Democrats Push Heavy Spending Without Reading the Bills

$4 trillion added to the national debt dummy... in just 3 years of Biden....
$8 trillion in four years of Trump.

And not one hypocrite who whined about Obama's spending said a single word of complaint.

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

By the way...Biden hasn't been president for three years. Not even two.

My god. Do you people have ANY functioning brain cells?

Oh, that makes it all better and stuff.

You haven't answered the question. The Democratic budget reduces the deficit by $1.3 trillion dollars and the FOX News report doesn't even MENTION this little factoid.

I get it. There really isn't much for Murdoch to bitch about, economically. Not that he can sell to his low income viewers. Dissatisfaction and mistrust of government and "others" is all the billionaire media owners have going for themselves.
$8 trillion in four years of Trump.

And not one hypocrite who whined about Obama's spending said a single word of complaint.

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

By the way...Biden hasn't been president for three years. Not even two.

My god. Do you people have ANY functioning brain cells?

A proposed budget is never going to see the light of day... so every president in our history submits his dream budget...
You haven't answered the question. The Democratic budget reduces the deficit by $1.3 trillion dollars and the FOX News report doesn't even MENTION this little factoid.

I get it. There really isn't much for Murdoch to bitch about, economically. Not that he can sell to his low income viewers. Dissatisfaction and mistrust of government and "others" is all the billionaire media owners have going for themselves.
Quid Pro reduced spending from his record deficit. Whoop-de-freakin' doo. Now let's see what the democrats in Congress will do to it. The Republicans can try, but they won't get sanity through the Senate or past Quid Pro's veto, so let's see.
A proposed budget is never going to see the light of day... so every president in our history submits his dream budget...

Yep. And a POTUS that wants more spending will ask for it and those that want less spending will ask for less
Show me where Democrats demanded lower spending.
I never said they did. I said the same people who whined and whined and whined about Obama's spending went completely silent as Trump added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

Even as Trump was exploding the deficit with a GOP Congress, the same tards continued to whine about Obama's spending and he wasn't even president any more!

And now they are back to whining again.

The hypocrisy of the tards is as transparent as Trump vodka.
I never said they did. I said the same people who whined and whined and whined about Obama's spending went completely silent as Trump added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

Even as Trump was exploding the deficit with a GOP Congress, the same tards continued to whine about Obama's spending and he wasn't even president any more!

And now they are back to whining again.

The hypocrisy of the tards is as transparent as Trump vodka.
No they didn't, turd. Furthermore, they are the ones who imposed the shutdown that made the spending necessary.
No they didn't, turd. Furthermore, they are the ones who imposed the shutdown that made the spending necessary.
And how do you explain Trump and the Republican Congress exploding the deficit BEFORE Covid, dipshit?

I posted topic after topic about Trump's spending during that time, and not one tard uttered a single syllable of protest against his wild spending.

And before you parrot the horseshit that Trump had to rebuild the military after Obama blah blah blah, trust me. You do NOT want to parrot that hoax.

No, the reason EVERY politicians spends like a drunken sailor in a whorehouse is because it is a way to artificially juice the GDP.

You never hold anyone's feet to the fire. Ever. Unless they have the wrong letter after their name.

And that is why we get the politicians we deserve.

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