Democrats Still Don't Get it - Trump Voters


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
We have failed American workers — that is why Trump won

This linked story, written by a college professor, illustrates the total failure by Leftists to understand the Trump Phenomenon. They look at the "David Duke," and "NASCAR" voters, and conclude that some combination of bigots and idiots comprised the Trump coalition, and brought him to victory.

Ignore for the moment the fact that Trump won the election. Clearly, the election could have gone either way. Any number of minor factors, occurring at exactly the right time before election day, could have resulted in a Clinton victory; it was just that close.

But there were a cornucopia of reasons to vote for Trump or, if you prefer, to vote against Hillary Clinton, and it is vacuous to believe that "all" or even most of Trump's voters were either strident bigots, or mill workers who were pissed off about losing their jobs to "Chinamen."

(a) On the abortion issue alone, Clinton lost millions of votes. Her views on abortion were (are) literally as extreme as it is possible to be. She supported abortion up to and including the moment of live birth, which puts her at the outer left fringe of the figurative Bell Curve on this issue. Few pro-life voters would dirty their hands by voting for her, on this issue alone.

(b) She is literally anti-law and anti-Constitution. She favored IGNORING U.S. immigration laws in favor of illegals - claiming often that they have some sort of a RIGHT to be in this country, and she loudly defended judges and justices who demonstrably ignore the Constitution when confronted with politically-charged cases.

(c) For those of us who longed for someone with even a bit of Real World experience, Trump represented the ONLY chance we might ever have of electing someone who is not a total political hack - someone who has actually earned a living in the real world that most of us have to navigate day after day.

(d) Immigration is a real, litmus test issue for a lot of people WHO ARE NOT RACISTS, BIGOTS, or ANTI-IMMIGRANT. It is galling to the point of anger to see politician after politician who tell us that we are EVIL if we support the real enforcement of EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS.

I personally hold a doctorate (JD), and vote in a community where the average household has 2+ college degrees, and when I went to the polls on Election Day, "we" (men and women, working and retired) were vocally and enthusiastically casting our votes for DJT, while fully expecting to wake up on Wednesday morning confronted by the specter of "President Elect Clinton."

Not once since election day have I seen a single article where any Democrat partisan even acknowledged the possibility that people like me voted for Donald Trump. And yet we did...massively, as any poll of suburban areas will attest. As far as they are concerned, Trump was elected by uneducated, angry, lower-middle class white bigots.

And as for the present time, I'm telling you with absolute certainty on my part, this campaign they are waging now to de-legitimize, delay, thwart, and even criminalize the Trump Administration is antagonizing a lot more people than it is attracting. If this is how they expect to prevail in November 2018, bring it on.

They just don't get it.
Trump won because 77 thousand over three states felt betrayed. There is no other revolution going on, as Trump's repeated failures since assuming office has shown.
I rather think it is still the american public struggling to "get it".
We have failed American workers — that is why Trump won

This linked story, written by a college professor, illustrates the total failure by Leftists to understand the Trump Phenomenon. They look at the "David Duke," and "NASCAR" voters, and conclude that some combination of bigots and idiots comprised the Trump coalition, and brought him to victory.

Ignore for the moment the fact that Trump won the election. Clearly, the election could have gone either way. Any number of minor factors, occurring at exactly the right time before election day, could have resulted in a Clinton victory; it was just that close.

But there were a cornucopia of reasons to vote for Trump or, if you prefer, to vote against Hillary Clinton, and it is vacuous to believe that "all" or even most of Trump's voters were either strident bigots, or mill workers who were pissed off about losing their jobs to "Chinamen."

(a) On the abortion issue alone, Clinton lost millions of votes. Her views on abortion were (are) literally as extreme as it is possible to be. She supported abortion up to and including the moment of live birth, which puts her at the outer left fringe of the figurative Bell Curve on this issue. Few pro-life voters would dirty their hands by voting for her, on this issue alone.

(b) She is literally anti-law and anti-Constitution. She favored IGNORING U.S. immigration laws in favor of illegals - claiming often that they have some sort of a RIGHT to be in this country, and she loudly defended judges and justices who demonstrably ignore the Constitution when confronted with politically-charged cases.

(c) For those of us who longed for someone with even a bit of Real World experience, Trump represented the ONLY chance we might ever have of electing someone who is not a total political hack - someone who has actually earned a living in the real world that most of us have to navigate day after day.

(d) Immigration is a real, litmus test issue for a lot of people WHO ARE NOT RACISTS, BIGOTS, or ANTI-IMMIGRANT. It is galling to the point of anger to see politician after politician who tell us that we are EVIL if we support the real enforcement of EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS.

I personally hold a doctorate (JD), and vote in a community where the average household has 2+ college degrees, and when I went to the polls on Election Day, "we" (men and women, working and retired) were vocally and enthusiastically casting our votes for DJT, while fully expecting to wake up on Wednesday morning confronted by the specter of "President Elect Clinton."

Not once since election day have I seen a single article where any Democrat partisan even acknowledged the possibility that people like me voted for Donald Trump. And yet we did...massively, as any poll of suburban areas will attest. As far as they are concerned, Trump was elected by uneducated, angry, lower-middle class white bigots.

And as for the present time, I'm telling you with absolute certainty on my part, this campaign they are waging now to de-legitimize, delay, thwart, and even criminalize the Trump Administration is antagonizing a lot more people than it is attracting. If this is how they expect to prevail in November 2018, bring it on.

They just don't get it.
Low information voters
We have failed American workers — that is why Trump won

This linked story, written by a college professor, illustrates the total failure by Leftists to understand the Trump Phenomenon. They look at the "David Duke," and "NASCAR" voters, and conclude that some combination of bigots and idiots comprised the Trump coalition, and brought him to victory.

Ignore for the moment the fact that Trump won the election. Clearly, the election could have gone either way. Any number of minor factors, occurring at exactly the right time before election day, could have resulted in a Clinton victory; it was just that close.

But there were a cornucopia of reasons to vote for Trump or, if you prefer, to vote against Hillary Clinton, and it is vacuous to believe that "all" or even most of Trump's voters were either strident bigots, or mill workers who were pissed off about losing their jobs to "Chinamen."

(a) On the abortion issue alone, Clinton lost millions of votes. Her views on abortion were (are) literally as extreme as it is possible to be. She supported abortion up to and including the moment of live birth, which puts her at the outer left fringe of the figurative Bell Curve on this issue. Few pro-life voters would dirty their hands by voting for her, on this issue alone.

(b) She is literally anti-law and anti-Constitution. She favored IGNORING U.S. immigration laws in favor of illegals - claiming often that they have some sort of a RIGHT to be in this country, and she loudly defended judges and justices who demonstrably ignore the Constitution when confronted with politically-charged cases.

(c) For those of us who longed for someone with even a bit of Real World experience, Trump represented the ONLY chance we might ever have of electing someone who is not a total political hack - someone who has actually earned a living in the real world that most of us have to navigate day after day.

(d) Immigration is a real, litmus test issue for a lot of people WHO ARE NOT RACISTS, BIGOTS, or ANTI-IMMIGRANT. It is galling to the point of anger to see politician after politician who tell us that we are EVIL if we support the real enforcement of EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS.

I personally hold a doctorate (JD), and vote in a community where the average household has 2+ college degrees, and when I went to the polls on Election Day, "we" (men and women, working and retired) were vocally and enthusiastically casting our votes for DJT, while fully expecting to wake up on Wednesday morning confronted by the specter of "President Elect Clinton."

Not once since election day have I seen a single article where any Democrat partisan even acknowledged the possibility that people like me voted for Donald Trump. And yet we did...massively, as any poll of suburban areas will attest. As far as they are concerned, Trump was elected by uneducated, angry, lower-middle class white bigots.

And as for the present time, I'm telling you with absolute certainty on my part, this campaign they are waging now to de-legitimize, delay, thwart, and even criminalize the Trump Administration is antagonizing a lot more people than it is attracting. If this is how they expect to prevail in November 2018, bring it on.

They just don't get it.


Don't ruin it.
(a) Clinton won far more votes on the abortion issue than she lost.

(b) Clinton and Trump both ignore the law when it suits them.

(c) Trump's "real world experience" has been fifty years of telling others what to do and to not listen to good advice.

(d) Clinton won far more votes on immigration than she lost.

(e) Clinton lost only because she considered three upper midwest states safe when she was told, in fact, to focus the last week of her campaign there.

IOW, there were no political, social, or cultural upswells for Trump.
(a) Clinton won far more votes on the abortion issue than she lost.

(b) Clinton and Trump both ignore the law when it suits them.

(c) Trump's "real world experience" has been fifty years of telling others what to do and to not listen to good advice.

(d) Clinton won far more votes on immigration than she lost.

(e) Clinton lost only because she considered three upper midwest states safe when she was told, in fact, to focus the last week of her campaign there.

IOW, there were no political, social, or cultural upswells for Trump.

Translation, Hillary really won the election
Clinton lost on jobs
Clinton lost on healthcare
Clinton lost on taxes
Clinton lost on open borders
Clinton lost on trade
Clinton lost on sovereignty
Clinton lost the electoral vote 233-306
Clinton lost 31 states to 19

(a) Clinton won far more votes on the abortion issue than she lost.

(b) Clinton and Trump both ignore the law when it suits them.

(c) Trump's "real world experience" has been fifty years of telling others what to do and to not listen to good advice.

(d) Clinton won far more votes on immigration than she lost.

(e) Clinton lost only because she considered three upper midwest states safe when she was told, in fact, to focus the last week of her campaign there.

IOW, there were no political, social, or cultural upswells for Trump.
(a) Clinton won far more votes on the abortion issue than she lost.

(b) Clinton and Trump both ignore the law when it suits them.

(c) Trump's "real world experience" has been fifty years of telling others what to do and to not listen to good advice.

(d) Clinton won far more votes on immigration than she lost.

(e) Clinton lost only because she considered three upper midwest states safe when she was told, in fact, to focus the last week of her campaign there.

IOW, there were no political, social, or cultural upswells for Trump.

Translation, Hillary really won the election
Translation, Trump barely, barely skimped over the line.
Clinton lost on jobs
Clinton lost on healthcare
Clinton lost on taxes
Clinton lost on open borders
Clinton lost on trade
Clinton lost on sovereignty
Clinton lost the electoral vote 233-306
Clinton lost 31 states to 19

(a) Clinton won far more votes on the abortion issue than she lost.

(b) Clinton and Trump both ignore the law when it suits them.

(c) Trump's "real world experience" has been fifty years of telling others what to do and to not listen to good advice.

(d) Clinton won far more votes on immigration than she lost.

(e) Clinton lost only because she considered three upper midwest states safe when she was told, in fact, to focus the last week of her campaign there.

IOW, there were no political, social, or cultural upswells for Trump.
Nope on health care, taxes, immigration, sovereignity, etc. She won the PV by many millions. Trump won by 77 thousand in three states on economic issues. He delivers or he and the alt right withers away.
Good article. Thank you. And remember, it wasn't only Hillary Clinton who lost. She was a godawful candidate but the Democrats took a beating across the board. They lost for a million reasons.To add to the points DSG brought up without repeating them...

Arrogance: This went a long way towards defeating them. They were so sure they would win because they were drinking their own kool-aid. Hillary would make one campaign stop in a week while Trump was doing 3 to 5 per day. The Democrats work on the coronation system and since it was Hillary's turn who would dare deny her? Trump outworked her by a long shot and never seemed to take his support for granted.
Speaking of which I don\t think she had the capability to keep up with Trump because of her health. Which, in her arrogance, she lied about. She had "nothing wrong with her" wait "allergies" wait "a slight cold" wait "slipped on the curb" wait "heat exhaustion from the excruciating 71 degree day" wait "ok pneumonia but you are a sexist for noticing it". Lost a few per cent from worries about her fitness and a few more when it was obvious she lied about her fitness.

Wikileaks: The corruption exposed by wikileaks repulsed many. And the ruling elite response didn't help. Attacking the source just looked ridiculous. People were offended by the occult practices, the vicious anti Catholic bias, the cheating in the primaries and the media collusion. The net effect of the leaks was to demonstrate to people the disdain of the ruling class for them. Sanders voters could have helped them but wikileaks showed they never stood a chance with such a corrupt party and they never forgave that.

Hillary made a huge mistake when she started calling Trump supporters deplorable. It unified and invigorated half the country. Hillary in her arrogance called on Trump to "disavow" his voters without seeming to realize that voters choose the politician and not vice versa.
When she attacked the alt-right, traffic to their sites shot up by 1000%. She mainstreamed them by defining them as her primary enemy. Then she had that weird head bobbing seizure right after.

Nor can the contribution of the alt-right system of guerrilla warfare be overestimated. With big business, Hollywood, mainstream news in the tank for Hillary people felt the need for alternative news sources. And they were there...their army of trolls ready. They made a joke of her every misstep and lie and ensured they circulated throughout social media.

She and her party's destructive foreign policy. Hundreds of thousands have died in the Ukraine, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Iraq and it can all be laid at the feet of the Obama administration and Hillary's State Department. The world is less safe and more miserable as they left office. And her attitude is summed up perfectly with "what does it matter?"
People also rejected the anti-Russian warmongering. That seems to lie deep in their psyche and I can't really explain it. I am speaking of post Communist Russia. They were fine with the Communist USSR.

Finally, for this post anyhow, Hillary's divide and conquer scheme was rejected. I really think they have reached the point of diminishing returns in dividing people into groups and ruling them. They almost had it but they tried to grasp victory a little too early.
When Hillary spoke to women they rejected her and voted for their families. Too few women are old man-hating bitter cat ladies as of now even though that group may predominate in the Democrat Party leadership.
When the Democrats doubled down on replacing the population with foreigners they had yet to get quite enough into the country and naturalized. People realized the Democrat Party would rather represent ISIS than Americans.

But, as DSG pointed out, they have learned nothing. Liberals ALWAYS double down when they lose. Pelosi is still in charge and Chelsa Clinton is still in line to be anointed. In their minds people weren't sickened by the anti-western, anti-male, anti-christian rhetoric. In their minds there wasn't enough! In their minds they need to import more Muslims and attack more NASCAR fans. They didn't over reach on homosexual marriage in their minds...they need to attack more flower shops who decline participation in homosexual unions and force more stores to open female restrooms to males! In their minds the corruption is not the problem...Wikileaks needs to stop reporting it!

So they will continue to lose and continue to violently attack the system. They will continue to think celebrities and billionaires are worth courting while working Americans should be reeducated. In other words they continue Hillary's job of creating a unified opposition.

Come on DNC...attack the alt-right some more. Please.
Well said, DOTR.

My point is merely that Lefties continue their neurotic arrogance by their refusal to accept the reality of intelligent, well - informed supporters of Trump.
DNC: we have this terrible, shrill, globalist, crooked candidate we need to run because it's her turn and mainly she is female.

Media: Relax. We got this.

Enter Wikileaks stage right....

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