Democrats Refuse To Accept Voting Results

Yeah, through a process they were elected to be able to do

Are you saying impeachment power should not be given to legislatures? That’s a seperate debate. Right now that’s a power the people of WI have given their State Senate and elected them to do
I doubt any of them campaigned on the promise of removing election officials or judges
I doubt any of them campaigned on the promise of removing election officials or judges
I doubt that too…only demafasict have done that and only a dembot would vote for someone to do that

But, they had the power when something comes up…like in this case
And so what we'd be stuck with is your wet dream of a far Left totalitarian rule.
You could think that, but I want nothing like that.

Imagine that...... I can't stand the far left or the far right.
Try to keep up.
I will thank the Trump cult for one thing. It has revealed the depth of racism in this country. Unfortunately, it was deeper than many people thought, but the rock has been rolled over to expose the squirming maggots for what they truly are.

This ignorant, nasty, racist post is but one of many examples I see regularly on this board.
Racism is keeping the Negroes on welfare and to let them get away with crime in order to create a blocking block for the despicable Democrat Party.
Looked into a Milwaukee source for this story yesterday and came away with realization they have a real mess up there. From what I recall, one group failed to submit (as required) her nomination for the state senate to vote on for approval whether she should stay in her position. The senate took a vote to kick her butt to the curb. She is continuing in her position based on a judge's earlier decision on a somewhat similar matter.
Democrats and Republicans, when will they grow up!
And so what we'd be stuck with is your wet dream of a far Left totalitarian rule.

We are half way there already with Pedo Stalin as the Usurper in Chief and the Marxist Left running the grooming dem party
The GOP is dead, and those supporting the right wing are truly idiots.
Just look at post numbers 1,2,and 3.

I think you are right, but it is because for years they have been capitulating and moving left, while the left has gone off the reservation when it comes to what Americans want
There was a vote, she lost. Now she refuses to leave after losing the vote. And, fellow democrats are backing the insurrection. RICO indictments are due for all of them for trying to subvert Democracy with a plan to hold onto power, even after losing the vote.

She won the vote and the election. It was the Senators who overturned her election and the will of the people. Their vote is irrelevant and ignores the people's vote. This violates the Constitution.

You falsely claimed that Ms. Wolfe was guilty of "refusing to accept the results of an election" by refusing to leave office. But it was the Senators who fired her without cause who are refusing to accept the results of the election, not Ms. Wolfe.

Ms. Wolfe is refusing to allow this attack on democracy and the Constitution to stand.
go back to your smelly dope room old man. Put on Janis Joplin and let the Adults run the country you wothless tie-dyed hippie.

Election fraud caught on video-audio in ATL. Same in PHI- DET etc. they used 4 chocolate counties to steal 2020 plus Brown PHX you dumb OX.

No it was not. Those videos were completely debunked and the voice overs telling you what was going on, lied about everything you saw.

Rudy Gulliani admitted he made the whole thing up about Atlanta. He's been charged with fraud in connection with that video, and other staffers, frist tried to bribe and then bully the two women in Atlanta into admitting their "crimes" saying Trump would "take care of them if your do". They sent a black man to do their dirty work.

The two election workers have been awarded substantial sums for the slanders and abuse they endured.

Racist and stupid to the end of your post.
There was a vote, she lost. Now she refuses to leave after losing the vote. And, fellow democrats are backing the insurrection. RICO indictments are due for all of them for trying to subvert Democracy with a plan to hold onto power, even after losing the vote.
This isn’t about democracy (the public didn’t vote her out). This is about who is going to serve in the seat until the new director is appointed and confirmed.

You are lying.
She won the vote and the election. It was the Senators who overturned her election and the will of the people. Their vote is irrelevant and ignores the people's vote. This violates the Constitution.

You falsely claimed that Ms. Wolfe was guilty of "refusing to accept the results of an election" by refusing to leave office. But it was the Senators who fired her without cause who are refusing to accept the results of the election, not Ms. Wolfe.

Ms. Wolfe is refusing to allow this attack on democracy and the Constitution to stand.
They had the authority to vote and they voted. She refused to accept the results of the vote and her and fellow democrats have created a scheme to overthrow the vote. That's enough for RICO indictments.
This isn’t about democracy (the public didn’t vote her out). This is about who is going to serve in the seat until the new director is appointed and confirmed.

You are lying.
The voters had the authority to vote. They voted. Democrats refuse to accept the results of the vote.

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