why don't you tell me how much was "stolen" from your portfolio because someone mad e a purchase and a sale in less than a second?
1. Its NOT a purchase/sale if no money changes hands, its computerized theft. Thats why a 48-hr holding period works too.
2. You can lookup how much HFTs made in the last 20-years. That is money that should be in our 401Ks.
1) of course money changes hands...it might be fast, but it happens. You can't sell something you don't have ownership interest in, and nobody is going to sell you a stock without getting paid.
2) that's just silly...you want Govt to now come in and tell people they have to have a waiting period to sell something? What if there is a massive downturn within that period due to whatever.,..all you are going to do is screw the little guy that has most of his saving tied up in the market.
3) you can always invest in otherways, and more then one way then just a 401K. Fairness? I don'tthink it's fair I don't get a 401K because I am self employed. So why don't we just do away with 401Ks? And your employer can't match you. K? That seems fair
4) hahah that's complete BS...the investors will be the ones taxed on their transactions...it's going to hit investors directly.

1) already addressed
2) what in the world are you talking about? Why should that be in your 401K? when someone else makes money buying and selling something, that's not money that should be yours. You do realize that 401Ks are but one, of many many different tools and ways to invest in the market right?
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.
Investors buy and hold stock in a company to provide CAPITAL to grow the company.
HFTs use computers to buy/sell in microseconds stealing that CAPITAL.

So if I place an order to buy 10,000 shares of GE, HFTs are stealing
capital from GE or stealing capital from me?

Feel free to explain either scenario that applies.
The HFT computers know how to steal money from investors, its what they do, its all they do.
You seem to be coming from the "zero-sum-game" theory of economics. Not every gain implies someone else's loss.
IMHO when investors buy stocks, and HFTs remove some of that capital via computerized algorithms, that money they removed hurts investors' 401Ks. HFTs make no products, and provide no services, they just rake in investor's cash.
How are they removing it? They are buying it with money, (capitol), and then reselling it, where someone else is buying it with more capitol
People buy stock as an investment, betting that the company will use the money to grow over time.
HFTs buy and sell stock in microseconds using computers to steal the other people's investment.
See the difference? Investors vs thieves.
you have let to explain why it's thief when they are in fact buying, with money, something for sale, and then selling it for money in return.

People buy stocks to make money, some long term, some short term...not sure why you think you have the right to tell people they can't purchase something, or sell their property....and frankly support a tax on people simply doing that.

This tax is going to do nothing but hurt the working class. Sad you support that
1. You're not getting that HFTs are not "buying and selling" anything. Its all computerized theft done in microseconds.
2. In post #446 I'm proposing that instead of a "transaction tax" that a new law that requires a 48-hr holding period before the stock could be sold. This way money actually transfers back and forth to the company, and then back to the HFTs. Instead of computerized theft in microseconds.
3. Its a matter of fairness. Our 401Ks don't buy/sell in microseconds. Our money stays invested, the HFTs don't "invest" they just steal.
4. You are not taking into account that the money HFTs steal would be returned to investors. The tax won't be noticed by most investors.
It is not theft it is a purchase and a sale it doesn't matter how quickly it's done

So why don't you tell me how much was "stolen" from your portfolio because someone mad e a purchase and a sale in less than a second?
1. Its NOT a purchase/sale if no money changes hands, its computerized theft. Thats why a 48-hr holding period works too.
2. You can lookup how much HFTs made in the last 20-years. That is money that should be in our 401Ks.

money changes hand electronically.

Do you ever use a credit card over the phone? No money changes hands there and the place you bought it from doesn't have the fund electronically deposited until the next day sometime 2.

And there is no way you can say that just because some people made a quick turnaround stock sale that your portfolio would be lessened by the exact amount.

The fact is that a buy and hold strategy with dollar cost averaging will beat trying to time the market.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
Well then get a job. I am not sure what your point is? You want to cut the debt, but then don't want to do anything about the largest drivers of debt.

They OFTEN do? I would say it's very rare.

I never said I want to take away food stamps, I do support work requirements, which the military members, the very few, that need it, would qualify. You are the one that wants to cut military spending, so they wouldn't have a job at all, and totally be dependend on Govt food stamps...and your party even objects to making a work requirement for them

Your post is the typical comment I expect from a leftwing when they talk about the debt. They get confronted with the largest drivers of debt, and claim those that what to actually deal with it, want to steal healthcare away from people, or have them not get food...sad.
Investors buy and hold stock in a company to provide CAPITAL to grow the company.
HFTs use computers to buy/sell in microseconds stealing that CAPITAL.

So if I place an order to buy 10,000 shares of GE, HFTs are stealing
capital from GE or stealing capital from me?

Feel free to explain either scenario that applies.
The HFT computers know how to steal money from investors, its what they do, its all they do.
HFTs sell no products and provide no services, they just milk capital from financial markets, capital stolen from investors, in milliseconds.
The HFT computers know which trades make money and which to ignore. I'm sure they ignore penny stocks too.
Yes, but even if they put on the transaction cash--HFT have enough money to "buy" loopholes from our politicians.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.
There are cases, very few, of military families needing SNAP...typically poor planners that had more kids then they could afford...with that said, simply putting a work requirement in SNAP, wouldn't impact them since they have a job.

The Dems, and people like Phikopp, who pretend to care about the debt, would rather cut military spending so the family has no job....and keep SNAP benefits as they are, with no work requirement...so drive up debt, and make people more dependent
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.

Address the issue.

The Military and Food Stamps

You want to remove that while still sending them off to fight useless wars.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
Well then get a job. I am not sure what your point is? You want to cut the debt, but then don't want to do anything about the largest drivers of debt.

They OFTEN do? I would say it's very rare.

I never said I want to take away food stamps, I do support work requirements, which the military members, the very few, that need it, would qualify. You are the one that wants to cut military spending, so they wouldn't have a job at all, and totally be dependend on Govt food stamps...and your party even objects to making a work requirement for them

Your post is the typical comment I expect from a leftwing when they talk about the debt. They get confronted with the largest drivers of debt, and claim those that what to actually deal with it, want to steal healthcare away from people, or have them not get food...sad.

Yes, I do not support a massive military just to give people jobs. You either address the issues or you don't.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.

Address the issue.

The Military and Food Stamps

You want to remove that while still sending them off to fight useless wars.
once again...you leftist throw up a false flag and propaganda....nobody suggested removing SNAP all together.

Typical leftist move anytime the GOP wants to address the debt.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
Well then get a job. I am not sure what your point is? You want to cut the debt, but then don't want to do anything about the largest drivers of debt.

They OFTEN do? I would say it's very rare.

I never said I want to take away food stamps, I do support work requirements, which the military members, the very few, that need it, would qualify. You are the one that wants to cut military spending, so they wouldn't have a job at all, and totally be dependend on Govt food stamps...and your party even objects to making a work requirement for them

Your post is the typical comment I expect from a leftwing when they talk about the debt. They get confronted with the largest drivers of debt, and claim those that what to actually deal with it, want to steal healthcare away from people, or have them not get food...sad.

Yes, I do not support a massive military just to give people jobs. You either address the issues or you don't.
Odd though...you support a massive welfare entitlement program, the largest drivers up debt, just so people DON"T HAVE JOBS

Yet you want us to believe you care about the debt...hhahaahaa
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.

Address the issue.

The Military and Food Stamps

You want to remove that while still sending them off to fight useless wars.
once again...you leftist throw up a false flag and propaganda....nobody suggested removing SNAP all together.

Typical leftist move anytime the GOP wants to address the debt.

I didn't suggest removing the military all together either but you bitched about not sending them off to useless wars.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.

Address the issue.

The Military and Food Stamps

You want to remove that while still sending them off to fight useless wars.
once again...you leftist throw up a false flag and propaganda....nobody suggested removing SNAP all together.

Typical leftist move anytime the GOP wants to address the debt.

I didn't suggest removing the military all together either but you bitched about not sending them off to useless wars.
I do, I don't like useless, never ending wars...that's why I don't vote for Dems that get us in them and F-up foreign policy.

The GOP always has to come in and clean up the mess...Trump in Obama and Xiden's endless, needless wars in the Middle East after their failure with the Arab Spring, Reagan and the Cold War, Nixon and Vietnam....Lincoln with the Dems insurrection....
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.

Address the issue.

The Military and Food Stamps

You want to remove that while still sending them off to fight useless wars.

What makes you think I am in favor of any wars be they useless or not?
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.

Address the issue.

The Military and Food Stamps

You want to remove that while still sending them off to fight useless wars.
once again...you leftist throw up a false flag and propaganda....nobody suggested removing SNAP all together.

Typical leftist move anytime the GOP wants to address the debt.

I didn't suggest removing the military all together either but you bitched about not sending them off to useless wars.
I do, I don't like useless, never ending wars...that's why I don't vote for Dems that get us in them and F-up foreign policy.

The GOP always has to come in and clean up the mess...Trump in Obama and Xiden's endless, needless wars in the Middle East after their failure with the Arab Spring, Reagan and the Cold War, Nixon and Vietnam....Lincoln with the Dems insurrection....

You belong to the cult.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.

Address the issue.

The Military and Food Stamps

You want to remove that while still sending them off to fight useless wars.

What makes you think I am in favor of any wars be they useless or not?

Because you refuse to demand they end. Because you argue with me when I say we need to do that.
Trump was never and isn't "my guy", there's your first mistake.
What's so damn hard to grasp cutting spending?
Saying it and doing it are two different things and Republicans never do it...nor should they in most cases since there isn't a lot that can be cut without doing great harm...especially now as we try to recover the economy

Republican voters do wish to cut spending. We are not pleased that it isn't done despite who is in power. Two questions, do you really believe that spending can't be addressed? Also, despite who is in office, how does a president fix horrible budgets? Isn't a shutdown the only option, and how long could a shutdown last?

It's a hollow claim. The debt went up $8 trillion under Trump but those who claim to want to address debt still voted to re-elect him. Not only that they supported cutting taxes while adding more debt.

I've asked over and over what would be the problem here with adding this tax and using the money to address the debt? A few replied that they don't believe it would be done and that's all well and fine but why don't the Republicans come to the table with this?

One again the thread is about what we would support, not what we think others would do. Very few seem willing to address the massive debt we have accumulated. Seems to me that the best way to get people to get serious about spending is to actually make them pay for that spending.
The altrnative to Trump was Xiden and the Dems....who are adding massively more then Trump and the GOP.

The Republicans had a long list of candidates in 2016 when they chose Trump. When a candidate does the opposite of what he promised they should loose support also.

Under Trump we had $8 trillion in debt. Trump supporters voted for more of that and now complain about the debt. The complaints fall on deaf ears.

The debt will always continue to rise until the largest drivers of debt are addressed...entitlements. Only one party, the GOP has attempted to address the issues.

Nobody is more entitled than the war machinery.

Seeing that the citizens can eat and or see a doctor when they need to, bad. Lying our way into wars with countries that do nothing to us, good.
I think most people voting for President...at least on the Conservative side, realize that a President can't do anything all on his own. So when a President promises to cut the debt, we know that he still has to deal with Congress. Trump did propose budget after budget that cut spending

The military is not, the largest driver of debt...entitlements are. That's a well known fact, and will continue to drive the debt until reformed. THe military budget is discretionary and can be cut and raised at will...entitlements are not.

There is nothing stopping a citizen from eating or seeing a doctor when they want to. Entitlements don't provide that right to people...they have always had it.

Many can not afford to see a doctor when they need to. It's kinda ironic how it's often times noted that those in the military often times have to rely on food stamps.

You want to take away the food stamps but still send them off to fight useless wars that benefit no one other than corporations.
If you live off base the military gives you an allowance for housing and meals.

Address the issue.

The Military and Food Stamps

You want to remove that while still sending them off to fight useless wars.
once again...you leftist throw up a false flag and propaganda....nobody suggested removing SNAP all together.

Typical leftist move anytime the GOP wants to address the debt.

I didn't suggest removing the military all together either but you bitched about not sending them off to useless wars.
I do, I don't like useless, never ending wars...that's why I don't vote for Dems that get us in them and F-up foreign policy.proj

The GOP always has to come in and clean up the mess...Trump in Obama and Xiden's endless, needless wars in the Middle East after their failure with the Arab Spring, Reagan and the Cold War, Nixon and Vietnam....Lincoln with the Dems insurrection....

You belong to the cult.
hahah projection....and insults...typical leftist after being exposed....like a kitten in a corner...just lashing out

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