Democrats REEK OF FEAR


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Harmeet Dhillon: What Dems left in their wake after Hill hysteria -- defeat, desperation, fear

"A miasma of defeat, desperation, and fear wafts over Washington officialdom in the aftermath of the Senate and House Judiciary hearings this week, with an undercurrent of leaked revelations of 2016 FBI spy operations abroad."

Investigations on-going, overwhelming evidence, exposed coup attempt / treason leading back to Obama's oval office....

Democrats REEK of fear and desperation, realizing HELL IS A 'BOOMERANG'......and there's nothing they can do to stop it!
Highly relevant.

Attorney General William Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Department of Justice’s investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election, and his refusal to testify before House Judiciary Thursday, both revealed much about the new attorney general and the Democrats who sought to question him.

At their heart, clownish performances aside, the hearings confirmed what we already knew: President Trump was legitimately elected, despite President Obama’s knowledge of Russian interference attempts, and Democrats still can’t come to grips with this reality, two and a half years late

But here's what the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media isn't telling you.........

Nadless and his gang of criminal dimocraps voted to allow dimocrap scum Staff Members, professional head-hunters, people with no accountability.....

They voted to allow THEM to question Barr. Barr said, 'Fuck you!' and I don't blame him.

dimocraps are truly scum
Where's Adam Schiff? He had evidence! :auiqs.jpg:

We're all fully aware that the Mueller meta-narrative is simply a honeypot cash cow invented and perpetuated to one make our sitting President's character questionable in the minds of millions of voters and two, line the pockets of MSM owners and affiliates. We know the Mueller narrative is a hoax, the American Left knows it's a hoax. The only demographic stupid enough to dine at the "Mueller Investigation Fast Food Chain" are brainwashed NPC's who stay up all night self-flagellating themselves over how evil POTUS and "Whitey" must be to love America. Pathetic when the truth is know by all parties and yet some members of both continue to "putsch" the lie.
Attempting to hide their fear and make light of the coming storm, the Democrats played with Rubber chickens and ate KFC, a humiliating spectacle...
Harmeet Dhillon: What Dems left in their wake after Hill hysteria -- defeat, desperation, fear

"A miasma of defeat, desperation, and fear wafts over Washington officialdom in the aftermath of the Senate and House Judiciary hearings this week, with an undercurrent of leaked revelations of 2016 FBI spy operations abroad."

Investigations on-going, overwhelming evidence, exposed coup attempt / treason leading back to Obama's oval office....

Democrats REEK of fear and desperation, realizing HELL IS A 'BOOMERANG'......and there's nothing they can do to stop it!

Many of us, including you and I Easy, have been telling these phony's on here that when we get a non recused AG, their side will be screwed. Remember how they LAUGHED at us!

Well now, the poop is about to hit the fan, and while they try to keep a brave face, unless they are as dumb as a box of rocks, they are pooping on themselves, politically speaking. And if they do NOT understand this, they give credence to the old adage, "ignorance is bliss," lol!

Of course, if you were in mommy and daddy's basement eating Fritos all the time, you to might be blissful, and more than likely, ignorant too!

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