Democrats, This Is On YOU! How Much More American Blood Do You Want On Your Hands?

Opportunity of death is increased exponentially with illegals. even if it is but one.

Then we're blocking all immigration from Europe because I can guarantee you that ONE life has been taken by an illegal immigrant from somewhere in Europe
illegal entry you bet. it's how our customs folks work. what do you think happens?
Are you still playing stupid?
I’ll explain again....
Illegal Wetbacks = Litters of barely legal, welfare sucking, criminal beaners. Look it up.
They are fighting to take that number one spot from blacks...they are all about criminality.

I HAVE looked it up and you're wrong.

Just say you hate brown people and leave it there. We all can see it
Are you still playing stupid?
I’ll explain again....
Illegal Wetbacks = Litters of barely legal, welfare sucking, criminal beaners. Look it up.
They are fighting to take that number one spot from blacks...they are all about criminality.

I HAVE looked it up and you're wrong.

Just say you hate brown people and eave it there. We all can see it
I looked it up and he is correct. now what?
illegal entry you bet. it's how our customs folks work. what do you think happens?

You're trying to ban all immigrants coming across our Southern border...well ban all immigrants from Europe...because ya life.
Are you still playing stupid?
I’ll explain again....
Illegal Wetbacks = Litters of barely legal, welfare sucking, criminal beaners. Look it up.
They are fighting to take that number one spot from blacks...they are all about criminality.

I HAVE looked it up and you're wrong.

Just say you hate brown people and eave it there. We all can see it

You need me to link you to per capita incarceration rates by race?
Please say yes.
illegal entry you bet. it's how our customs folks work. what do you think happens?

You're trying to ban all immigrants coming across our Southern border...well ban all immigrants from Europe...because ya life.
I never said that at all. It is your statement. I said illegal aliens should be stopped. legal immigrates can come with their visas and are welcomed through our ports of entry.
She is a little girl who died from malnutrition and dehydration while in the custody of ICE. Others have also died for the same reason but I don't have their pictures.
Thank you again for another whiny-assed emotional half-truth story that seeks to make the US the 'bogey man'.

The US did not force these people travel thousands of miles, dragging their children along with them, in measles and other disease-filled caravans. The Mexican govt offered to let them stay there - the US did not force them to say no.

An investigation was conducted and ICE was cleared of any wrong-doing, but please, don't let that stop your whiny-assed assault on the US and anyone who points out that the fact that their life sucks does not give them - OR DEMOCRATS - the right to violate US Law!

Sociopaths are devoid of empathy and morally bankrupt.

How do you arrive at that?
If one believes in our right to sovereignty, expects others to respect law and order and cares about the physical and fiscal well being of fellow countrymen they are “devoid of empathy and morally bankrupt”?
And you wonder why you wackos have no credibility....haha

I care about my fellow countrymen. You, not so much.

We get it...Wetbacks are your fellow countrymen.

Members of Cult45 aren't my countrymen. You're a disgrace that should be shunned 24/7.
Thank you again for another whiny-assed emotional half-truth story that seeks to make the US the 'bogey man'.

The US did not force these people travel thousands of miles, dragging their children along with them, in measles and other disease-filled caravans. The Mexican govt offered to let them stay there - the US did not force them to say no.

An investigation was conducted and ICE was cleared of any wrong-doing, but please, don't let that stop your whiny-assed assault on the US and anyone who points out that the fact that their life sucks does not give them - OR DEMOCRATS - the right to violate US Law!

Sociopaths are devoid of empathy and morally bankrupt.

How do you arrive at that?
If one believes in our right to sovereignty, expects others to respect law and order and cares about the physical and fiscal well being of fellow countrymen they are “devoid of empathy and morally bankrupt”?
And you wonder why you wackos have no credibility....haha

I care about my fellow countrymen. You, not so much.

We get it...Wetbacks are your fellow countrymen.

Members of Cult45 aren't my countrymen. You're a disgrace that should be shunned 24/7.

“You make way too much sense with all that truth and logic bullshit...I hate you for being so honest. Now leave me alone so I can keep my head in my ass.”
Sociopaths are devoid of empathy and morally bankrupt.

How do you arrive at that?
If one believes in our right to sovereignty, expects others to respect law and order and cares about the physical and fiscal well being of fellow countrymen they are “devoid of empathy and morally bankrupt”?
And you wonder why you wackos have no credibility....haha

I care about my fellow countrymen. You, not so much.

We get it...Wetbacks are your fellow countrymen.

Members of Cult45 aren't my countrymen. You're a disgrace that should be shunned 24/7.

“You make way too much sense with all that truth and logic bullshit...I hate you for being so honest. Now leave me alone so I can keep my head in my ass.”

I'll tell you plainly. You're a racist troll. You lie constantly.
Are you still playing stupid?
I’ll explain again....
Illegal Wetbacks = Litters of barely legal, welfare sucking, criminal beaners. Look it up.
They are fighting to take that number one spot from blacks...they are all about criminality.

I HAVE looked it up and you're wrong.

Just say you hate brown people and leave it there. We all can see it
Yep, I hate illegal wetbacks more than Hitler hated Jews...Put that shit in lights.

The relationship between illegal immigrants and violent crime

Research conducted by the federal government oversight organization Judicial Watch in 2014 documents that 50 percent of all federal crimes were committed near our border with Mexico.

Of the 61,529 criminal cases filed by federal prosecutors; 40 percent or 24,746 were in court districts along the southern borders of California, Arizona and Texas.

The Western District of Texas had the nation’s most significant crime rate with over 6,300 cases filed; followed by the Southern District of Texas with slightly over 6,000 cases.

The Southern California District with nearly 4,900 cases; New Mexico with nearly 4,000 cases and Arizona with over 3,500 criminal cases ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th.

The U.S. Department of Justice documents that in 2014, 19 percent or over 12,000 criminal cases filed by prosecutors were for violent crimes; and over 22 percent or 13,300 cases were for drug related felonies.

That same year, the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that 75 percent of all criminal defendants who were convicted and sentenced for federal drug offenses were illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants were also involved in 17 percent of all drug trafficking sentences and one third of all federal prison sentences.

The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that as of 2014, illegal immigrants were convicted and sentenced for over 13 percent of all crimes committed in the U.S.

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

Illegal immigrants clearly commit a level of violent and drug related crimes disproportionate to their population.

In California alone, over 2,400 illegal immigrants out of a total prison population of 130,000 are imprisoned in the state’s prison system for the crime of homicide.

The misrepresentation of comparisons in who commits crimes between illegal immigrants, legal U.S. immigrants and American citizens

The pro-illegal immigrant lobby consistently misrepresents the criminal involvement of illegal immigrants as compared to immigrants who legally enter the U.S. and American citizens, saying that illegal immigrants commit less crimes than their counterparts. This assertion is false in most cases. Here are the vetted statistics:

In California, there are just over 92 illegal immigrants imprisoned for every 100,000 illegals as compared to 74 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. In Arizona, the rate is nearly 69 illegals imprisoned for every 100,000, as compared to 54 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants.

In New York, over three times as many illegal immigrants or 169, are imprisoned for crimes per 100,000, as compared to only 48 citizens and legal non-citizen immigrants. Only the states of Texas and Florida do illegal immigrants commit less crimes than their legal immigrant counterparts (Texas with 54.5 illegals imprisoned per 100,000, compared to 65 legal immigrants and Florida with 55 illegals imprisoned, compared to 68 legal immigrants).
The truth about crime, illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities
How do you arrive at that?
If one believes in our right to sovereignty, expects others to respect law and order and cares about the physical and fiscal well being of fellow countrymen they are “devoid of empathy and morally bankrupt”?
And you wonder why you wackos have no credibility....haha

I care about my fellow countrymen. You, not so much.

We get it...Wetbacks are your fellow countrymen.

Members of Cult45 aren't my countrymen. You're a disgrace that should be shunned 24/7.

“You make way too much sense with all that truth and logic bullshit...I hate you for being so honest. Now leave me alone so I can keep my head in my ass.”

I'll tell you plainly. You're a racist troll. You lie constantly.

One does not have to be a racist to hate wetbacks bud...sorry.
Were you taught to love and respect criminals and those who shit on the laws of your nation? That’s plain fucking weird.
I care about my fellow countrymen. You, not so much.

We get it...Wetbacks are your fellow countrymen.

Members of Cult45 aren't my countrymen. You're a disgrace that should be shunned 24/7.

“You make way too much sense with all that truth and logic bullshit...I hate you for being so honest. Now leave me alone so I can keep my head in my ass.”

I'll tell you plainly. You're a racist troll. You lie constantly.

One does not have to be a racist to hate wetbacks bud...sorry.
Were you taught to love and respect criminals and those who shit on the laws of your nation? That’s plain fucking weird.

I was taught to respect others and to not suffer fools that use racist slurs like 'wetback'. You are a cause of several very big societal problems in this country and it ain't just illegal immigration.
We get it...Wetbacks are your fellow countrymen.

Members of Cult45 aren't my countrymen. You're a disgrace that should be shunned 24/7.

“You make way too much sense with all that truth and logic bullshit...I hate you for being so honest. Now leave me alone so I can keep my head in my ass.”

I'll tell you plainly. You're a racist troll. You lie constantly.

One does not have to be a racist to hate wetbacks bud...sorry.
Were you taught to love and respect criminals and those who shit on the laws of your nation? That’s plain fucking weird.

I was taught to respect others and to not suffer fools that use racist slurs like 'wetback'. You are a cause of several very big societal problems in this country and it ain't just illegal immigration.

That’s sounds warm and fuzzy and looks awesome on paper...BUT, you fucked in head nutjobs have forced good, real, legit Americans to become so retaliatory that we just don’t give two fucks anymore...We’re busting our asses trying to become more hateful each day. Thanks for that.
Murderer could have been turned over to authorities 6 times? Seems pretty obvious to me that Trump's ICE people are not doing their jobs. All they have to do is to be at the courthouse to arrest someone for federal crimes who is being released from custody by authorities of the city. When is Trump going to take responsibility for the failures of federal law enforcement?

What would you suggest President Trump should do when the Sanctuary City Cops refuse to honor the ICE detainer requests?

Quite simple. I would not wait for them to detain and call ICE. I would have someone from ICE Check each Sanctuary City courthouse each day and find out if they are holding anyone on my wanted list, then, I would make sure that someone from ICE would be there to take anyone who is a dangerous criminal into federal custody who is being released from city custody.
Members of Cult45 aren't my countrymen. You're a disgrace that should be shunned 24/7.

“You make way too much sense with all that truth and logic bullshit...I hate you for being so honest. Now leave me alone so I can keep my head in my ass.”

I'll tell you plainly. You're a racist troll. You lie constantly.

One does not have to be a racist to hate wetbacks bud...sorry.
Were you taught to love and respect criminals and those who shit on the laws of your nation? That’s plain fucking weird.

I was taught to respect others and to not suffer fools that use racist slurs like 'wetback'. You are a cause of several very big societal problems in this country and it ain't just illegal immigration.

That’s sounds warm and fuzzy and looks awesome on paper...BUT, you fucked in head nutjobs have forced good, real, legit Americans to become so retaliatory that we just don’t give two fucks anymore...We’re busting our asses trying to become more hateful each day. Thanks for that.

Here's where you're wrong, sparky. I haven't forced you to do anything. What you do is of your own accord. The hate is yours and yours alone. I assume you're an adult, so take responsibility for your actions. I'm a real, legit satisfied tax-paying American (and gun owner) that keeps to himself. If pushed, I will react for the safety of my family and myself, in that order.
Wait so if a Swedish guy kills someone we should ban all Swedish people? If we had that murder wouldn’t have occurred. Isn’t that the “logic” here?

And we know that must have occurred at some time. We banning Swedes now?

Sweden is not a border country with thousands of them trying to cross illegally.

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