Democrats Push Heavy Spending Without Reading the Bills

If only you all gave a fuck about heavy spending when there is a Repub sitting in the White House.
COVID conveniently allowed the Dims to steamroll Republicans for Trillions in new spending. Your pretense that Republicans were the ones pushing for the spending doesn't pass the laugh test.
Any spending Trump did was to rebuild the military after Obama wiped it out and to restock the nations oil reserve.... then the China Virus was released by China and more dollars had to be spent...
Biden's 4 trillion propped up unions and funded a war in Ukraine and not to mention years of dead end investigations of Trump.... don't play games with me moron....

And this folks is why we are 32 trillion dollars in debt, each side gives their own side a free pass.
COVID conveniently allowed the Dims to steamroll Republicans for Trillions in new spending. Your pretense that Republicans were the ones pushing for the spending doesn't pass the laugh test.

And you conveniently ignore all the spending increase the 3 years before COVID, two of which the GOP held both sides of Congress.

You, like Rambo above are the reason we are 32 trillion dollars in debt, you will never hold your own party accountable, they are fucking prefect in your eyes
No debt is made by one thing only... uncontrolled spending.... and the dems have the gop beat...
You can tell by the differing reactions when the GOP proposes new spending vs when democrats do.

When the GOP proposes new spending, the democrats' reaction is that it's too small, they're trying to starve granny, dogs and cats living together, etc.
When the democrats propose new spending, the Republicans complain that we can't afford it.

Notice what democrats always complain about. They NEVER complain that Republicans want to spend too much (except on the military, they hate military spending), they always complain that Republicans are being too stingy. Can anyone name a democrat currently in Washington that would qualify as a fiscal hawk?
FOX New, falsely claiming that the Democrats are spending indiscriminately!! Where were they with this shit during the Trump Administration????
So let me get this straight: Dims were trying to hold the line on spending during the Trump administration?
Every president does that and you know it... that doesn't mean shit... congress spends the money dummy....

Yes they do, because they are all the same...yet you think the Repubs are some how different.

And Congress does not spend a dime that the POTUS did not sign off on
So your claim is that Dims were trying to hold the line on spending and Republicans forced that spending though despite Dim objections?

No, my claim is that both side spend too damn much, that one is no better than the other when it comes to spending

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