Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost

Winning them over would be a bit easier if they could manage to stop insulting and mocking them first.
But you just don't get it! It's very important for them to know they're unacceptable deplorables and need to know their place first! They just can't keep thinking their lives matter and they need to accept they come last in everything.
Yeah. Yet call them "elitist" and they get angry.

Yes. It's a bunch of wealthy white elitists and trust fund kids hoping to dump their own guilt off on the lower class whites and then pat themselves on the back for being so enlightened and 'progressive'. Their sycophants in academia like to identify with and pretend they're also 'elites' too, for merely aping and sucking up to their 'betters' and adopting the same attitudes, like the good little fashion victims they are. The bourgois Burb Brats then follow along like the herd of fashion victims they are, and they're told what good little peasants they are and how 'smart' they are, and they giggle and pee themselves over being so wonderful and feel they are really part of the establishment as well., i.e. stupid and gullible and much more willing to cut their own throats as a result. And of course the 'minorities' are subject to being manipulated in the same ways, and as a result are still on the bottom re acquiring real educations and equality based on merit, no real change in the status quo, because everybody else has their scapegoats defined and all are happy with it.
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