Democrats stealing Thanksgiving and probably Christmas

Nanny Nanny boo boo!

The feckless and maskless caused this....! Way to go!
The only thing new in this is that The Democrat War On Christmas has been extended to include Thanksgiving.
There has never been a war on Christmas , you obviously thought that was true and you didn't celebrate.
If people would (should of long ago) put aside their beliefs, egos, "bravery", disagreements, or whatever other reason and wear a mask we would be fine in 14 days. This may not be as big as the plague or it may be. There have been instances in history that whipped out millions (half of the human population). There will be again, maybe now. Please educate your self.
What is this nonsense?
Hospitals are full. Seriously. Cases are through the roof. Hospitalizations are way up. It's bad. Please do your part to protect your community.
It is really really really bad in more than half the country, and doctors and nurses are both physically and mentally exhausted....let alone the sick, 1200 a day that are dying, alone, without family.....

Where is this alleged cure, that was given to President Trump, that he bragged about? Why isn't it saving all those dying?
What is this nonsense?

COVID is stealing the holidays

As much as Conservatives want to just ignore it and pretend everything is back to normal......thousand are dying each day.
It already have been stolen.
For years they have taken Thanksgiving decorations down and no ones has never put them back up. Even on the T.V. that they doesn't show any Thanksgiving special like they used too.
When I was a child they've shown many Thanksgiving specials on T.V. like they way they has done with Christmas.
But Thanksgiving is the true Holy day which it been changed to holiday, that this nation created from the heart.
It says in the Bible if you received something miraculous, that you should receive it with thanksgiving. Thanking God for the help He has given. Back in the biblical days. They celebrated by feasts. But in the early colonial days, they've prayed over the meals they've received because it was a blessing in those days to be able to eat.
Now if Biden wins. We will be praying over our meals, thanking God for every meal we eat. It is because Biden will make everyone poor enough that the only meal that they will be eating is greenish- brown wafers. No more feast days.

I gotz some Tday stuff you might need for sale.
All Indiginous Day or something like that for Thanksgiving. And Christmas was turned into a farce by the corporations as it is now. To all you people out there. In many place it is cold. It is winter time. And the Holidays from Thanksgiving to Christmas(Hanukkuh) to New Years brings warmth to people. The Super Bowl hit pay dirt because of the time of year it is played. People become depressed at times. But you miserable ph uks would ruin Heaven.
I gotz some Tday stuff you might need for sale.
All Indiginous Day or something like that for Thanksgiving. And Christmas was turned into a farce by the corporations as it is now. To all you people out there. In many place it is cold. It is winter time. And the Holidays from Thanksgiving to Christmas(Hanukkuh) to New Years brings warmth to people. The Super Bowl hit pay dirt because of the time of year it is played. People become depressed at times. But you miserable ph uks would ruin Heaven.
Maybe yous could get that cornucopia out of yer ass and be nice this year?My family can't get together over terminal illness, yeah they are terminal assholes like many humans this time of year.
The Dems are working very hard to stop Thanksgiving for some reason. It is the only day that the majority cooks with a lot of sage. Cooking with the herb sage kills viruses that's floating around in the home, and consuming it that it kills viruses inside the body. That's why this herb was used during Thanksgiving. It's purpose was to prevent bacteria from spreading fast on the turkey. Turkey normally spoils very fast if it stays out for a long period. But sage prolong its life.
The Egyptians used herb to embalmed their dead to prevent the corpses from decaying. And their dead corpses last longer than our dead.
Later on they started using these herbs and spices in foods to keep them from decaying because they didn't have refrigeration.
My parents and grandparents used to pickled their foods with herbs and spices to keep them preserved. It is because ice costed a lot in those days.
But pickled foods are good for us. It kills and get rid of all sort of bad things in our bodies, like toxins from vaccines. It can even get rid of mercury which may get rid of autism.

What is this nonsense?

Maybe it is because the number of coronavirus cases are surging in the US.
Maybe it's because she's a tyrannical bitch that should be hung. If she's concerned about people's well being why does she do nothing about all the shootings and murders in the black parts of her hell hole city?

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