Democrats say DeVos has no experience in education


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
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You force the public to pay more funding every year, ...and not give a sht if the kids graduate . "Education"

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If Republicans don't confirm DeVos and reform in education is held up, they will reap the whirlwind.
If Republicans don't confirm DeVos and reform in education is held up, they will reap the whirlwind.
Why? The woman is a dunce on educational matters.

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Not a problem! Let's put David Horowitz in there. He's the perfect man for the job.
Granny says, "Dat's right - she's an Amway huckster dat don't have public school experience...

Why is Betsy DeVos, Trump's pick for education secretary, so unpopular?
Sun, 05 Feb 2017 - Betsy DeVos, Trump's pick for education secretary, may not get approved this week. Why is that?
Of all Donald Trump's cabinet picks, it is perhaps Betsy DeVos - his nominee for education secretary - who has faced the biggest hurdles in being approved for the job. On being nominated to the post in November, she was called "a brilliant and passionate education advocate" by Mr Trump. But her performance before a nomination committee last month made the news for all the wrong reasons and she now faces the chance of not landing the job. It is already as good as certain that Democrats will not vote for Mrs DeVos when they make the decision in the Senate on Tuesday. But two Republican senators have also said they will not back her, leaving the vote tied at 50-50.

If it stays that way, Vice-President Mike Pence would cast the deciding vote - but one more Republican defector would mean Mrs DeVos not getting nominated (last week, the New York Times even went as far as appealing to "one Republican with dignity" to vote against her). Labour unions, rights groups and teaching organisations have also spoken out against her nomination. So just why has she proven so unpopular? Mrs DeVos, 59, is a wealthy Republican Party donor and a former Michigan Republican Party chairwoman who has long campaigned for education reform in the state. Her husband Dick DeVos was a CEO of the beauty and nutrition giant Amway and her brother is Erik Prince, the founder of the controversial private security company Blackwater.


Betsy DeVos speaks during her confirmation hearing for Secretary of Education before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on Capitol Hill​

It is not clear how much the DeVos family support Mr Trump or his agenda - in 2015, they gave money towards the campaigns of Jeb Bush and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker. And, in an interview last March, she described Mr Trump as "an interloper" who did not represent the Republican Party. Much of the controversy around Mrs DeVos focuses on her support of charter schools, which are publicly funded and set up by teachers, parents, or community groups, outside the state school system. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said her work in Michigan involved "elevating for-profit schools with no consideration of the severe harm done to traditional public schools" despite "overwhelming evidence" that charter schools were no more successful than their traditional counterparts.

She and her family have also campaigned, albeit unsuccessfully, for a loosening of the oversight of charter schools in Michigan but it is unclear if this is a policy she would pursue further as education secretary. Less oversight of charter schools, critics say, would allow them to pursue a creationist, evangelical agenda. The New York Times reported that she had told a meeting of Christian philanthropists in 2001 that education reform was a way to "advance God's kingdom". Fusion reported that secularists in the US school system faced a "fierce battle" with Mrs DeVos at the helm.

How did Trump nominees' hearings go?
What's to know?

You force the public to pay more funding every year, ...and not give a sht if the kids graduate . "Education"

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Here's what Trump needs to do Reform the entire Public "education" system into this:

100 Percent of Urban Prep Academy Seniors Going to College | Urban Prep Academies

Urban Prep Academy's faculty and family were joined by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Thursday afternoon to celebrate their 167 seniors who are all college-bound.

On Thursday, the last seven of the 167 young scholars underwent the rites of passage and were handed their new ties. This moment solidified Chicago Urban Academy's fourth consecutive year in graduating 100 percent of their all African-American male student body and sending them to college.

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