Democrats Push Heavy Spending Without Reading the Bills

Didn’t Republicans vote for the spending bills too?
Didn’t Republicans vote for the spending bills too?

I don't get it....Just because one "side" did something stupid in the past it's A-OK for the other "side" to double down on stupid when they get the chance.

Just goes to show there are 0 responsible adults in DC and but damn few here evidently.

Blah, the bottom is out of the bucket anyway......Enjoy all your 1099s this year.
I don't get it....Just because one "side" did something stupid in the past it's A-OK for the other "side" to double down on stupid when they get the chance.

Who’s talking about the past?
If only you all gave a fuck about heavy spending when there is a Repub sitting in the White House.
Reagan was promised from Tip O'Neill that there would be social justice overhauls. Old Tip between drinks got on over on him. The effect of some cuts adds up in a cumulative say over the years.
Reagan was promised from Tip O'Neill that there would be social justice overhauls. Old Tip between drinks got on over on him. The effect of some cuts adds up in a cumulative say over the years.

It is amazing how every single Repub POTUS is taken advantage of and is never respsonble for the massive spending under them....which is why we now have 32 trillion in debt, neither side will hold their own side accountable.
well, you have been on here since 2010. Link to some post of you complaining about Trump's over spending.

I will be happy to wait
Any spending Trump did was to rebuild the military after Obama wiped it out and to restock the nations oil reserve.... then the China Virus was released by China and more dollars had to be spent...
Biden's 4 trillion propped up unions and funded a war in Ukraine and not to mention years of dead end investigations of Trump.... don't play games with me moron....

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