Democrats Taking the “High” Road

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
I’m always amused by USMB posters arguing over who is “higher” and who “lower” in the polls.

We know rightists from Trump on down get “high” insulting liberals. They seem to want to hang every dang leftist & “commie prog” from the highest tree or lamp post they can find. They need to take a deep breath, relax, peace out.

Of course, from their point of view it’s understandable, seeing as we plan to take away every last one of their freedoms, tax loopholes and guns...

Now I am a law abiding citizen myself, and wouldn’t get caught dead making a “Peace Sign” or eating an Alice B. Toklas Brownie down at the firing range, or even my local blues bar. Just thought I’d let everybody know those leftwing cupcakes are preparing an October surprise of their own, and doing it while taking ... “the high road” :

“A bill allowing the use of marijuana is due to be voted into law later this month. Democrats hope the move – backed by VP candidate Kamala Harris – will boost their support in November’s election. But might the gamble backfire? ... What implications might this all have on the presidential race this November? ...

“What might President Trump do? He has opposed legalization, but he is also a political opportunist who may be tempted to jump in ahead of the 66 percent who favor legalization. He also understands business – and cannabis is rapidly becoming big business.”

Time to inhale: Democrats seek to gain an electoral high in the US presidential race by legalizing cannabis
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