Democrats Say to Hell with Poor Kids

The Democratic party has lost its mind — and its soul.

“Democrats claim to stand for the poor, immigrants and nonwhites. Yet given a chance to actually support someone who is dedicated to improving education for all America’s children, especially those trapped in urban failing schools, the Dems’ said no, hell no. . . . Trump has made rookie errors, but his resolve in picking DeVos and sticking with her proves he is deadly serious about fixing what’s broken in American education. What, pray tell, are Democrats serious about?”

Money and power.
DeVos was totally unqualified without an ounce of experience, just like El Presidente
Enough about Obama, he's out of office now, time to stop harping on what a completely inexperienced and unqualified executive he was.
If he was inexperienced, what could you possibly call Trump??????????????????????????????????/
The Democratic party has lost its mind — and its soul.

“Democrats claim to stand for the poor, immigrants and nonwhites. Yet given a chance to actually support someone who is dedicated to improving education for all America’s children, especially those trapped in urban failing schools, the Dems’ said no, hell no. . . . Trump has made rookie errors, but his resolve in picking DeVos and sticking with her proves he is deadly serious about fixing what’s broken in American education. What, pray tell, are Democrats serious about?”

Money and power.
DeVos was totally unqualified without an ounce of experience, just like El Presidente
how you figure? you don't just get to post that without making some form of proof. what's your proof?
Simple- tell us her previous experience in the field of education. Was she a teacher, and aide, a principal, an administrator, a school board member. What does she know about public school education?
It wasn't my job to vet her. did you?

do you think unions had anything to do with how dems voted? or was it her qualifications? or are you truly that stupid.
The Democratic party has lost its mind — and its soul.

“Democrats claim to stand for the poor, immigrants and nonwhites. Yet given a chance to actually support someone who is dedicated to improving education for all America’s children, especially those trapped in urban failing schools, the Dems’ said no, hell no. . . . Trump has made rookie errors, but his resolve in picking DeVos and sticking with her proves he is deadly serious about fixing what’s broken in American education. What, pray tell, are Democrats serious about?”

Money and power.
DeVos was totally unqualified without an ounce of experience, just like El Presidente
how you figure? you don't just get to post that without making some form of proof. what's your proof?
Simple- tell us her previous experience in the field of education. Was she a teacher, and aide, a principal, an administrator, a school board member. What does she know about public school education?
It wasn't my job to vet her. did you?
No one did, she is unqualified and that is why there is such resentment against her
The Democratic party has lost its mind — and its soul.

“Democrats claim to stand for the poor, immigrants and nonwhites. Yet given a chance to actually support someone who is dedicated to improving education for all America’s children, especially those trapped in urban failing schools, the Dems’ said no, hell no. . . . Trump has made rookie errors, but his resolve in picking DeVos and sticking with her proves he is deadly serious about fixing what’s broken in American education. What, pray tell, are Democrats serious about?”

Money and power.
DeVos was totally unqualified without an ounce of experience, just like El Presidente
how you figure? you don't just get to post that without making some form of proof. what's your proof?
Simple- tell us her previous experience in the field of education. Was she a teacher, and aide, a principal, an administrator, a school board member. What does she know about public school education?
It wasn't my job to vet her. did you?
No one did, she is unqualified and that is why there is such resentment against her
the democrats didn't? then how could they comment then?
The Democratic party has lost its mind — and its soul.

“Democrats claim to stand for the poor, immigrants and nonwhites. Yet given a chance to actually support someone who is dedicated to improving education for all America’s children, especially those trapped in urban failing schools, the Dems’ said no, hell no. . . . Trump has made rookie errors, but his resolve in picking DeVos and sticking with her proves he is deadly serious about fixing what’s broken in American education. What, pray tell, are Democrats serious about?”

Money and power.
DeVos was totally unqualified without an ounce of experience, just like El Presidente
Enough about Obama, he's out of office now, time to stop harping on what a completely inexperienced and unqualified executive he was.
If he was inexperienced, what could you possibly call Trump??????????????????????????????????/
Mr. President
OP- Too bad vouchers and charter schools don't work, another GOP pipe dream. Our society's school system will only work when our society works, not this pander to the greedy idiot rich GOP mess.
The Democratic party has lost its mind — and its soul.

“Democrats claim to stand for the poor, immigrants and nonwhites. Yet given a chance to actually support someone who is dedicated to improving education for all America’s children, especially those trapped in urban failing schools, the Dems’ said no, hell no. . . . Trump has made rookie errors, but his resolve in picking DeVos and sticking with her proves he is deadly serious about fixing what’s broken in American education. What, pray tell, are Democrats serious about?”

Money and power.
DeVos was totally unqualified without an ounce of experience, just like El Presidente
how you figure? you don't just get to post that without making some form of proof. what's your proof?
Simple- tell us her previous experience in the field of education. Was she a teacher, and aide, a principal, an administrator, a school board member. What does she know about public school education?
It wasn't my job to vet her. did you?
No one did, she is unqualified and that is why there is such resentment against her
The left put all of its eggs into fighting her. And lost.

Democrats are on record for not voting for her. Republicans own the state of education a few years from now.

99% chance Democrats will be attempting to take credit.
Imagine how much George Soros could help these children with his $24 billion.

Instead, he spends his time master minding protests at Berkeley so they can burn the place down.

I realize it eases your tiny mind to think that millions of Americans are not opposed to the Trumpenfuhrer and the rest of the alt-right nazis and facists, and that these spontaneous demonstrations are all orchestrated and funded by Soros, but this isn't true, no matter how many times Breitbart posts it.

You're being lied to and the shit is going to get worse. You elected this lying incompetent, you're stuck with the result. The opposition to this nazi agenda is barely getting started.
Imagine how much George Soros could help these children with his $24 billion.

Instead, he spends his time master minding protests at Berkeley so they can burn the place down.

I realize it eases your tiny mind to think that millions of Americans are not opposed to the Trumpenfuhrer and the rest of the alt-right nazis and facists, and that these spontaneous demonstrations are all orchestrated and funded by Soros, but this isn't true, no matter how many times Breitbart posts it.

You're being lied to and the shit is going to get worse. You elected this lying incompetent, you're stuck with the result. The opposition to this nazi agenda is barely getting started.
And your evidence is........... hell even the NY Times admits Soros is funding protests.

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington
The Democratic party has lost its mind — and its soul.

“Democrats claim to stand for the poor, immigrants and nonwhites. Yet given a chance to actually support someone who is dedicated to improving education for all America’s children, especially those trapped in urban failing schools, the Dems’ said no, hell no. . . . Trump has made rookie errors, but his resolve in picking DeVos and sticking with her proves he is deadly serious about fixing what’s broken in American education. What, pray tell, are Democrats serious about?”

Money and power.

Republicans say to hell with the poor, immigrants and non-whites- by approving a Secretary of Education who has been dedicated to making money off of our children.
The Democratic party has lost its mind — and its soul.

“Democrats claim to stand for the poor, immigrants and nonwhites. Yet given a chance to actually support someone who is dedicated to improving education for all America’s children, especially those trapped in urban failing schools, the Dems’ said no, hell no. . . . Trump has made rookie errors, but his resolve in picking DeVos and sticking with her proves he is deadly serious about fixing what’s broken in American education. What, pray tell, are Democrats serious about?”

Money and power.

Republicans say to hell with the poor, immigrants and non-whites- by approving a Secretary of Education who has been dedicated to making money off of our children.
how? explain. are you saying offering school choice is bad? so you want the blacks to stay in low productive schools and you call her that? really? here:
Imagine how much George Soros could help these children with his $24 billion.

Instead, he spends his time master minding protests at Berkeley so they can burn the place down.

I realize it eases your tiny mind to think that millions of Americans are not opposed to the Trumpenfuhrer and the rest of the alt-right nazis and facists, and that these spontaneous demonstrations are all orchestrated and funded by Soros, but this isn't true, no matter how many times Breitbart posts it.

You're being lied to and the shit is going to get worse. You elected this lying incompetent, you're stuck with the result. The opposition to this nazi agenda is barely getting started.
And your evidence is........... hell even the NY Times admits Soros is funding protests.

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington
Has ties LOL dupe. BFD.
Imagine how much George Soros could help these children with his $24 billion.

Instead, he spends his time master minding protests at Berkeley so they can burn the place down.

I realize it eases your tiny mind to think that millions of Americans are not opposed to the Trumpenfuhrer and the rest of the alt-right nazis and facists, and that these spontaneous demonstrations are all orchestrated and funded by Soros, but this isn't true, no matter how many times Breitbart posts it.

You're being lied to and the shit is going to get worse. You elected this lying incompetent, you're stuck with the result. The opposition to this nazi agenda is barely getting started.
And your evidence is........... hell even the NY Times admits Soros is funding protests.

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ‘partners’ of the Women’s March on Washington
Has ties LOL dupe. BFD.
Oh noes!!!! Not the ACLU! Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. So scary!!!!!! Idiot.

From your link- a pile of bs with Soros bogeyman headline as always. No evidence ever of anything but more bs fear mongering about the Nazi (my butt) Soros......

By my draft research, which I’m opening up for crowd-sourcing on GoogleDocs, Soros has funded, or has close relationships with, at least 56 of the march’s “partners,” including “key partners” Planned Parenthood, which opposes Trump’s anti-abortion policy, and the National Resource Defense Council, which opposes Trump’s environmental policies. The other Soros ties with “Women’s March” organizations include the partisan (which was fiercely pro-Clinton), the National Action Network (which has a former executive director lauded by Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett as “a leader of tomorrow” as a march co-chair and another official as “the head of logistics”). Other Soros grantees who are “partners” in the march are the American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. March organizers and the organizations identified here haven’t yet returned queries for comment.

On the issues I care about as a Muslim, the “Women’s March,” unfortunately, has taken a stand on the side of partisan politics that has obfuscated the issues of Islamic extremism over the eight years of the Obama administration. “Women’s March” partners include the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has not only deflected on issues of Islamic extremism post-9/11, but opposes Muslim reforms that would allow women to be prayer leaders and pray in the front of mosques, without wearing headscarves as symbols of chastity. Partners also include the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which wrongly designated Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim reformer, an “anti-Muslim extremist” in a biased report released before the election. The SPLC confirmed to me that Soros funded its “anti-Muslim extremists” report targeting Nawaz. (Ironically, CAIR also opposes abortions, but its leader still has a key speaking role.)

Another Soros grantee and march “partner” is the Arab-American Association of New York, whose executive director, Linda Sarsour, is a march co-chair. When I co-wrote a piece, arguing that Muslim women don’t have to wear headscarves as a symbol of “modesty,” she attacked the coauthor and me as “fringe.”

Earlier, at least 33 of the 100 “women of color,” who initially protested the Trump election in street protests, worked at organizations that receive Soros funding, in part for “black-brown” activism. Of course, Soros is an “ideological philanthropist,” whose interests align with many of these groups, but he is also a significant political donor. In Davos, he told reporters that Trump is a “would-be dictator.”

A spokeswoman for Soros’s Open Society Foundations said in a statement, “There have been many false reports about George Soros and the Open Society Foundations funding protests in the wake of the U.S. presidential elections. There is no truth to these reports.” She added, “We support a wide range of organizations — including those that support women and minorities who have historically been denied equal rights. Many of whom are concerned about what policy changes may lie ahead. We are proud of their work. We of course support the right of all Americans to peaceably assemble and petition their government—a vital, and constitutionally safeguarded, pillar of a functioning democracy.”

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