Democrats spending their time and energy helping Mexico..When will folks demand a change?

What'll it take for Americans to finally fight back?
How far down the hole do Americans have to be pushed before they push back?

What do you think of this video? Any validity to it?

Zero validity. Thats just more white trash whining about how its so hard for them and how they hate non whites.

Why would they hate non whites...are they looking at spreadsheets and statistics or something? What fucking dumbasses huh?

They fear non whites. Doubt they are looking at spreed sheets or statistics. If they did they would hate whites.

Haha...okay, run with that....I’ve noticed folks winning lotteries are buying/ building homes in ghettos next to your peeps.

LefTard Logic:
“Whites are ruining this nation they founded and built.”

Everyone knows whites didnt build shit and every time a white person moves into my neighborhood I wonder what drugs and violence they will bring.

LefTard Logic:
“Bill Gates didn’t build Microsoft, Gustavo cleaning the shitters did.”
Thats probably because thats not my message. :rolleyes:

My message is "Black people instead of surviving its your time to thrive."

That's rather racist.

Are you aware that the number of wealthy blacks in the USA FAR exceeds the number of wealthy blacks in ALL OTHER COUNTRIES COMBINED?

Do you realize we recently had our first black President?

Such a racist, black hating nation isn't it?

Seems a LOT of white people were involved in making a society where blacks COULD succeed.

But hey, let's ignore ALL that and kill whitey. BLACK POWER !!!!!
For years now all we’ve heard from the Mexicratic Party is DACA, Dreamers, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Sanctuary Cities...etc
They try to disguise other demands but let’s be honest....they want an increased minimum wage for their illegals, they want improved healthcare for their illegals, they want improved education for their illegals. They want to improve everything for their illegals that their illegals have ruined.
They bust their asses for long will legit Americans stand for this crazy Twilight Zone shit?
This from a member of the Trumpette party. Too stupid top know that illegals can't vote or get government benefits like welfare or healthcare.

I guess you are too ignorant to know how Bush wanted to allow illegals to come here & work under work permits. Republicans love the cheap labor for their corporate buddies.
Bullcorn. Illegals get healthcare and food. They also get sanctuary.
The bullcorn in between your ears. Get bettrer informed. You don't even know what a sanctuary city is.
Zero validity. Thats just more white trash whining about how its so hard for them and how they hate non whites.

Why would they hate non whites...are they looking at spreadsheets and statistics or something? What fucking dumbasses huh?
They fear non whites. Doubt they are looking at spreed sheets or statistics. If they did they would hate whites.

Haha...okay, run with that....I’ve noticed folks winning lotteries are buying/ building homes in ghettos next to your peeps.

LefTard Logic:
“Whites are ruining this nation they founded and built.”
Everyone knows whites didnt build shit and every time a white person moves into my neighborhood I wonder what drugs and violence they will bring.

LefTard Logic:
“Bill Gates didn’t build Microsoft, Gustavo cleaning the shitters did.”
Microsoft wasnt around when this country was built you fool. :laugh:
.how long will legit Americans stand for this crazy Twilight Zone shit?

Given that you keep mistaking your interests for the interests of the rich, I would say you are in the twilight zone.

It’s super weird that you struggle to understand that ALL decent, good, real Americans were taught to pay their own way.
You beggars are not to be taken spend your days scheming to find new angles and not so creative ways to beg for more free shit...then you fight to keep the flow of wetbacks rolling in thinking they’ll fight along side of you in your lifelong quest for free shit. It’s just plain fucking weird Joe. It might be easier on you if you simply pull your head from your needy ass and go to work bud...that and maybe you ought to stop begging for .gov to move yet another wetback in front of your begging hands...huh?

Oh for fuck sake, we all know we got here via genocidal land mass appropriation, slavery, and on the backs of "illegals". And these "illegals" have always and forever been here at the behest of and upon the lobbying efforts and think tank drafted legislation of your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class; even if some of us cannot bear to face it openly.

True...IN THE PAST this nation needed good quality, hard working FIRST WORLD MINDED immigrants.
We got what we needed and we built the greatest nation in the world. Now we’re closed. THE END!

Like a kindergarten teacher I like to teach ignorant fools through story.

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

LefTard Logic:
“What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!”
Isn't that right LefTards?
No, you are wrong. You are lying.

Liberals do not want open borders or unfettered immigration.

These are lies told to you assfucks by your assfuck President.

So really, quit lying. Get a fucking brain or STFU you ignorant shit.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a Wall, we want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the tens of millions here illegally now, we want the 3 million DACA / Dreamer ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
.how long will legit Americans stand for this crazy Twilight Zone shit?

Given that you keep mistaking your interests for the interests of the rich, I would say you are in the twilight zone.

It’s super weird that you struggle to understand that ALL decent, good, real Americans were taught to pay their own way.
You beggars are not to be taken spend your days scheming to find new angles and not so creative ways to beg for more free shit...then you fight to keep the flow of wetbacks rolling in thinking they’ll fight along side of you in your lifelong quest for free shit. It’s just plain fucking weird Joe. It might be easier on you if you simply pull your head from your needy ass and go to work bud...that and maybe you ought to stop begging for .gov to move yet another wetback in front of your begging hands...huh?

Oh for fuck sake, we all know we got here via genocidal land mass appropriation, slavery, and on the backs of "illegals". And these "illegals" have always and forever been here at the behest of and upon the lobbying efforts and think tank drafted legislation of your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class; even if some of us cannot bear to face it openly.

True...IN THE PAST this nation needed good quality, hard working FIRST WORLD MINDED immigrants.
We got what we needed and we built the greatest nation in the world. Now we’re closed. THE END!

Like a kindergarten teacher I like to teach ignorant fools through story.

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

LefTard Logic:
“What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!”
Isn't that right LefTards?
No, you are wrong. You are lying.

Liberals do not want open borders or unfettered immigration.

These are lies told to you assfucks by your assfuck President.

So really, quit lying. Get a fucking brain or STFU you ignorant shit.

You will see that a lot in american political "discussion". If the position held is weak or merely emotional programming in any manner, you will be assigned "your" view, and will be expected to argue the viewpoint assigned, often because that is the only position the assigner is prepared to debate.
Given that you keep mistaking your interests for the interests of the rich, I would say you are in the twilight zone.

It’s super weird that you struggle to understand that ALL decent, good, real Americans were taught to pay their own way.
You beggars are not to be taken spend your days scheming to find new angles and not so creative ways to beg for more free shit...then you fight to keep the flow of wetbacks rolling in thinking they’ll fight along side of you in your lifelong quest for free shit. It’s just plain fucking weird Joe. It might be easier on you if you simply pull your head from your needy ass and go to work bud...that and maybe you ought to stop begging for .gov to move yet another wetback in front of your begging hands...huh?

Oh for fuck sake, we all know we got here via genocidal land mass appropriation, slavery, and on the backs of "illegals". And these "illegals" have always and forever been here at the behest of and upon the lobbying efforts and think tank drafted legislation of your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class; even if some of us cannot bear to face it openly.

True...IN THE PAST this nation needed good quality, hard working FIRST WORLD MINDED immigrants.
We got what we needed and we built the greatest nation in the world. Now we’re closed. THE END!

Like a kindergarten teacher I like to teach ignorant fools through story.

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

LefTard Logic:
“What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!”
Isn't that right LefTards?
No, you are wrong. You are lying.

Liberals do not want open borders or unfettered immigration.

These are lies told to you assfucks by your assfuck President.

So really, quit lying. Get a fucking brain or STFU you ignorant shit.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a Wall, we want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the tens of millions here illegally now, we want the 3 million DACA / Dreamer ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Dummy doesnt even know what open borders means. ^^^^ :laugh:
Given that you keep mistaking your interests for the interests of the rich, I would say you are in the twilight zone.

It’s super weird that you struggle to understand that ALL decent, good, real Americans were taught to pay their own way.
You beggars are not to be taken spend your days scheming to find new angles and not so creative ways to beg for more free shit...then you fight to keep the flow of wetbacks rolling in thinking they’ll fight along side of you in your lifelong quest for free shit. It’s just plain fucking weird Joe. It might be easier on you if you simply pull your head from your needy ass and go to work bud...that and maybe you ought to stop begging for .gov to move yet another wetback in front of your begging hands...huh?

Oh for fuck sake, we all know we got here via genocidal land mass appropriation, slavery, and on the backs of "illegals". And these "illegals" have always and forever been here at the behest of and upon the lobbying efforts and think tank drafted legislation of your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class; even if some of us cannot bear to face it openly.

True...IN THE PAST this nation needed good quality, hard working FIRST WORLD MINDED immigrants.
We got what we needed and we built the greatest nation in the world. Now we’re closed. THE END!

Like a kindergarten teacher I like to teach ignorant fools through story.

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

LefTard Logic:
“What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!”
Isn't that right LefTards?
No, you are wrong. You are lying.

Liberals do not want open borders or unfettered immigration.

These are lies told to you assfucks by your assfuck President.

So really, quit lying. Get a fucking brain or STFU you ignorant shit.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a Wall, we want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the tens of millions here illegally now, we want the 3 million DACA / Dreamer ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”

Point? Anywhere?
It’s super weird that you struggle to understand that ALL decent, good, real Americans were taught to pay their own way.
You beggars are not to be taken spend your days scheming to find new angles and not so creative ways to beg for more free shit...then you fight to keep the flow of wetbacks rolling in thinking they’ll fight along side of you in your lifelong quest for free shit. It’s just plain fucking weird Joe. It might be easier on you if you simply pull your head from your needy ass and go to work bud...that and maybe you ought to stop begging for .gov to move yet another wetback in front of your begging hands...huh?

Oh for fuck sake, we all know we got here via genocidal land mass appropriation, slavery, and on the backs of "illegals". And these "illegals" have always and forever been here at the behest of and upon the lobbying efforts and think tank drafted legislation of your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class; even if some of us cannot bear to face it openly.

True...IN THE PAST this nation needed good quality, hard working FIRST WORLD MINDED immigrants.
We got what we needed and we built the greatest nation in the world. Now we’re closed. THE END!

Like a kindergarten teacher I like to teach ignorant fools through story.

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

LefTard Logic:
“What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!”
Isn't that right LefTards?
No, you are wrong. You are lying.

Liberals do not want open borders or unfettered immigration.

These are lies told to you assfucks by your assfuck President.

So really, quit lying. Get a fucking brain or STFU you ignorant shit.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a Wall, we want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the tens of millions here illegally now, we want the 3 million DACA / Dreamer ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Dummy doesnt even know what open borders means. ^^^^ :laugh:

It means he's scared, that's all.
It’s super weird that you struggle to understand that ALL decent, good, real Americans were taught to pay their own way.
You beggars are not to be taken spend your days scheming to find new angles and not so creative ways to beg for more free shit...then you fight to keep the flow of wetbacks rolling in thinking they’ll fight along side of you in your lifelong quest for free shit. It’s just plain fucking weird Joe. It might be easier on you if you simply pull your head from your needy ass and go to work bud...that and maybe you ought to stop begging for .gov to move yet another wetback in front of your begging hands...huh?

Oh for fuck sake, we all know we got here via genocidal land mass appropriation, slavery, and on the backs of "illegals". And these "illegals" have always and forever been here at the behest of and upon the lobbying efforts and think tank drafted legislation of your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class; even if some of us cannot bear to face it openly.

True...IN THE PAST this nation needed good quality, hard working FIRST WORLD MINDED immigrants.
We got what we needed and we built the greatest nation in the world. Now we’re closed. THE END!

Like a kindergarten teacher I like to teach ignorant fools through story.

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

LefTard Logic:
“What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!”
Isn't that right LefTards?
No, you are wrong. You are lying.

Liberals do not want open borders or unfettered immigration.

These are lies told to you assfucks by your assfuck President.

So really, quit lying. Get a fucking brain or STFU you ignorant shit.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a Wall, we want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the tens of millions here illegally now, we want the 3 million DACA / Dreamer ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”

Point? Anywhere?

Connect the dots’s a brain game...a test. Don’t be scared.
For years now all we’ve heard from the Mexicratic Party is DACA, Dreamers, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Sanctuary Cities...etc
They try to disguise other demands but let’s be honest....they want an increased minimum wage for their illegals, they want improved healthcare for their illegals, they want improved education for their illegals. They want to improve everything for their illegals that their illegals have ruined.
They bust their asses for long will legit Americans stand for this crazy Twilight Zone shit?
This from a member of the Trumpette party. Too stupid top know that illegals can't vote or get government benefits like welfare or healthcare.

I guess you are too ignorant to know how Bush wanted to allow illegals to come here & work under work permits. Republicans love the cheap labor for their corporate buddies.
Bullcorn. Illegals get healthcare and food. They also get sanctuary.
The bullcorn in between your ears. Get bettrer informed. You don't even know what a sanctuary city is.
Okay, asshole. Tell me what a sanctuary city is. Go ahead.
Oh for fuck sake, we all know we got here via genocidal land mass appropriation, slavery, and on the backs of "illegals". And these "illegals" have always and forever been here at the behest of and upon the lobbying efforts and think tank drafted legislation of your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class; even if some of us cannot bear to face it openly.

True...IN THE PAST this nation needed good quality, hard working FIRST WORLD MINDED immigrants.
We got what we needed and we built the greatest nation in the world. Now we’re closed. THE END!

Like a kindergarten teacher I like to teach ignorant fools through story.

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

LefTard Logic:
“What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!”
Isn't that right LefTards?
No, you are wrong. You are lying.

Liberals do not want open borders or unfettered immigration.

These are lies told to you assfucks by your assfuck President.

So really, quit lying. Get a fucking brain or STFU you ignorant shit.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a Wall, we want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the tens of millions here illegally now, we want the 3 million DACA / Dreamer ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”

Point? Anywhere?

Connect the dots’s a brain game...a test. Don’t be scared.

You're unable to articulate your own point? Why are you here?
For years now all we’ve heard from the Mexicratic Party is DACA, Dreamers, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Sanctuary Cities...etc
They try to disguise other demands but let’s be honest....they want an increased minimum wage for their illegals, they want improved healthcare for their illegals, they want improved education for their illegals. They want to improve everything for their illegals that their illegals have ruined.
They bust their asses for long will legit Americans stand for this crazy Twilight Zone shit?
This from a member of the Trumpette party. Too stupid top know that illegals can't vote or get government benefits like welfare or healthcare.

I guess you are too ignorant to know how Bush wanted to allow illegals to come here & work under work permits. Republicans love the cheap labor for their corporate buddies.
Bullcorn. Illegals get healthcare and food. They also get sanctuary.
The bullcorn in between your ears. Get bettrer informed. You don't even know what a sanctuary city is.
Okay, asshole. Tell me what a sanctuary city is. Go ahead.

I think we all know what a sanctuary white house is by now.
Oh for fuck sake, we all know we got here via genocidal land mass appropriation, slavery, and on the backs of "illegals". And these "illegals" have always and forever been here at the behest of and upon the lobbying efforts and think tank drafted legislation of your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class; even if some of us cannot bear to face it openly.

True...IN THE PAST this nation needed good quality, hard working FIRST WORLD MINDED immigrants.
We got what we needed and we built the greatest nation in the world. Now we’re closed. THE END!

Like a kindergarten teacher I like to teach ignorant fools through story.

“Once upon a time an amazing family decided they would adopt children. They have four open bedrooms and can only afford to adopt four children. They took in four amazing children and then stopped adopting children.

LefTard Logic:
“What pieces of shits this family is....don't they know that once they start adopting they can never stop? We don't care that they can't afford to adopt anymore, we don't care that many they have adopted are filthy liabilities and tearing the family apart....DAMNIT...NEVER STOP ADOPTING!”
Isn't that right LefTards?
No, you are wrong. You are lying.

Liberals do not want open borders or unfettered immigration.

These are lies told to you assfucks by your assfuck President.

So really, quit lying. Get a fucking brain or STFU you ignorant shit.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a Wall, we want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the tens of millions here illegally now, we want the 3 million DACA / Dreamer ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”

Point? Anywhere?

Connect the dots’s a brain game...a test. Don’t be scared.
A brain test? From you? :laughing0301:
What'll it take for Americans to finally fight back?
How far down the hole do Americans have to be pushed before they push back?

What do you think of this video? Any validity to it?

Zero validity. Thats just more white trash whining about how its so hard for them and how they hate non whites.

Why would they hate non whites...are they looking at spreadsheets and statistics or something? What fucking dumbasses huh?

They fear non whites. Doubt they are looking at spreed sheets or statistics. If they did they would hate whites.

Haha...okay, run with that....I’ve noticed folks winning lotteries are buying/ building homes in ghettos next to your peeps.

LefTard Logic:
“Whites are ruining this nation they founded and built.”

Actually many DID say that about whites, that is was a nice area until the euros moved in, so we slaughtered them out of functional existence. As for american ghettos, yeah, the sacrifice zones are expanding under the weight of the past half century of societal wealth redistribution to the aristocracy.

Yeah, yeah...Meanwhile outside of LibTardia Asians keep arriving and keep kicking ass in America while the same filth stay the filth. But, but, but THE ARISTOCRACY!
Zero validity. Thats just more white trash whining about how its so hard for them and how they hate non whites.

Why would they hate non whites...are they looking at spreadsheets and statistics or something? What fucking dumbasses huh?
They fear non whites. Doubt they are looking at spreed sheets or statistics. If they did they would hate whites.

Haha...okay, run with that....I’ve noticed folks winning lotteries are buying/ building homes in ghettos next to your peeps.

LefTard Logic:
“Whites are ruining this nation they founded and built.”

Actually many DID say that about whites, that is was a nice area until the euros moved in, so we slaughtered them out of functional existence. As for american ghettos, yeah, the sacrifice zones are expanding under the weight of the past half century of societal wealth redistribution to the aristocracy.

Yeah, yeah...Meanwhile outside of LibTardia Asians keep arriving and keep kicking ass in America while the same filth stay the filth. But, but, but THE ARISTOCRACY!
You mean these Asians?

Asian gangs are brothers in crime

"The triads are also increasingly involved in the smuggling of illegal aliens. U.S. officials estimate that up to 100,000 Chinese are illegally smuggled into the country each year, many of them forced to live in involuntary servitude for years while they work off their debt to the gangsters."
Zero validity. Thats just more white trash whining about how its so hard for them and how they hate non whites.

Why would they hate non whites...are they looking at spreadsheets and statistics or something? What fucking dumbasses huh?
They fear non whites. Doubt they are looking at spreed sheets or statistics. If they did they would hate whites.

Haha...okay, run with that....I’ve noticed folks winning lotteries are buying/ building homes in ghettos next to your peeps.

LefTard Logic:
“Whites are ruining this nation they founded and built.”

Actually many DID say that about whites, that is was a nice area until the euros moved in, so we slaughtered them out of functional existence. As for american ghettos, yeah, the sacrifice zones are expanding under the weight of the past half century of societal wealth redistribution to the aristocracy.

Yeah, yeah...Meanwhile outside of LibTardia Asians keep arriving and keep kicking ass in America while the same filth stay the filth. But, but, but THE ARISTOCRACY!

Sounds like your supremacy shtick was bogus don't it.
Why would they hate non whites...are they looking at spreadsheets and statistics or something? What fucking dumbasses huh?
They fear non whites. Doubt they are looking at spreed sheets or statistics. If they did they would hate whites.

Haha...okay, run with that....I’ve noticed folks winning lotteries are buying/ building homes in ghettos next to your peeps.

LefTard Logic:
“Whites are ruining this nation they founded and built.”

Actually many DID say that about whites, that is was a nice area until the euros moved in, so we slaughtered them out of functional existence. As for american ghettos, yeah, the sacrifice zones are expanding under the weight of the past half century of societal wealth redistribution to the aristocracy.

Yeah, yeah...Meanwhile outside of LibTardia Asians keep arriving and keep kicking ass in America while the same filth stay the filth. But, but, but THE ARISTOCRACY!

Sounds like your supremacy shtick was bogus don't it.

Spin it like that if it makes you feel better....I see it as the fact that it is...a true testament to where Black and Wetbacks rank among hearing total honesty huh?
They fear non whites. Doubt they are looking at spreed sheets or statistics. If they did they would hate whites.

Haha...okay, run with that....I’ve noticed folks winning lotteries are buying/ building homes in ghettos next to your peeps.

LefTard Logic:
“Whites are ruining this nation they founded and built.”

Actually many DID say that about whites, that is was a nice area until the euros moved in, so we slaughtered them out of functional existence. As for american ghettos, yeah, the sacrifice zones are expanding under the weight of the past half century of societal wealth redistribution to the aristocracy.

Yeah, yeah...Meanwhile outside of LibTardia Asians keep arriving and keep kicking ass in America while the same filth stay the filth. But, but, but THE ARISTOCRACY!

Sounds like your supremacy shtick was bogus don't it.

Spin it like that if it makes you feel better....I see it as the fact that it is...a true testimony to where Black and Wetbacks rank among hearing total honesty huh?

Moan for me Mona.

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