Democrats Relief Bill Has A Lot Of Little Bombs In It!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Democrats in their bill [Sec. 3131( c)(2)(A)(i)] are expanding the definition of sick leave under the emergency sick leave program created in response to the Pandemic. The Democrats require employers to give a "sick leave" day for the day an employee is getting a Covid 19 vaccine shot further their bill mandates employers give additional sick leave days for days where the employee's immune system is responding to the vaccine and the employee is experiencing conditions like a headache, fatigue, muscle ache, chills, etc. that employee need only have their doctor give a diagnosis that the condition is a result of the vaccine. Not only is this a wasteful expenditure of taxpayers money because the federal government is reimbursing the employee for this expense but it is very burdensome and disruptive to employers, employees are needed to run the employer's business well also requiring employers to give these paid sick leave days for petty reasons is going to cause an administrative or paperwork headache for the employers as they have to make sure the payroll work is processed in a manner that comports with this program's requirements.

Many employers understandably so, because they are trying to run a business, limit many sick leave programs to employees that have worked with the employer for at least six months because sick leave programs are expensive for employers and employers need employees to run the business and meet the business's needs. Well Democrats in their bill [Sec. 3131(j)] put the mandate on employers if you put any 'length of employment' restrictions on eligibility for this "Emergency Paid Sick Leave Program" for your employees you cannot participate in the tax credit portion of this program and get reimbursed for your expenses related to this program. Democrats with this move demonstrate they are not business friendly, not fair to businesses and poor stewards of America's economy putting onerous and unfair burdens on her businesses!

The Democrats never stop with their arrogant, foolish, irresponsible expenditure of taxpayer money. The Senate Democrats amended the House bill [Sec. 9501(a)(1)(A)] to make it worse in one area that was extremely wrong to begin with! The Senate Democrats in their bill have mandated that the U.S. taxpayers pick-up the entirety of the premium health insurance costs for unemployed Americans with COBRA coverage (COBRA is the government policy that gives laid off workers and workers that lose health insurance coverage because their hours were cut the right to continue with their employer sponsored health insurance as long as they pay the employee and employer portion of the premiums) from now through September 30th of this year the House had mandated the Federal government pick-up eighty-five percent of the premium costs. I am not opposed to helping unemployed workers who are in this state because of the pandemic I think it is a good and right thing for the federal government to pick up the employer portion of the premium during the crisis which for most employers is around sixty-five percent of the costs but to pay the entirety is Being reckless with taxpayers monies, the whole reason the federal government is extending and supplementing unemployment compensation is to enable people to pay their living costs like health insurance premiums. What kind of message do Democrats think that their 'we don't care about being good steward of America's finances here' send to ordinary Americans that are struggling to make ends meet and would love someone to pick-up their employer sponsored health insurance premium cost they could really use the extra monies in their paycheck it creates a public perception amongst these Americans that there is a lot of corruption and lack of virtue in the country and that is a terrible effect Democrats are promulgating here. The Democrats should change these provisions and do what the Congress did during the 2009 Great Recession just pick-up sixty-five percent of the premium costs for these unemployed Americans!
The Democrats in their bill [Sec. 3131( c)(2)(A)(i)] are expanding the definition of sick leave under the emergency sick leave program created in response to the Pandemic. The Democrats require employers to give a "sick leave" day for the day an employee is getting a Covid 19 vaccine shot further their bill mandates employers give additional sick leave days for days where the employee's immune system is responding to the vaccine and the employee is experiencing conditions like a headache, fatigue, muscle ache, chills, etc. that employee need only have their doctor give a diagnosis that the condition is a result of the vaccine. Not only is this a wasteful expenditure of taxpayers money because the federal government is reimbursing the employee for this expense but it is very burdensome and disruptive to employers, employees are needed to run the employer's business well also requiring employers to give these paid sick leave days for petty reasons is going to cause an administrative or paperwork headache for the employers as they have to make sure the payroll work is processed in a manner that comports with this program's requirements.

Many employers understandably so, because they are trying to run a business, limit many sick leave programs to employees that have worked with the employer for at least six months because sick leave programs are expensive for employers and employers need employees to run the business and meet the business's needs. Well Democrats in their bill [Sec. 3131(j)] put the mandate on employers if you put any 'length of employment' restrictions on eligibility for this "Emergency Paid Sick Leave Program" for your employees you cannot participate in the tax credit portion of this program and get reimbursed for your expenses related to this program. Democrats with this move demonstrate they are not business friendly, not fair to businesses and poor stewards of America's economy putting onerous and unfair burdens on her businesses!

The Democrats never stop with their arrogant, foolish, irresponsible expenditure of taxpayer money. The Senate Democrats amended the House bill [Sec. 9501(a)(1)(A)] to make it worse in one area that was extremely wrong to begin with! The Senate Democrats in their bill have mandated that the U.S. taxpayers pick-up the entirety of the premium health insurance costs for unemployed Americans with COBRA coverage (COBRA is the government policy that gives laid off workers and workers that lose health insurance coverage because their hours were cut the right to continue with their employer sponsored health insurance as long as they pay the employee and employer portion of the premiums) from now through September 30th of this year the House had mandated the Federal government pick-up eighty-five percent of the premium costs. I am not opposed to helping unemployed workers who are in this state because of the pandemic I think it is a good and right thing for the federal government to pick up the employer portion of the premium during the crisis which for most employers is around sixty-five percent of the costs but to pay the entirety is Being reckless with taxpayers monies, the whole reason the federal government is extending and supplementing unemployment compensation is to enable people to pay their living costs like health insurance premiums. What kind of message do Democrats think that their 'we don't care about being good steward of America's finances here' send to ordinary Americans that are struggling to make ends meet and would love someone to pick-up their employer sponsored health insurance premium cost they could really use the extra monies in their paycheck it creates a public perception amongst these Americans that there is a lot of corruption and lack of virtue in the country and that is a terrible effect Democrats are promulgating here. The Democrats should change these provisions and do what the Congress did during the 2009 Great Recession just pick-up sixty-five percent of the premium costs for these unemployed Americans!

Yep! Just another (stupid) tactic to stick to the average taxpayers. :icon_rolleyes:
The Democrats in their bill [Sec. 3131( c)(2)(A)(i)] are expanding the definition of sick leave under the emergency sick leave program created in response to the Pandemic. The Democrats require employers to give a "sick leave" day for the day an employee is getting a Covid 19 vaccine shot further their bill mandates employers give additional sick leave days for days where the employee's immune system is responding to the vaccine and the employee is experiencing conditions like a headache, fatigue, muscle ache, chills, etc. that employee need only have their doctor give a diagnosis that the condition is a result of the vaccine. Not only is this a wasteful expenditure of taxpayers money because the federal government is reimbursing the employee for this expense but it is very burdensome and disruptive to employers, employees are needed to run the employer's business well also requiring employers to give these paid sick leave days for petty reasons is going to cause an administrative or paperwork headache for the employers as they have to make sure the payroll work is processed in a manner that comports with this program's requirements.

Many employers understandably so, because they are trying to run a business, limit many sick leave programs to employees that have worked with the employer for at least six months because sick leave programs are expensive for employers and employers need employees to run the business and meet the business's needs. Well Democrats in their bill [Sec. 3131(j)] put the mandate on employers if you put any 'length of employment' restrictions on eligibility for this "Emergency Paid Sick Leave Program" for your employees you cannot participate in the tax credit portion of this program and get reimbursed for your expenses related to this program. Democrats with this move demonstrate they are not business friendly, not fair to businesses and poor stewards of America's economy putting onerous and unfair burdens on her businesses!

The Democrats never stop with their arrogant, foolish, irresponsible expenditure of taxpayer money. The Senate Democrats amended the House bill [Sec. 9501(a)(1)(A)] to make it worse in one area that was extremely wrong to begin with! The Senate Democrats in their bill have mandated that the U.S. taxpayers pick-up the entirety of the premium health insurance costs for unemployed Americans with COBRA coverage (COBRA is the government policy that gives laid off workers and workers that lose health insurance coverage because their hours were cut the right to continue with their employer sponsored health insurance as long as they pay the employee and employer portion of the premiums) from now through September 30th of this year the House had mandated the Federal government pick-up eighty-five percent of the premium costs. I am not opposed to helping unemployed workers who are in this state because of the pandemic I think it is a good and right thing for the federal government to pick up the employer portion of the premium during the crisis which for most employers is around sixty-five percent of the costs but to pay the entirety is Being reckless with taxpayers monies, the whole reason the federal government is extending and supplementing unemployment compensation is to enable people to pay their living costs like health insurance premiums. What kind of message do Democrats think that their 'we don't care about being good steward of America's finances here' send to ordinary Americans that are struggling to make ends meet and would love someone to pick-up their employer sponsored health insurance premium cost they could really use the extra monies in their paycheck it creates a public perception amongst these Americans that there is a lot of corruption and lack of virtue in the country and that is a terrible effect Democrats are promulgating here. The Democrats should change these provisions and do what the Congress did during the 2009 Great Recession just pick-up sixty-five percent of the premium costs for these unemployed Americans!

Yep! Just another (stupid) tactic to stick to the average taxpayers. :icon_rolleyes:
That was done by Donald and his buddies making sure millionaires and corporations don’t pay taxes. That of course doesn’t trouble you one bit
Democrats believe the US Treasury is their own personal vote-buying piggy bank.

And if you disagree, you're racist.

The $1.9 trillion stimulus bill is one of the largest money laundering operations in the history of mankind, and the Democrat big buck donors will get the lion’s share just like they did under the Obama green energy money laundering operation when 80% of green energy money taxed away from the wages of hard working American Citizens WENT TO Obama’s corporate donors!

It’s amazing how hard working wage earners continue to vote for the very con artists who financially rape their paychecks and have destroyed every inner city they have controlled for generations as Kimberly Klacik so eloquently demonstrated:



Our socialist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

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