Democrats = Slippery Slope Party


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

So now the Thomas Jefferson statue is offensive? But why are we shocked. Other examples:

  1. Gay Marriage = Both Biden and Obama initially against it. They agree (rightfully so IMO) and the mantra is that gay people just want equal rights to straight people and be left alone. Fair. Now its. Bake me my cake or lose your business. Watch my parade. Pander to me. Men may identify as women.
  2. Statues = Confederate statues are evil and must be taken down. I can see it somewhat. Now its. All statues are offensive. US is a racist country. Seriously?
  3. Health Insurance = ACA will provide affordable healthcare for the uninsured. It didn't but people believed the hype. Now its, universal healthcare for all and you lose your private insurance! Seriously?
  4. Policing = We need better trained officers. Now its, defund the police and replace them with social workers. How is that working for NYC?
  5. Sports = Redskins is a slur and offensive. I didn't realize teams were named to offend people. Pretty sure they are named as a badge of honor. Next they are saying change the Braves, Chiefs and Indians. What do they really find offensive with the Redskins? The "Redskins" or "Washington"?
I am sure there are others. Please feel free to share. Thank you.
If you were only honest w/your criticisms, you might have been not a bad poster.

But, you love to be on the extreme.

So, carry on!

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