Democrats Ready to Make Keith Ellison DNC Chair

Voter ID laws are set by the state. I do not want to see a further eroding of states rights. The Feds, including Trump, want more federal involvement in elections. My issues with Trump are minor compared to the wackos on the left.
I'm on the fence on this

I want to preserve States rights, but at the same time, national elections affect us all

I could make an argument for both sides of this issue
A well educated voter, familiar with the current laws, could defend both sides.
I like to call this phenomenon "doubling down on stupid"

Gotta admit, I'm pretty happy about it
If the Republicans would actually get smart, they could actually easily start winning state races in California and New York now.

I can't wait for idiots like McCain and Graham to die off.
We need to see voter ID laws for that to actually happen I'm afraid
In the mean time we need to start going after Connecticut's governor for his stance on sanctuary cities and start to make that the new Pennsylvania battleground.

Obama won Conn by 22 in 2008(and 17 in 2012), but Hillary only won it by 12 without Trump even really campaigning there.

Dear God, if we could start winning that deep in radical Yankee land, we'd have our country back...
Ellison and the idiot governor could easily erase those 12 points(or 7, if we continued the 5 point downward trend each election like we did from 2008 to 2016).

Hell, we have a Republican governor in Vermont now.
Alan Dershowitz will leave the Democratic Party if Keith Ellison is elected as DNC chair.

"There has been powerful push from the hard-left of the Democratic Party, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), to elect Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) chairman. If he is elected, I will quit the party after 60 years of loyal association and voting. I will become an independent, continuing to vote for the best candidates, most of whom, I assume, will still be Democrats. But I will not contribute to the DNC or support it as an institution.

My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party. I will urge other like-minded people — centrist liberals — to follow my lead and quit the Democratic Party if Ellison is elected chairman. We will not be leaving the Democratic Party we have long supported. The Democratic Party will be leaving us!

Dershowitz goes on to state:

Ellison has a long history of sordid association with anti-Semitism. He worked with and repeatedly defended one of a handful of the most notorious and public anti-Semites in our country: The Reverend Louis Farrakhan. And worked with Farrakhan at the very time this anti-Semite was publicly describing Judaism as a “gutter religion” and insisting that the Jews were a primary force in the African slave trade.
Ellison has publicly stated that he was unaware of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism. That is not a credible statement. Everyone was aware of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism. Farrakhan did not try to hide it. Indeed, he proclaimed it on every occasion. Ellison is either lying or he willfully blinded himself to what was obvious to everyone else. Neither of these qualities makes him suitable to be the next chairman of the DNC."

Prominent liberal makes JAW-DROPPING announcement: “I will leave the Democratic Party..."
Shocking Democrats want a man linked to the Nation of Islam as their chair. Said no one ever. But of course he does come with excellent references:

It is the equivalent of Britain's election of jeffey corbin to the labour head; its perfect - it guarantees their even deeper irrelevance for the forseeable future. The dems won't be electable outside SF, LA and NY for the next 20 years.
Shocking Democrats want a man linked to the Nation of Islam as their chair. Said no one ever.
But of course he does come with excellent references:

View attachment 113870

Ellison holds edge in DNC race survey
Well you guys elected Trump who was endorsed by the nation of Islam, so you don't really have any room to talk.
Do you understand why? Obama is a clown. He did nothing to heal the division. Louis Farrakhan (a devout anti-Semite), has declared Obama left the youth and some truth behind. Obama is a plague, and it has nothing to do with skin color. Please list his accomplishments.
Trump will leave office as the most protested-divisive-race baiting-dementia ridden-illegitimate President in American HISTORY!!!! And Louis Farraken is a pimp who is isolated in Chicago (somewhere)!!!!!

Red State Amerika who elected this PRICK is on the decline and had to rig the 2016 election to put Trump into office!!!!! Trump cabinet is loaded with white nationalist and thieves from Wall Street. WHAT COULD POSSIBLE GO WRONG!!!!!
Shocking Democrats want a man linked to the Nation of Islam as their chair. Said no one ever.
But of course he does come with excellent references:

View attachment 113870

Ellison holds edge in DNC race survey
Well you guys elected Trump who was endorsed by the nation of Islam, so you don't really have any room to talk.
Do you understand why? Obama is a clown. He did nothing to heal the division. Louis Farrakhan (a devout anti-Semite), has declared Obama left the youth and some truth behind. Obama is a plague, and it has nothing to do with skin color. Please list his accomplishments.
Trump will leave office as the most protested-divisive-race baiting-dementia ridden-illegitimate President in American HISTORY!!!! And Louis Farraken is a pimp who is isolated in Chicago (somewhere)!!!!!

Red State Amerika who elected this PRICK is on the decline and had to rig the 2016 election to put Trump into office!!!!! Trump cabinet is loaded with white nationalist and thieves from Wall Street. WHAT COULD POSSIBLE GO WRONG!!!!!
Trump derangement syndrome. Soros has you firmly in his grip.
Nothing shocking. They're throwing their lot in with people who detest and abhor america and the constitution. Ellis is a prime example of a person who absolutely hates america. Libs are all in.
Shocking Democrats want a man linked to the Nation of Islam as their chair. Said no one ever.
But of course he does come with excellent references:

View attachment 113870

Ellison holds edge in DNC race survey
Well you guys elected Trump who was endorsed by the nation of Islam, so you don't really have any room to talk.
Do you understand why? Obama is a clown. He did nothing to heal the division. Louis Farrakhan (a devout anti-Semite), has declared Obama left the youth and some truth behind. Obama is a plague, and it has nothing to do with skin color. Please list his accomplishments.
Trump will leave office as the most protested-divisive-race baiting-dementia ridden-illegitimate President in American HISTORY!!!! And Louis Farraken is a pimp who is isolated in Chicago (somewhere)!!!!!

Red State Amerika who elected this PRICK is on the decline and had to rig the 2016 election to put Trump into office!!!!! Trump cabinet is loaded with white nationalist and thieves from Wall Street. WHAT COULD POSSIBLE GO WRONG!!!!!
Trump derangement syndrome. Soros has you firmly in his grip.
Trump thinks he can take on the 4th Estate, Appointed Judges, and Intel community and have successful Presidency......he will FAIL.
Nothing shocking. They're throwing their lot in with people who destest and abhor america and the constitution. Ellis is a prime example of a person who absoluteley hates america. Libs are all in.
What is wrong with HATING Red State Amerika and the arrogant-ignorant conservatives???? This is a great for the 21st Century!!!!!
Nothing shocking. They're throwing their lot in with people who destest and abhor america and the constitution. Ellis is a prime example of a person who absoluteley hates america. Libs are all in.
What is wrong with HATING Red State Amerika and the arrogant-ignorant conservatives???? This is a great for the 21st Century!!!!!

You should do the country a favor and secede.
Nothing shocking. They're throwing their lot in with people who destest and abhor america and the constitution. Ellis is a prime example of a person who absoluteley hates america. Libs are all in.
What is wrong with HATING Red State Amerika and the arrogant-ignorant conservatives???? This is a great for the 21st Century!!!!!
Knowing there are nut jobs like this running around our country is a great reason for concealed carry. They hate anyone different than themselves and have been proven to be extremely violent.
Shocking Democrats want a man linked to the Nation of Islam as their chair. Said no one ever.
But of course he does come with excellent references:

View attachment 113870

Ellison holds edge in DNC race survey
Well you guys elected Trump who was endorsed by the nation of Islam, so you don't really have any room to talk.
Do you understand why? Obama is a clown. He did nothing to heal the division. Louis Farrakhan (a devout anti-Semite), has declared Obama left the youth and some truth behind. Obama is a plague, and it has nothing to do with skin color. Please list his accomplishments.
Trump will leave office as the most protested-divisive-race baiting-dementia ridden-illegitimate President in American HISTORY!!!! And Louis Farraken is a pimp who is isolated in Chicago (somewhere)!!!!!

Red State Amerika who elected this PRICK is on the decline and had to rig the 2016 election to put Trump into office!!!!! Trump cabinet is loaded with white nationalist and thieves from Wall Street. WHAT COULD POSSIBLE GO WRONG!!!!!
Anything else Soros asked you to parrot for us today?
Nothing shocking. They're throwing their lot in with people who destest and abhor america and the constitution. Ellis is a prime example of a person who absoluteley hates america. Libs are all in.
What is wrong with HATING Red State Amerika and the arrogant-ignorant conservatives???? This is a great for the 21st Century!!!!!

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