Democrats threaten to pack Supreme court over second amendmennt


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WASHINGTON, DC –Democrat presidential candidates and senators this week renewed their threats that unless the U.S. Supreme Court issues liberal rulings on the Second Amendment and other issues, Democrats will fundamentally restructure the nation’s highest court, a shocking threat to judicial independence not seen since the 1930s.
Democrats Threaten to Pack Supreme Court over Second Amendment

No you see the -ts want to kick ofF that SHOT heard around the world so the pos cowards can 1st blame TRUMP then blame GUN OWNERS

you know these low life scum bag douches are up to another big big false flag IT WILL BE SO GOOD EVEN THE DUMB FKRS WHO OWN GUNS WILL FALL FOR IT AND GIVE THEM UP.

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The Democrats WILL attempt to pack the court regardless of 2nd amendment rulings if they get government power back. Unelected judges are how they rule.
it has been being said for over a year the DEMS want a civil war they will use race and guns to get it. Sheep are dumb they will believe it all as they always do.
They wouldn't would end their party forever....

Listen..they have already said they will. The theoreticians in the media have been writing for two years about it to give them cover.
When you see code words like "growing discussion" LINK and "candidates warm to" LINK and "such proposals have become popular" LINK all within one week you know the push is on. The media and and Democrats work for the same powerful group and this will be a coordinated effort.
These people have to be beaten completely but not just politically. We have already tried that.
Expanding the court to 15 justices just to pack it to be more liberal (or conservative for that matter) is a bad idea. Suppose a Democratic Congress, supported by a Democratic president, does expand and pack the court, what is to stop a Republican controlled Congress and President from shrinking the court at some later date? Since the US Constitution does not set the number of justices, this is entirely possible.

The last time the number of justices on the court was changed was in 1869 when the court was set at nine. The last attempt at changing the number of justices was in 1937 by President Roosevelt. Congress rejected the plan.

Changing the composition of the court is a sure fire way for the country to lose complete faith in the court itself, in my opinion. Even Justice Ginsberg has spoken out about this being a bad idea (Ginsburg opposes 2020 Democrats' proposals to expand Supreme Court).

It seems to me that liberal causes have had reasonable success getting the support of the court and then standing for decades as the law of the land, such as Roe v. Wade. So, realistically the court is not continually one sided, there has been an ebb and flow over the past 150 years or so.
Since republicans made it so that an SC Justice can only be chosen when a President and the Senate are from the same party, other ways to mess with the SC are now on the table.
They wouldn't would end their party forever....

Listen..they have already said they will. The theoreticians in the media have been writing for two years about it to give them cover.
When you see code words like "growing discussion" LINK and "candidates warm to" LINK and "such proposals have become popular" LINK all within one week you know the push is on. The media and and Democrats work for the same powerful group and this will be a coordinated effort.
These people have to be beaten completely but not just politically. We have already tried that.
Congress is directly elected by the people...unless they want to give up their position in the next election they would reject the effort...just like in 1937....people would see it as a political people would see how it could backfire....I just don't think we need worry about their empty threats....Trump is still in office...hasn't been impeached....that's the beauty of our nation....we the people still hold the keys....
impeached....that's the beauty of our nation....we the people still hold the keys....

Oh you do do you? So we against abortion and homosexual marriage? Werent those "power plays"? Yes overruling the citizens cost them in some states but New York and California and inner cities will *always* return Democrats to power.
They love "power plays". In fact they take a special delight in exercising raw power over common citizens. And a large number of citizens are servile enough to go along with it.

With all respect Rambunctious ...did you see this?

Senate Dems deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: 'Heal' or face restructuring

Does it appear to you that they fear public opinion or reaction? They will burn this country to the ground before they give up power.

And I do respect your opinion. I just think we have to get harder and recognize that we arent debating fellow Americans of good will for a solution..,we are fighting people who hate us and have infiltrated our country and they have long taken advantage of the decency of good people like yourself.

With all respect Rambunctious ...did you see this?

Senate Dems deliver stunning warning to Supreme Court: 'Heal' or face restructuring

Does it appear to you that they fear public opinion or reaction? They will burn this country to the ground before they give up power.

And I do respect your opinion. I just think we have to get harder and recognize that we arent debating fellow Americans of good will for a solution..,we are fighting people who hate us and have infiltrated our country and they have long taken advantage of the decency of good people like yourself.
Why is this thread in the CT sub?

It is factual, it is legitimate course of discussion. . .

It's not up for debate, they are doing it, they have tipped their hand. :dunno:

Gisnberg has to be on her last legs OR they know from internal polling how bad they will lose in 2020. There is no other explanation for the sudden push.

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