Democrats Soft on Pedophile Crimes

So long as child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is in office, no one with more than single-digit IQs would take this whole new invented bullshit by the GOP seriously.
Why Republicans Are Smearing Everyone as Pedophiles Now

Not long ago, the notion that American politics was oriented around a dispute over the merits of child sexual exploitation was viewed as so loopy that not even Donald Trump could take it seriously. It is now becoming the Republican Party’s most energetic idea. The two most prominent theaters of partisan combat of the moment, the Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmation and Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, have both seen a growing swath of conservatives embrace charges of pedophilia as their central theme.

Two years ago, the pedophilia charge was confined almost entirely to QAnon, a sprawling web of far-right conspiracy theories that operated around the fringes of conservative politics. And while some of the details produced by its theories would find their way into the minds of Trump and his inner circle (especially with conspiracy theories centering on the “stolen election”), the broader narrative that American politics was a fight over pedophilia remained marginal.

What is true about the Republican Party is that some of its members are still willing to support fellow Republicans even after learning of their sexual exploitation of minors. After Moore was revealed to have preyed upon teenagers as an adult, the likes of Trump and the Federalist still urged Alabamans to vote for him for Senate. One pro-Moore column in the Federalist, headlined “Why Alabamians Should Vote for Roy Moore,” included the uncomfortable rationale “To have a large family, the wife must start having kids when she is young.”

If you go to the Federalist today, you will find headlines like “Disney’s Obsession With Grooming Children Is Nothing New, But Their Openness About It Is,” and “Joe Biden’s Reversal on Sexual Exposure for Kids Shows Just How Extreme the Democratic Party Has Become.”

The spread of this “issue” says nothing about the parties’ comparative permissiveness about sexual assault. It only reveals the existence within one of them of an openness to conspiracy theories and a network of operatives unprincipled enough to exploit it.

Much more at the link below...

Why Republicans Are Smearing Everyone as Pedophiles Now

Yes, Republicans are really sick perverts.

The Republican Party is testing a new style of hatemongering politics: one that brands all opponents as pedophiles or “pro-pedophile”.

GOP wants voters to see pedophiles all around us

Putin uses the same sick playbook to smear his opponents.

Democraps have only themselves to blame.

They've been openly, unabashedly supporting and promoting the abusive sexual grooming and brainwashing of young children in public schools.

Any who support this shit, who are not directly pedophiles are certainly, undeniably complicit with pedophiles.

If you don't want to be accused of being a pedophile, or at least of being complicit with pedophiles, then it would really help your cause to not be openly supporting pedophilic abuses.

Your side is screaming, not because you are being falsely accused, but because you've been caught red-handed.
California Legislature Passes Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral, Anal Sex with Willing Children

California lawmakers passed a bill Monday that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim.
According to SB 145, the legislation “would exempt from mandatory registration” as a sex offender “a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.”
The measure would allow a judge to decide if an adult who engages in oral or anal sex with a child must register as a sex offender if that person is within ten years of the age of the victim.

This is absolutely disgusting and is just one such example
Bomb california groomer land.
Cleaning house is a good thing.

This is just QAnon dogshit deflecting from Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan
The charges against Jordan were recanted. That happens when you rely on criminals as your star witnesses. Nothing has ever been proven on Gaetz either. So it’s you who has the dogshit all over you.
The GOP is entirely bankrupt of ideas on how to fix the real issues of our country.

Completely bankrupt.
Your stand against protecting children and protecting these deviants is noted and not surprising. Removing your Dear Leader Xiden’s policies will do a great deal towards fixing this country. Pathetically trying to deflect. Telling.....
Your stand against protecting children and protecting these deviants is noted

So long as child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is in office, no one with more than single-digit IQs would take this whole new invented bullshit by the GOP seriously.
Where are these convictions for child sex trafficking you keep claiming? You seem to have an obsession with this you retard. Nobody takes people who support “judges” and others who treat pedos lightly seriously. That’s not the GOP who defends these people.
Your surrender is also noted. Laughing at light sentences for pedos. Tells us ALL we need to know about you....
I am amused at what a credulous tard you are. I also kind of feel sorry for you. It must be tough living in a constant state of delusion and having to work so hard to hold onto your insane belief system.
I am amused at what a credulous tard you are. I also kind of feel sorry for you. It must be tough living in a constant state of delusion and having to work so hard to hold onto your insane belief system.
As I look down at you rolling around in your mud and other filth, I laugh at you. The delusion is from people like you who defend the indefensible and are proud to show how disgusting you are. You are a total retard who defends your Dear Leader and supports being soft on pedos. People like you get removed from where I live pretty quickly. Wanting the things you want taught to children doesn’t fly with parents. And reveals what you are....
The Republican Party is testing a new style of hatemongering politics . . . .

That is what Marxist democrats call "telling the truth". Pathetic.

Prof who said pedophiles should be called ‘minor-attracted persons’ agrees to resign

A Virginia university assistant professor who argued it wasn’t necessarily immoral for adults to be sexually attracted to kids has agreed to resign after facing intense backlash.

A picture of a Democrat Groomer Freak:

So long as child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is in office . . .

Proof please. Prove that allegation.

You are a typical of the filthy lying Marxist.
You respond to FACTS about your party's grooming and pedophile policies with false unproven allegations attacking a single person.

YOU are why good Americans HATE democrats

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