Democrats Refuse To Accept Voting Results

They are being election deniers and refusing to concede after losing the vote count. They don't accept vote results and will not leave office until told to do so by courts. They are guilty of insurrection and anyone supporting them are insurrectionists.

Don't worry a$ the$e conte$t$ ALWAY$ go political in the wor$t degree, & where there i$ politick'n there i$ $$$$$!
How hasn't conceded the 2020 election........Well duh, it's the Dotard.

Comedy Gold ^^^^^^.
You can't be serious!
Ummmmmmmmmmm, Trump walked out of the White House and handed Biden the keys to the front door. This person is refusing to leave office.
Good Luck with that ever shrinking %.
What is it now, MAGA, a strong 24%.

Not enough to win ANY election.

Watching the Sinking Ship is Enjoyable.
Say it was 24%. The way things are now those 24% have taxation with no representation as The Republic has turned now into a Democracy where having just above 50% as progs had the first two years is pure dictatorship agendas.
Actually it IS different. Trump voluntarily walked out of the White House and handed the keys to the front door to Biden. This lady is refusing to leave.
History actually records that your blob left before the guy who kicked his ass from one side of the nation to the other took the oath and thus further disgraced his already tarnished legacy.
Actually it IS different. Trump voluntarily walked out of the White House and handed the keys to the front door to Biden. This lady is refusing to leave.
You missed the Wisconsin supreme court decision, that says the holder of the position, remains in place until their replacement is confirmed by the senate.

And that has not happened.
Cheat and get caught and you go to jail
Don't forget, they claim that Biden cheated in 2020, with absolutely no evidence to support that claim. In fact, many of the lawyers who tried to make that claim, have not just lost those cases, but faced sanctions from fines to disbarment.
From Linn Wood to Rudy Giulianim, neither can practice law because of their claims.
You won't catch our cheating, Dems are not that bright.

How many seniors Democrats have been indicted in the past years - 3. How many Republicans? 337 - not including the recent Trump indictments, which raises that number to well over 350.

LMAO the Dems #1 leader is under investigation for massive corruption and influence peddling schemes.
The deflection is in full swing.

(R) cheat so let's all say that (D) cheat.
(R) lie so let's all say that (D) lie.
(R) hate all non-whites, so let's call the (D) the racists.

Your game is easily debunked.
Don't forget, they claim that Biden cheated in 2020, with absolutely no evidence to support that claim. In fact, many of the lawyers who tried to make that claim, have not just lost those cases, but faced sanctions from fines to disbarment.
From Linn Wood to Rudy Giulianim, neither can practice law because of their claims.

go back to your smelly dope room old man. Put on Janis Joplin and let the Adults run the country you wothless tie-dyed hippie.

Election fraud caught on video-audio in ATL. Same in PHI- DET etc. they used 4 chocolate counties to steal 2020 plus Brown PHX you dumb OX.
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They are being election deniers and refusing to concede after losing the vote count. They don't accept vote results and will not leave office until told to do so by courts. They are guilty of insurrection and anyone supporting them are insurrectionists.

Your post is literally the opposite of the truth.

The question this and Trump's attempt to steal the 2020 election raises the people get to decide who runs the government or not?

New Lawsuit Seeks To Stop Impeachment Proceedings Against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Monday, Sept. 11, Tim Burns — a former liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate — filed a petition in the state Supreme Court on behalf of two voters seeking to stop the Wisconsin State Assembly from conducting impeachment proceedings against recently elected Justice Janet Protasiewicz.

The petition comes after Republican members of the Wisconsin State Assembly threatened to impeach Protasiewicz for her refusal to recuse herself from redistricting litigation over the state’s gerrymandered legislative maps, her prior statements regarding unfair maps and her receipt of campaign contributions from the Wisconsin Democratic Party.

The petitioners — both of whom cast votes for Protasiewicz in April 2023 — allege that there is no basis to “justify the permanent destruction” of their fundamental right to vote given that “there is no factual finding of any crime or corruption” to justify the impeachment of Protasiewicz under the state constitution. They additionally note that Wisconsin Supreme Court justices “routinely do not recuse themselves” from cases concerning issues they campaigned on and that “six of the seven Supreme Justices have received contributions during the campaigns from party committees.”

In a nutshell, WI Repubs are trying to prevent Judge Protasiewicz from weighing in on the highly gerrymandered maps they created, allowing them to maintain their majority control of the legislature even if they do not get a majority of the votes statewide. Maps the Princeton Gerrymandering Project graded F for failing to be fair.
Redistricting Report Card

Judge Protasiewicz's somewhat surprising electoral victory came largely as a result of her opposition to the Repubs subversion of democracy by virtue of the district maps they drew. Now WI Repubs want to once again subvert the will of the people by removing her before she even has a chance to cast her first vote as a SC justice. They aren't stopping there.

Wisconsin Republicans Vote To Oust State’s Top Election Official Amid Authoritarian Tear

Wisconsin Republicans voted to fire the state’s election chief Thursday, a lingering outgrowth of Donald Trump’s 2020 big lie campaign.

Meagan Wolfe, administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission since 2019, is expected to stay in her post for now, as she and many state Democrats consider the vote to be illegitimate. The elections commission did not technically put forth her nomination to stay in the job, though all six members agreed she should stay in it, per the Wisconsin Journal Sentinel.

State Republicans have used circular logic to criticize Wolfe, saying that voters’ doubt in Wisconsin elections — doubt sowed both by Trump and by many of them carrying water for him — has made her unable to do the job.
Wisconsin Republicans Vote To Oust State’s Top Election Official Amid Authoritarian Tear

This is an example of what progressives mean when we say Repubs have adopted anti-democratic, authoritarian methods to retain power.

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