Democrats rage at Speaker Johnson over pairing Israel aid with IRS cuts


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats rage at Speaker Johnson over pairing Israel aid with IRS cuts​

4 Nov 2023 ~~ By Mychael Schnell & Mike Lilis

Jewish Democrats are raging at Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) over legislation providing aid to Israel, accusing the newly installed leader of choosing a partisan tack that will only delay emergency assistance to America’s closest Middle Eastern ally.
All but 12 House Democrats voted against Johnson’s $14.3 billion aid proposal Thursday night, with most citing the Speaker’s decision to include cuts in equal amounts to IRS funding.
The legislation is also opposed by leaders of both parties in the Senate, who want a broader package including aid to Ukraine, leaving the fate of the Israel funds in question amid escalating hostilities in Gaza almost a month after Hamas’s terrorist attacks killed more than 1,400 people.
Heading into the weekend, Johnson’s Democratic critics remained furious with the decision to combine the aid to Israel — an issue that has historically enjoyed wide bipartisan support — with a highly partisan cut to one of President Biden’s pet programs. They minced no words in lashing out at the newly minted Speaker, with some even accusing Johnson of abandoning the biblical teachings he claims as a guide.
“If Democrats in the Senate or the House — or anyone else, anywhere else — want to argue that hiring more IRS agents is more important than standing with Israel in this moment, I’m ready to have that debate,” Johnson told reporters Thursday. “But I did not attach that for political purposes, okay, I attached it because again, we’re trying to get back to the principle of fiscal responsibility here, and that was the easiest and largest pile of money that’s sitting there for us to be able to pay for this immediate obligation.”

I’m liking this guy’s strategy so far. Give a little. Take a little.
If the Democrats aren’t freaking out, then Republicans aren't doing the job right. So far, so good.
We know Johnson wants it paid he needs to take it from something that is NOT a supposed money maker. Yet I wonder why Mike Johnson didn't include taking money from Afghanistan too?
Perhaps Johnson will include reduction of aide to Afghanistan in the coming Bill sending aid to the Ukraine.
In the meantime, Israel is getting riled at Biden and Blinken appeasement efforts, telling Israel what to and how to conduct actions against Hamas.....AND....the fact that we "robbed" a stockpile of OUR weapons in Israel and gave them to Ukraine.
Basically, I feel better about election of Johnson as the Speaker. If Democrats were complimenting Johnson's leadership and actions, I'd surely be worried.
The IRS aren't even close to using all that money that was allocated to them.
It's a no brainer to move the money over.
But, we are talking about politicians, so we have to take common sense off the table.
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Democrats rage at Speaker Johnson over pairing Israel aid with IRS cuts​

4 Nov 2023 ~~ By Mychael Schnell & Mike Lilis

Jewish Democrats are raging at Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) over legislation providing aid to Israel, accusing the newly installed leader of choosing a partisan tack that will only delay emergency assistance to America’s closest Middle Eastern ally.
All but 12 House Democrats voted against Johnson’s $14.3 billion aid proposal Thursday night, with most citing the Speaker’s decision to include cuts in equal amounts to IRS funding.
The legislation is also opposed by leaders of both parties in the Senate, who want a broader package including aid to Ukraine, leaving the fate of the Israel funds in question amid escalating hostilities in Gaza almost a month after Hamas’s terrorist attacks killed more than 1,400 people.
Heading into the weekend, Johnson’s Democratic critics remained furious with the decision to combine the aid to Israel — an issue that has historically enjoyed wide bipartisan support — with a highly partisan cut to one of President Biden’s pet programs. They minced no words in lashing out at the newly minted Speaker, with some even accusing Johnson of abandoning the biblical teachings he claims as a guide.
“If Democrats in the Senate or the House — or anyone else, anywhere else — want to argue that hiring more IRS agents is more important than standing with Israel in this moment, I’m ready to have that debate,” Johnson told reporters Thursday. “But I did not attach that for political purposes, okay, I attached it because again, we’re trying to get back to the principle of fiscal responsibility here, and that was the easiest and largest pile of money that’s sitting there for us to be able to pay for this immediate obligation.”

I’m liking this guy’s strategy so far. Give a little. Take a little.
If the Democrats aren’t freaking out, then Republicans aren't doing the job right. So far, so good.
We know Johnson wants it paid he needs to take it from something that is NOT a supposed money maker. Yet I wonder why Mike Johnson didn't include taking money from Afghanistan too?
Perhaps Johnson will include reduction of aide to Afghanistan in the coming Bill sending aid to the Ukraine.
In the meantime, Israel is getting riled at Biden and Blinken appeasement efforts, telling Israel what to and how to conduct actions against Hamas.....AND....the fact that we "robbed" a stockpile of OUR weapons in Israel and gave them to Ukraine.
Basically, I feel better about election of Johnson as the Speaker. If Democrats were complimenting Johnson's leadership and actions, I'd surely be worried.
Screw the democrats. They're morons regardless of race, gender, sexual preference or religion. None of them have the sense God gave animal crackers.

Democrats rage at Speaker Johnson over pairing Israel aid with IRS cuts​

4 Nov 2023 ~~ By Mychael Schnell & Mike Lilis

Jewish Democrats are raging at Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) over legislation providing aid to Israel, accusing the newly installed leader of choosing a partisan tack that will only delay emergency assistance to America’s closest Middle Eastern ally.
All but 12 House Democrats voted against Johnson’s $14.3 billion aid proposal Thursday night, with most citing the Speaker’s decision to include cuts in equal amounts to IRS funding.
The legislation is also opposed by leaders of both parties in the Senate, who want a broader package including aid to Ukraine, leaving the fate of the Israel funds in question amid escalating hostilities in Gaza almost a month after Hamas’s terrorist attacks killed more than 1,400 people.
Heading into the weekend, Johnson’s Democratic critics remained furious with the decision to combine the aid to Israel — an issue that has historically enjoyed wide bipartisan support — with a highly partisan cut to one of President Biden’s pet programs. They minced no words in lashing out at the newly minted Speaker, with some even accusing Johnson of abandoning the biblical teachings he claims as a guide.
“If Democrats in the Senate or the House — or anyone else, anywhere else — want to argue that hiring more IRS agents is more important than standing with Israel in this moment, I’m ready to have that debate,” Johnson told reporters Thursday. “But I did not attach that for political purposes, okay, I attached it because again, we’re trying to get back to the principle of fiscal responsibility here, and that was the easiest and largest pile of money that’s sitting there for us to be able to pay for this immediate obligation.”

I’m liking this guy’s strategy so far. Give a little. Take a little.
If the Democrats aren’t freaking out, then Republicans aren't doing the job right. So far, so good.
We know Johnson wants it paid he needs to take it from something that is NOT a supposed money maker. Yet I wonder why Mike Johnson didn't include taking money from Afghanistan too?
Perhaps Johnson will include reduction of aide to Afghanistan in the coming Bill sending aid to the Ukraine.
In the meantime, Israel is getting riled at Biden and Blinken appeasement efforts, telling Israel what to and how to conduct actions against Hamas.....AND....the fact that we "robbed" a stockpile of OUR weapons in Israel and gave them to Ukraine.
Basically, I feel better about election of Johnson as the Speaker. If Democrats were complimenting Johnson's leadership and actions, I'd surely be worried.
Your support for protecting the greedy idiot rich from tax audits is noted, brainwashed functional moron total dupe of greedy line scumbag mega rich G O P swine....... Also for scaring Ukrainians and Taiwanese and everybody who loves democracy, not including many Republicans these days...
No voters like the IRS.

Not a winning strategy to vote down Israel aid to fund the most hated department in the government.
Much of the money for the IRS is to go after our mega rich people who have been getting away with murder lately. And supposedly would have brought in more money than it cost.... Great job!
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Your support for protecting the greedy idiot rich from tax audits is noted, brainwashed functional moron total dupe of greedy line scumbag mega rich G O P swine....... Also for scaring Ukrainians and Taiwanese and everybody who loves democracy, not including many Republicans these days...
You wouldn't know a democratic REPUBLIC if it bit you in the ass, COMMIE.
Your support for protecting the greedy idiot rich from tax audits is noted, brainwashed functional moron total dupe of greedy line scumbag mega rich G O P swine....... Also for scaring Ukrainians and Taiwanese and everybody who loves democracy, not including many Republicans these days...
The IRS isn't using billions of dollars that was funded for them.
No harm-no foul, Francis. Calm down.
Your support for protecting the greedy idiot rich from tax audits is noted, brainwashed functional moron total dupe of greedy line scumbag mega rich G O P swine....... Also for scaring Ukrainians and Taiwanese and everybody who loves democracy, not including many Republicans these days...
Once again your logic and reasoning is wrong.
The IRS isn't using billions of dollars that was funded for them.
No harm-no foul, Francis. Calm down.
If the money isn’t spent then there’s no reason to cut it.

Or maybe you aren’t being all that truthful.

Democrats rage at Speaker Johnson over pairing Israel aid with IRS cuts​

4 Nov 2023 ~~ By Mychael Schnell & Mike Lilis

Jewish Democrats are raging at Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) over legislation providing aid to Israel, accusing the newly installed leader of choosing a partisan tack that will only delay emergency assistance to America’s closest Middle Eastern ally.
All but 12 House Democrats voted against Johnson’s $14.3 billion aid proposal Thursday night, with most citing the Speaker’s decision to include cuts in equal amounts to IRS funding.
The legislation is also opposed by leaders of both parties in the Senate, who want a broader package including aid to Ukraine, leaving the fate of the Israel funds in question amid escalating hostilities in Gaza almost a month after Hamas’s terrorist attacks killed more than 1,400 people.
Heading into the weekend, Johnson’s Democratic critics remained furious with the decision to combine the aid to Israel — an issue that has historically enjoyed wide bipartisan support — with a highly partisan cut to one of President Biden’s pet programs. They minced no words in lashing out at the newly minted Speaker, with some even accusing Johnson of abandoning the biblical teachings he claims as a guide.
“If Democrats in the Senate or the House — or anyone else, anywhere else — want to argue that hiring more IRS agents is more important than standing with Israel in this moment, I’m ready to have that debate,” Johnson told reporters Thursday. “But I did not attach that for political purposes, okay, I attached it because again, we’re trying to get back to the principle of fiscal responsibility here, and that was the easiest and largest pile of money that’s sitting there for us to be able to pay for this immediate obligation.”

I’m liking this guy’s strategy so far. Give a little. Take a little.
If the Democrats aren’t freaking out, then Republicans aren't doing the job right. So far, so good.
We know Johnson wants it paid he needs to take it from something that is NOT a supposed money maker. Yet I wonder why Mike Johnson didn't include taking money from Afghanistan too?
Perhaps Johnson will include reduction of aide to Afghanistan in the coming Bill sending aid to the Ukraine.
In the meantime, Israel is getting riled at Biden and Blinken appeasement efforts, telling Israel what to and how to conduct actions against Hamas.....AND....the fact that we "robbed" a stockpile of OUR weapons in Israel and gave them to Ukraine.
Basically, I feel better about election of Johnson as the Speaker. If Democrats were complimenting Johnson's leadership and actions, I'd surely be worried.
Why are we sending any aid?
Yeah there is, then it won’t be allocated to them, and frees it up.

Pretty simple
There’s no need to”free it up”.

I think that the story about the IRS not spending the money is probably not terribly accurate. There’s been no substantiation of this.
There’s no need to”free it up”.

I think that the story about the IRS not spending the money is probably not terribly accurate. There’s been no substantiation of this.
Sure there is, geez man…have you ever run on a budget? Do you not understand how one works?

You are clueless
Irrelevant to anything having to do with Israel.
It isn't irrelevant, moron. If money has been misappropriated for one, it can be better allotted to the other. My, my, my--you didn't bitch like this when Biden was sending over $100B to Ukraine which is NOT our ally. Israel is an ally and $14B is chump change when you consider $87B that has been unnecessarily allotted to the IRS and the $100B+ that has been wasted on Ukraine. Zelensky has big time dirt on Biden.

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