Democrats, Unions Oppose Obama's TPP


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats, Unions, Left-Wing Activists Wary Of Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership Bill
LINK: Democrats, Unions, Left-Wing Activists Wary Of Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership Bill - Breitbart

"President Obama strongly urges passage of the bill, but he’ll need Republicans to do it. Not many Senators or Congressmen from his own party support the TPP. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton infamously flipped to oppose the bill, after praising it for years, in part because Big Labor hates it."

(D-OH) Marcy Kaptur, (D-CT) Rosa DeLauro:
'The TPP lacks lacking “enforceable human rights rules” for “human traffickers Brunei, Malaysia, and Vietnam.”

(D-NY_ Denise Slaughter:
The bill’s chapter on e-commerce “undermines consumer privacy for sensitive personal data (health, financial, and more.)
- Consumer Privacy? Ya mean like in regards to the ACA Web Site? :p

Nick Dearden of 'Global Justice Now':
“The TPP is a disaster for jobs, and environment and our democracy. It is the latest stage in the corporate capture of our society.”

Evan Greer, campaign director of 'Fight for the Future':
“Now that we can read the final TPP text, it’s obvious why it was kept in total secrecy for so long: this agreement is a wish list for powerful special interests and multinational corporations. The Intellectual Property chapter confirms our worst [fears] about the TPP’s impact on our basic right to express ourselves and access information on the Internet. If U.S. Congress signs this agreement despite its blatant corruption, they’ll be signing a death warrant for the open Internet and putting the future of free speech in peril.”

(I-VT) Bernie Sanders
“I’m glad that Hillary Clinton is now against the TPP. Check my record out. I knew from Day One – in terms of NAFTA, CAFTA, permanent normal trade relations with China – that our trade policies were a disaster for American workers."

(D-VA) Gerry Connolly:
'The timing of the final votes must be “exquisitely managed,” because if it’s not passed before April – probably with a rather embarrassing minority of Democrats in favor – the vote could end up “in our primary season, and that’s a problem.”
- Understanding that, like the ACA, the TPP is a BAD piece of legislation that the majority of the American people will oppose, so the 'timing' of the voting on this legislation must be handled in the same way.... another late night / 1am vote to sneak it into law before the American people knows what hit them...and it CAN'T be any time near the up-coming election or the American people will hammer the shit out of them for doing it like they did back in 2014! He is proposing another deceptive, treasonous move to counter and defeat American opposition to another bill that's bad for America!
Oh. I thought "TPP" meant Toilet Paper Program. I was all set to alert Healthmyths.

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