Democrats Soft on Pedophile Crimes

Democrats And Media Enablers Are Overlooking Child Sex Crimes To Protect Ketanji Brown Jackson

In the week since Biden Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was questioned about her pattern of reduced sentencing in grisly child pornography cases, two narratives have developed.

The first view holds that the question of sentencing, and the implication that Judge Jackson is soft on child pornography offenders, is “disingenuous,” “a smear,” and “meritless to the point of demagoguery.” According to this narrative, such claims distort the rate at which judges routinely depart from the sentencing guidelines and do not distinguish the harm between the production of child pornography and mere possession of it.

This view also seems to imply that most child pornography cases involve the unjust sentencing of 17-year-olds turning 18, when their otherwise mildly voyeuristic behavior suddenly turns criminal. It’s an argument that, bizarrely, also relies on the Washington Post’s vilification artist, Glenn Kessler, to justify a flippant dismissal of the concerns raised.

In a recent podcast, National Review’s Charlie Cooke claimed Republicans did not acquit themselves well for focusing on the topic. National Review’s editor, Rich Lowry, said the “child porn thing” was “demagogic,” and should not have even been raised. Columnist Brad Polumbo implied Republican senators asking detailed questions about Judge Jackson’s sentencing record were “grandstanding.”

A second narrative, however, acknowledges that reality is a bit more complicated than simply casting key Republican senators off as demagogues – particularly when it involves confirming a judge to a lifetime term on the Supreme Court, which, owing to Congress’s routine failure to legislate on any meaningful question, is now the arbiter of all our major cultural questions.

Moreover, a cursory examination of the sentencing record of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as it relates to child pornography reveals that these cases are not, in fact, simply about the perceived injustice of sentencing a just-turned-18-year-old to years in prison for a crime he wouldn’t be punished for at the age of 17.
Nothing like an obsession for an old man to piddle with.
Well, you are pretty much front and center for the piddle.

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How many children will it take to shut down all public schools in the US and purge them?


How many children will it take to shut down all public schools in the US and purge them?

View attachment 634168

I still cannot figure out what type of person interviews and hires these sick freaks,

Public schools are now an official danger to children.
I still cannot figure out what type of person interviews and hires these sick freaks,

Public schools are now an official danger to children.
It's spelled 'agenda'.

This is 'agenda'. Not even trying to look female and still sporting the hardware... because he's on an agenda.


What makes a language like Latin dead? It's used in law, medicine, etc. etc.?

There are no children at the street level speaking Latin, thus it is a dead language.

So, they take out the children, abortion and this new agenda are simply facets of the same agenda in the attempt to make the Judeo/Christian culture a dead one.

The attack is on morality and the US is the last ... flailing at the moment, bastion.
It's spelled 'agenda'.

This is 'agenda'. Not even trying to look female and still sporting the hardware... because he's on an agenda.

View attachment 634174

What makes a language like Latin dead? It's used in law, medicine, etc. etc.?

There are no children at the street level speaking Latin, thus it is a dead language.

So, they take out the children, abortion and this new agenda are simply facets of the same agenda in the attempt to make the Judeo/Christian culture a dead one.

The attack is on morality and the US is the last ... flailing at the moment, bastion.
Sadlay, you are totally correct.
Wow! Talk about "Denial"! This guy is deep in it:

The biggest sin the GOP made is, they vilified the Democrats. Look at some of the poster on this forum, endless calls of Marxism, Communism, Pedophiles,....

This oblivious Marxist has no clue that his party is guilty of all those things. This is a propagandozed, brainwashed Marxist bot if there ever was one.
Moonglow is soft on pedophilia…
California Legislature Passes Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral, Anal Sex with Willing Children

California lawmakers passed a bill Monday that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim.
According to SB 145, the legislation “would exempt from mandatory registration” as a sex offender “a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.”
The measure would allow a judge to decide if an adult who engages in oral or anal sex with a child must register as a sex offender if that person is within ten years of the age of the victim.

This is absolutely disgusting and is just one such example
That sucks!
Your fetish is showing.

According to the rules: "We cannot allow users to accuse others of pedophilia and/or other forms of deviant behavior. "

You just broke the rule. Who wants to bet his post won't get deleted though. Some fold who support democrat pedo and groomer policies are above the rules.
The GOP is entirely bankrupt of ideas on how to fix the real issues of our country. Completely bankrupt.

The sexualizing of children is schools and elsewhere IS a real issue in our country, and Democrats are causing it. If anyone is bankrupt here it is you and your dumb post.


Oh my, allow me to clarify something for those who have difficulty with the finer points of the English language:

If I say that a person "defends" or "supports" groomers and pedos, that does not mean I am actually accusing them of being a pedo or a groomer. Is that easy to understand? For example, There are many straight people who support and defend homosexuals. If I point out that those straight people who support and defend homosexuals, that does not mean I am calling them a homosexual themselves.

Do you guys understand me? I think that is pretty basic English but apparently I need to make it even more simple for some folks.

Now, to little Moonglow and his butthurt little feelings. I stand here now and say that you DO "defend" and "support" groomers and pedos, and democrat policies that enable pedos and groomers. But I am not saying you are a groomer or a pedop, and I am not saying that you engage in pedo or groomer behavior.

Is that better? Are you okay now? Little tears all drid up? Mommy got your binky for beddy-bye time? Sleep tight little snowflake. You have a big day tomorrow, to spread more fake news and propaganda.

Is CNN Covering for GROOMERS?!? What You Should Know! | Louder with Crowder​

Why Republicans Are Smearing Everyone as Pedophiles Now

Not long ago, the notion that American politics was oriented around a dispute over the merits of child sexual exploitation was viewed as so loopy that not even Donald Trump could take it seriously. It is now becoming the Republican Party’s most energetic idea. The two most prominent theaters of partisan combat of the moment, the Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmation and Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, have both seen a growing swath of conservatives embrace charges of pedophilia as their central theme.

Two years ago, the pedophilia charge was confined almost entirely to QAnon, a sprawling web of far-right conspiracy theories that operated around the fringes of conservative politics. And while some of the details produced by its theories would find their way into the minds of Trump and his inner circle (especially with conspiracy theories centering on the “stolen election”), the broader narrative that American politics was a fight over pedophilia remained marginal.

What is true about the Republican Party is that some of its members are still willing to support fellow Republicans even after learning of their sexual exploitation of minors. After Moore was revealed to have preyed upon teenagers as an adult, the likes of Trump and the Federalist still urged Alabamans to vote for him for Senate. One pro-Moore column in the Federalist, headlined “Why Alabamians Should Vote for Roy Moore,” included the uncomfortable rationale “To have a large family, the wife must start having kids when she is young.”

If you go to the Federalist today, you will find headlines like “Disney’s Obsession With Grooming Children Is Nothing New, But Their Openness About It Is,” and “Joe Biden’s Reversal on Sexual Exposure for Kids Shows Just How Extreme the Democratic Party Has Become.”

The spread of this “issue” says nothing about the parties’ comparative permissiveness about sexual assault. It only reveals the existence within one of them of an openness to conspiracy theories and a network of operatives unprincipled enough to exploit it.

Much more at the link below...

Why Republicans Are Smearing Everyone as Pedophiles Now

Yes, Republicans are really sick perverts.

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