Democrats Pushing 'Fake News' - Dems pushing to abolish ICE are misinforming Americans

ICE is the most incompetent law enforcement organization in America. They should be disbanded. Their role could easily be absorbed by someone else.
yeah all those ICE agents attacking Presidential candidates...oh wait, that's the FBI
Well the Ds are in the process of losing most of their tax base in most blue states. The fact is that net job and housing creation is happening east of the Rockies and south of the Ohio river. the Russian troll farms are telling us, Comrade.
No it's why southern and rocky mountain states are gaining electoral votes, while the northern ones are losing them.
ICE is the most incompetent law enforcement organization in America. They should be disbanded. Their role could easily be absorbed by someone else.

Nice ignorant opinion. Like the article spells out, Democrats - and snowflakes like you as you demonstrate - have ZERO clue what their job entails and what they actually do.
12 million illegals in the nation and ICE cinsiders it a massive success if they do a sting that busts 50 people. Total incompetence.
Tell us how anyone can bust them all at once when your sorry kind helps them hide and evade arrest and lets them go? Remember K. Steinle.
How? Pure and total incompetence. Are you stupid? Can’t you read?
Textbook liberalease!

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump TrumpTrump Trump
Wow, those are the comments I get ALL THE TIME on the USMB.
ALL THE TIME. And they ain't coming from liberals.

What's funny is I will post a video of Trump saying, "Some Mexican's don't rape" and USMB Republicans will call that FAKE news and tell me to stop lying. But it's a video of Trump.
ICE is the most incompetent law enforcement organization in America. They should be disbanded. Their role could easily be absorbed by someone else.
yeah all those ICE agents attacking Presidential candidates...oh wait, that's the FBI
You don’t seem to even know what thread you’re in. Poor thing :itsok:
Cool. If I was merely an asshole I wouldn't have eyes to be wittnessing your failures.
But you are an asshole, and you do have eyes. you just choose to see what you want.

My failures?

Hillary Clinton and Democrats rigged primaries cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, broke campaign finance laws, colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians, conducted a Counter-Intelligence op against the GOP candidate while protecting Hillary from Prison, declared anyone who did not accept the results of elections was a threat to our democracy while promising a Hillary 'landslide' Hillary Victory....

All their schemes and crimes have not only been revealed but have boomeranged around to hit them in the ass, Hillary LOST, Trump WON, and we have the best economy in decades, lowest unemployment rate in decades, the most Americans working ever, fewer Americans on liberal-pushed Welfare / Food Stamps / Unemployment, higher home values, a record stock market, and more jobs more full-time jobs, raises, and bonuses for Middle Class families.......

Everything the Democrats tried to do has FAILED while Trump...and America keeps on WINNING!

...and just reading this pisses you off so much that you are about to become triggered and go off on a rant right now...because your loyalty lies with criminals and the democratic Party....

How's that working out for you? :p Bwuhahahaha........
Someone brought up the same thing in another thread and this was my reply:

I think when it all comes out, it's going to be surprising. Remember, in Nazi Germany, many Germans were deeply ashamed when the full truth came out about what they had done.

Will ICE agents be able to live with what they’re doing to migrant children? Will you?

I suspect a growing number of honorable ICE and border patrol and social workers other agents involved in carrying out such policies in California and the other border states are developing a fiercely bad conscience. I would bet that many of them find it increasingly hard to sleep at night and increasingly difficult to rationalize what they are doing. It’s likely that they go home and don’t – perhaps can’t – talk about what their jobs now entail. I suspect that many of these men and women feel deep shame at what their government, in our names, is asking them to do.

When the government embraces terror against particular groups, whether or not we work for that government we must all say “not in our name.” If we don’t, if we acquiesce or turn a blind eye, then as a culture, a democracy, we go silently into the dark, lethal night of totalitarianism.


To Republicans, that may look good right now because the GOP is 90% white. They are terrified the country is changing. Rather than embracing that change and guiding it, they are resisting it in such a way, they will leave behind what they once were a part of in tatters. We are seeing it every day.
Cool. If I was merely an asshole I wouldn't have eyes to be wittnessing your failures.
But you are an asshole, and you do have eyes. you just choose to see what you want.

My failures?

Hillary Clinton and Democrats rigged primaries cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, broke campaign finance laws, colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians, conducted a Counter-Intelligence op against the GOP candidate while protecting Hillary from Prison, declared anyone who did not accept the results of elections was a threat to our democracy while promising a Hillary 'landslide' Hillary Victory....

All their schemes and crimes have not only been revealed but have boomeranged around to hit them in the ass, Hillary LOST, Trump WON, and we have the best economy in decades, lowest unemployment rate in decades, the most Americans working ever, fewer Americans on liberal-pushed Welfare / Food Stamps / Unemployment, higher home values, a record stock market, and more jobs more full-time jobs, raises, and bonuses for Middle Class families.......

Everything the Democrats tried to do has FAILED while Trump...and America keeps on WINNING!

...and just reading this pisses you off so much that you are about to become triggered and go off on a rant right now...because your loyalty lies with criminals and the democratic Party....

How's that working out for you? :p Bwuhahahaha........

Why do you think liberals and criminals are different classes of people?
Why do you think liberals and criminals are different classes of people?
I never said I did think this to be the case. Liberals, however, have proven time and again they are vastly superior in all things criminal, deceitful.
A bill to be introduced by Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan (D) looks to put an end the agency, but still allow for immigration laws to be enforced. Pocan said that the agency is being "misused" by President Donald Trump, as many other Democrats have called for the organization's abolishment.

"The problem with the message from Pocan and [other Democrats is that] they're not looking at the facts," Former Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan said. 'Prominent Democrats are "mis-messaging" to the American public.'

View attachment 204475

"You can't want to be part of this country and not respect its laws," Homan said. "You can't have it both ways. Not under this president."

As opposed to the Leftist Anarchists whose bill calls for eliminating the 2nd largest Law Enforcement Agency in the US that protects our national security and protets us from the flood of violent illegals, 'GOP Rep. Diane Black's
[URL='']proposed legislation
that would make first-time illegal border crossings a felony would be an added help in reducing illegal immigration. would also mandate employers use the E-Verify system to ensure employees are in the country legally and allowed to work in the U.S.'[/URL]

In light of how the Left is so rabidly protecting their own who have been recently exposed for committing crimes, It should come as no surprise that the Democrats oppose Black's bill - a bill that enforces US law and holds illegals AND American companies who hire them accountable but instead wants to eliminate the 2nd largest law enforcement agency in the US that protects US citizens!

you and vlad should be very proud.... trying to turn our country into the lowlife world that is Russia.

Cool. If I was merely an asshole I wouldn't have eyes to be wittnessing your failures.
But you are an asshole, and you do have eyes. you just choose to see what you want.

My failures?

Hillary Clinton and Democrats rigged primaries cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, broke campaign finance laws, colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians, conducted a Counter-Intelligence op against the GOP candidate while protecting Hillary from Prison, declared anyone who did not accept the results of elections was a threat to our democracy while promising a Hillary 'landslide' Hillary Victory....

All their schemes and crimes have not only been revealed but have boomeranged around to hit them in the ass, Hillary LOST, Trump WON, and we have the best economy in decades, lowest unemployment rate in decades, the most Americans working ever, fewer Americans on liberal-pushed Welfare / Food Stamps / Unemployment, higher home values, a record stock market, and more jobs more full-time jobs, raises, and bonuses for Middle Class families.......

Everything the Democrats tried to do has FAILED while Trump...and America keeps on WINNING!

...and just reading this pisses you off so much that you are about to become triggered and go off on a rant right now...because your loyalty lies with criminals and the democratic Party....

How's that working out for you? :p Bwuhahahaha........

Why do you think liberals and criminals are different classes of people?

poor dear.... what a moron you are.

are we the intellectual elite? or criminals?

don't answer... just be quiet. you sound childish and pathetic

oh wait... trumptard... .same diff.
Cool. If I was merely an asshole I wouldn't have eyes to be wittnessing your failures.
But you are an asshole, and you do have eyes. you just choose to see what you want.

My failures?

Hillary Clinton and Democrats rigged primaries cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, broke campaign finance laws, colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians, conducted a Counter-Intelligence op against the GOP candidate while protecting Hillary from Prison, declared anyone who did not accept the results of elections was a threat to our democracy while promising a Hillary 'landslide' Hillary Victory....

All their schemes and crimes have not only been revealed but have boomeranged around to hit them in the ass, Hillary LOST, Trump WON, and we have the best economy in decades, lowest unemployment rate in decades, the most Americans working ever, fewer Americans on liberal-pushed Welfare / Food Stamps / Unemployment, higher home values, a record stock market, and more jobs more full-time jobs, raises, and bonuses for Middle Class families.......

Everything the Democrats tried to do has FAILED while Trump...and America keeps on WINNING!

...and just reading this pisses you off so much that you are about to become triggered and go off on a rant right now...because your loyalty lies with criminals and the democratic Party....

How's that working out for you? :p Bwuhahahaha........
A republican who after hearing the word failure begins to list other people's failures. Nothing new under the sun.

Ps. An asshole is an object an asshole and does not include a pair of eye - or does yours? It would explain...
A republican who after hearing the word failure begins to list other people's failures. Nothing new under the sun.

What is 'nothing new' is this:

1) Liberals / snowflakes accusing others of doing what THEY do and of being what THEY are

2) Liberals call someone a LOSER and/or claim others are failures...but like with every accusation they make they have no specific evidence to back up their false claims.

You want to attack me because I back up my accusations with evidence / facts? Bwuhahaha...

Liberals who make false accusations without evidence and their attacking anyone who uses evidence to point out Liberal crimes / failures - that's what 'not new'!

Speaking of failing, Eco - you just did. You really should go back to the kids' table before embarrassing yourself further.
A bill to be introduced by Wisconsin Rep. Mark Pocan (D) looks to put an end the agency, but still allow for immigration laws to be enforced. Pocan said that the agency is being "misused" by President Donald Trump, as many other Democrats have called for the organization's abolishment.

"The problem with the message from Pocan and [other Democrats is that] they're not looking at the facts," Former Acting ICE Director Thomas Homan said. 'Prominent Democrats are "mis-messaging" to the American public.'

View attachment 204475

"You can't want to be part of this country and not respect its laws," Homan said. "You can't have it both ways. Not under this president."

As opposed to the Leftist Anarchists whose bill calls for eliminating the 2nd largest Law Enforcement Agency in the US that protects our national security and protets us from the flood of violent illegals, 'GOP Rep. Diane Black's
proposed legislation that would make first-time illegal border crossings a felony would be an added help in reducing illegal immigration. would also mandate employers use the E-Verify system to ensure employees are in the country legally and allowed to work in the U.S.'

In light of how the Left is so rabidly protecting their own who have been recently exposed for committing crimes, It should come as no surprise that the Democrats oppose Black's bill - a bill that enforces US law and holds illegals AND American companies who hire them accountable but instead wants to eliminate the 2nd largest law enforcement agency in the US that protects US citizens!

Democrats lying????

Democrats lying???? Inconceivable!


(Thanks for the perfect set-up :p )


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The GOP has just put the Liberals in 'check-mate'.

The Democrats have gone all-in to use the 'Abolish Ice' as another emotional issue with which to manipulate their constituents.

The GOP has called their bluff, forcing them to go on the official record as wanting to abolish the 2nd largest law enforcement agency in the US responsible for national security and protecting the US / Americans...just in time for the mid-terms coming up.

Step right on up and go on record, bi@tches! :p

Nice: House Republicans to force vote on abolishing ICE

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