For everything Democrats criticize Trump and his associates for Democrats are much worse.

No Reagan did not believe in Government and neither do you.

It was Reagan who said "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

The Reagan/Bush ideologues don't "believe" in government, in anything other than a military and police capacity. Government should punish, they agree, but it should never nurture, protect, or defend individuals.

Let the corporations handle your old-age pension. Let the corporations decide how much protection we and our environment need from their toxins. Let the corporations decide what we're paid. Let the corporations decide what doctor we can see, when, and for what purpose.d

Reagan was the first American president to actually preach that his own job was a bad thing. He once said, "Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." One can only assume he was speaking of himself and his fellow Republicans

Cons can't imagine anybody wanting to devote their lives to the service of their nation. The highest calling in their minds is to make profit.

As Reagan said: "The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them away."

There are, after all, no reasons in the conservative worldview for government service other than self-enrichment. As Ronald Reagan said: "Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book."

What they don't say is that the reason they want to remove government in its protective capacity is because they can then make an enormous amount of money, and have a lot of control over people's lives, when they privatize former governmental functions. They want a power vacuum, so corporations and the rich can step in.

Can you even hear yourself talk?

What is a corporation?

It is nothing more than a government creation.

Most think that the Boston Tea Party was about higher tea taxes. Nope, taxes actually went down once the British crown used the East Indies Co. to put a monopoly on tea in the colonies. That was the reason for the protest, they did not like the corporate monopoly on their tea.

But yea, there were other taxes from the British crown that they did protest, like the Stamp act.

The colonist correctly equated government and the East Indies Co. as one in the same, but you don't.

Don't feel bad, the education system is skewed so that you don't get such truth.

I always get a laugh when I read this quote from Ben Frankin.

It would be thought a hard government that should tax its people one tenth part.

Benjamin Franklin

All nonsense

And that is the leftist way of today. No proof simply tell others how they think.

Your side openly supports racist ideals, such as that white homeless folks are privileged. Your response to it is to guess or tell people how they think , You gotta do better.
And that is the leftist way of today. No proof simply tell others how they think.
Really? This is you is it not?
They think men can get pregnant

Democrats say that white homeless people are privileged.

They give a pass to vandalism, violence and graffiti by antifa and BLM.

Democrats allowed a trans person to show their breasts at the White House doing a presidential event. Democrats approval of parades where men get naked and dancing in front of children
It seems the whole premise of this OP is simply you telling Democrats how they think.

If irony wasn't dead already, you just killed it.
Really? This is you is it not?

It seems the whole premise of this OP is simply you telling Democrats how they think.

If irony wasn't dead already, you just killed it.

But no destruction or removal of statues of African leaders who may have owned white slaves hundreds of years ago. See the blatant left-wing hypocrisy.

You haven’t heard of cancel culture or wokeness…. major planks of the left? Of course, I’m sure you understand ESPN is a major plank of the left-wing. They started criticizing Trump vehemently after he became president.

Everything that was quoted is literally what Democrats do. Unless you’re living under a rock ….do you recall the Democrats putting on some African scarf and taking a knee for George Floyd a man who led a violent criminal life, including holding a gun to a pregnant ladys stomach

WILMINGTON, Del. — The Democratic Party fully embraced the imagery and themes of the Black Lives Matter movement on its convention's first night Monday,

I wish it wasn’t like this. I wish that the Democratic Party was like it used to be in the 20th century standing for the working man, for union jobs, talking about national healthcare instead of giving into such filth and vandalism, like supporting BLM, supporting cancel culture. Nobody who follows politics can deny that a major plank of the Democratic Party is race baiting, suggesting that Black people have it worse in America. Suggesting that even white homeless people are privileged. This is a major thing, especially with some of the left-wing black Democrats who openly say terrible things about white people for example Van Jones literally saying all white people have a virus and nothing is done about it. He doesn’t get fired from CNN.

Nobody can deny that it is a left-wing position to believe that white homeless people are privilege. That is the BLM position.

I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, but after this, if you still have those beliefs, you’re simply ignoring the facts right in front of your eyes




Recall espn being one of the most woke outlets in the world. Again, I’m gonna give you the benefit of a doubt, but after all of this information has revealed which you should already know if you claim to follow politics on a regular basis and you still dismissed this. You are trolling.

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You haven’t heard of cancel culture or wokeness…. major plank forms of the left? Everything that was quoted is literally what Democrats do. Unless you’re living under a rock and call all the Democrats putting on some African scarf and taking a knee for George Floyd.

WILMINGTON, Del. — The Democratic Party fully embraced the imagery and themes of the Black Lives Matter movement on its convention's first night Monday,

I wish it wasn’t like this. I wish that the Democratic Party was like it used to be in the 20th century standing for the working man, for union jobs, talking about national healthcare instead of giving into such filth and vandalism, like supporting BLM, supporting cancel culture. Nobody who follows politics can deny that a major plank of the Democratic Party is race baiting, suggesting that Black people have it worse in America. Suggesting that even white homeless people are privileged. This is a major thing, especially with some of the left-wing black Democrats who openly say terrible things about white people for example Van Jones literally saying all white people have a virus and nothing is done about it. He doesn’t get fired from CNN.

Nobody can deny that it is a left-wing position to believe that white homeless people are privilege. That is the BLM position.

I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, but after this, if you still have those beliefs, you’re simply ignoring the facts right in front of yo

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View attachment 962441

Recall espn being one of the most woke outlets in the world. Again, I’m gonna give you the benefit of a doubt, but after all of this information has revealed which you should already know if you claim to follow politics on a regular basis and you still dismissed this. You are trolling.

I will give YOU the benefit of the doubt. Something your whole premise pretty much states is unwarranted.

If I would source A Republican stating the argument that the earth is flat. Would you accept my assertion that Republicans believe the earth is flat?

If I would source a Republican stating that Trump is the next coming of Jesus. Would you accept me stating that that's the position of Republicans?

You are going even further. You explain taking the knee for the murder of George Floyd as support for the PERSON George Floyd. While what it was, was a protest AGAINST police violence. I don't care if a person is immoral or even criminal. That doesn't EXCUSE a cop sitting on a guy until he dies, while people are alerting that cop that the guy isn't moving. Being a convicted felon is NOT a justification for murder. Something you probably agree with.

You state wokeness in a very dishonest way.

I don't mind. I have looked for people on the right willing to discuss these terms without resorting to rethoric or fallacious arguments. It just doesn't happen. I'm not that brilliant. Meaning you guys need those things to make your point.

None of this gets even close to engage the premise here. You are saying that YOUR opinion of the left thoughts are right and therefore you have a right to speak for them.

If you want to say that, fine. But do yourself a favor and don't comment on other people making hasty generalizations. It just looks foolish.

What is your argument. If you’re saying that you are a Democrat and you disagree with the Democrat party platform of supporting BLM that’s fine. The point I made is correct. Democrat politician support the idea that men can get pregnant, the idea that homeless whites are privileged, wokeness and cancel culture are all pushed by democrats

WILMINGTON, Del. — The Democratic Party fully embraced the imagery and themes of the Black Lives Matter movement on its convention's first night Monday,

Blm is a mainstream and core element of the Democratic Party. You can see a clearly above.

The GOP did not embrace flat earth society at their convention. But there are plenty of Republicans I disagree with when it comes to their availment support of Ukraine and Israel.

But is more concerning because nobody can deny that a main element of the left wing that we see from Hollywood in the media is the support of culture and wildness, insane radical ideas like the idea that there are 100 genders, the idea that it’s OK for men to get naked in front of children at a gay parade.

According to the Minnesota police handbook officer, Chauvin was doing everything in line with police procedure. Anyway sure we can maybe debate these points, but I find it very hard to do that. But you could even forget about this point. There are so many things that the Democratic mainstream politicians are doing today that are horrible for the country. Like when Joe Biden hosts a trans event at the White House were a man shows his breasts at a public event.

And again cancel culture the idea of canceling people for the most obscure and ridiculous things is exclusively a left-wing phenomenon until Israel invaded Palestine. There have been conservatives who have canceled people for criticize in Israel. But that’s just makes both sides similar in that capacity and it’s terrible for the country. Criticize BLM and you are a racist criticize the government of Israel and you are a racist. It’s absurd.

But the BLM riots were completely insane, caused billions of dollars worth of damage, dozens of murders thousands injured.

Couple that with the pro-abortion riots, the riots during Trump inauguration, and other left-wing riots and the past five or seven years the most violent political group in America is from the left. Perhaps 75 years ago 100 years ago it was from the right with the clan now things have changed.

What is your argument. If you’re saying that you are a Democrat and you disagree with the Democrat party platform of supporting BLM that’s fine. The point I made is correct. Democrat politician support the idea that men can get pregnant, the idea that homeless whites are privileged, wokeness and cancel culture are all pushed by democrats

WILMINGTON, Del. — The Democratic Party fully embraced the imagery and themes of the Black Lives Matter movement on its convention's first night Monday,

Blm is a mainstream and core element of the Democratic Party. You can see a clearly above.

The GOP did not embrace flat earth society at their convention. But there are plenty of Republicans I disagree with when it comes to their availment support of Ukraine and Israel.

But is more concerning because nobody can deny that a main element of the left wing that we see from Hollywood in the media is the support of culture and wildness, insane radical ideas like the idea that there are 100 genders, the idea that it’s OK for men to get naked in front of children at a gay parade.
What is your argument.
This is.

You are first conflating the Democrats with the BLM movement. Those are not the same people.
Then, you conflate the symbolism of the BLM movement with the person George Floyd and not as a protest against police violence. Then you conflate what happened to George Floyd when he was killed, with actions he took in the past. And then you imply that Democrats (wasn't just Democrats by the way) because they supported BLM, they support "holding a gun to a pregnant ladies belly"

If you don't see how incredibly dishonest you frame that, I can't help you.

I'll put in in an analogy you would have no problem understanding.

Trump is an adjudicated rapist and a felon, therefor whatever cop feels like beating him up is justified doing so. And any protest for this action means the Republicans support both rapes and white-collar crimes.

Same logic. Doubt you'd agree with the premise.
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According to the Minnesota police handbook officer, Chauvin was doing everything in line with police procedure. Anyway sure we can maybe debate these points, but I find it very hard to do that. But you could even forget about this point. There are so many things that the Democratic mainstream politicians are doing today that are horrible for the country. Like when Joe Biden hosts a trans event at the White House were a man shows his breasts at a public event.

And again cancel culture the idea of canceling people for the most obscure and ridiculous things is exclusively a left-wing phenomenon until Israel invaded Palestine. There have been conservatives who have canceled people for criticize in Israel. But that’s just makes both sides similar in that capacity and it’s terrible for the country. Criticize BLM and you are a racist criticize the government of Israel and you are a racist. It’s absurd.

But the BLM riots were completely insane, caused billions of dollars worth of damage, dozens of murders thousands injured.

Couple that with the pro-abortion riots, the riots during Trump inauguration, and other left-wing riots and the past five or seven years the most violent political group in America is from the left. Perhaps 75 years ago 100 years ago it was from the right with the clan now things have changed.
According to the Minnesota police handbook officer, Chauvin was doing everything in line with police procedure.
His police chief disagreed. The jury disagreed. More importantly, logical thinking disagrees.

The police has the right to use force to subdue. Maybe Minnesota allows for the technique used to subdue. NO handbook allows for that technique being used even AFTER the person subdued doesn't just calms down but becomes TOTALY non-responsive as in DEAD. A fact the video shows was brought to his attention MULTIPLE times by bystanders. That's not police procedure but MURDER.
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And again cancel culture the idea of canceling people for the most obscure and ridiculous things
How many Trans people do you know?
Like when Joe Biden hosts a trans event at the White House were a man shows his breasts at a public event.

Shortly afterward, she posted a video on Instagram that showed a clip of her standing in front of the White House topless as she covered her nipples with her hands.

So a person shows NOT HER BREAST but goes topless while COVERING her breasts. And posts that picture on HER Instagram account. Something she apologized for. And the White House banned her for. White House bans trans activist for a topless photo at a Pride event

And that gets YOU up in arms. So glad you're not interested in cancelling people for the most obscure and ridiculous things. You're interested in cancelling people for the most obscure and ridiculous things and aren't afraid to lie in order to do so.
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This is.

You are first conflating the Democrats with the BLM movement. Those are not the same people.
Then, you conflate the symbolism of the BLM movement with the person George Floyd and not as a protest against police violence. Then you conflate what happened to George Floyd when he was killed, with actions he took in the past. And then you imply that Democrats (wasn't just Democrats by the way) because they supported BLM, they support "holding a gun to a pregnant ladies belly"

If you don't see how incredibly dishonest you frame that, I can't help you.

I'll put in in an analogy you would have no problem understanding.

Trump is an adjudicated rapist and a felon, therefor whatever cop feels like beating him up is justified doing so. And any protest for this action means the Republicans support both rapes and white-collar crimes.

Same logic. Doubt you'd agree with the premise.
You’re getting a few things wrong here. This is really quite simple and straightforward. Black Lives Matter is a plank of the Democrat party that was proven in their own Democrat convention.

By the way, I am a traditional Democrat. But I look at what Democrat politicians do and say they’ve done nothing to prevent the terroristic destruction of statues of Christopher Columbus, St. Louis and many many people that represented values that I admire. And no, one can’t come back and call them racist or something ridiculous. They were men of their times. There were Africans of the same time Who owned slaves and our honored all throughout Africa.

BLM supports racist ideals, such as that white homeless people are privileged. Or that the police are systemically racist that is insane. It is an insult to our neighbors. This is not a, militarized authoritarian country in America, where the police are corrupt and accept bribes.

“Police violence “

Please violence is minimal in America. These are our own neighbors and friends. This isn’t some corrupt country and a third world where cops are taken bribes beating the shit out of people for no good reason.

Nowhere did I say a Democrat support holding a gun to a pregnant lady stomach. Again, this is very simple and straightforward. Many Democrat politicians now support radical left-wing ideologies either they agree with the idea that a man can get pregnant or they just go along with it they don’t say anything about it. Don’t you know cancel culture. This is strictly a left-wing phenomenon only until recently when the Republicans started canceling people for criticizing Israeli government , which is very unfortunate.

There is much more to discuss here than the George Floyd case. Way way more. The BLM riots. But again, I’ll just simply talk about cancel culture and Wess. These are left-wing phenomenon.
His police chief disagreed. The jury disagreed. More importantly, logical thinking disagrees.

The police has the right to use force to subdue. Maybe Minnesota allows for the technique used to subdue. NO handbook allows for that technique being used even AFTER the person subdued doesn't just calms down but becomes TOTALY non-responsive as in DEAD. A fact the video shows was brought to his attention MULTIPLE times by bystanders. That's not police procedure but MURDER.
Again, there is so much more to this discussion than George Floyd. Maybe the police chief was under political pressure. He made a terrible decision. Chauvin is innocent that is proven by the police procedures shown in a documentary posted maybe two times on this form.

You can even think whatever you want about Floyd . Theres much more to discuss We can talk about cancel culture a sickening ideology where movies have been removed from Netflix due to perceived racism. So either you don’t know this or you’re ignoring it. Where comedians have been canceled. Where people like Jack del Rio have been fined for openly disagreeing with BLM and criticizing the BLM riots. He was fined by the NFL. Left wing platforms now include ESPN. So either you don’t know this or you are ignoring it I don’t know if you follow sports or if you follow politics much. It is an age of insanity going on in America today.
How many Trans people do you know?

Shortly afterward, she posted a video on Instagram that showed a clip of her standing in front of the White House topless as she covered her nipples with her hands.

So a person shows NOT HER BREAST but goes topless while COVERING her breasts. And posts that picture on HER Instagram account. Something she apologized for. And the White House banned her for. White House bans trans activist for a topless photo at a Pride event

And that gets YOU up in arms. So glad you're not interested in cancelling people for the most obscure and ridiculous things. You're interested in cancelling people for the most obscure and ridiculous things and aren't afraid to lie in order to do so.
I’ve met a few trans people.

I’m aware that a trans person took their shirt off and was basically naked at the White House. That is a palling. That is completely a disgrace to the United States of America. What do you think our grandparents would’ve thought of that. It’s a sickening site. There were children at the event. Good thing that the person apologized for but it is still a public event that took place at the White House. Wow what a shame that is.

No, I’m not interested in canceling people. You don’t need to assume things or make things up about me. I’m not taking this personally against you. Listen sir I am going by what Democrat politicians and left-wing media outlets have said.

Sir, the Democratic Party has openly said they support BLM at the Democrat convention. BLM believes white homeless people are privileged. They believe in racist ideologies. They don’t talk about the blacks of history that own slaves in Africa. The 1 million white people enslaved in Africa.

I’m not canceling anybody. It is left-wing Hollywood and the media removing certain things from the grocery stores because they deem them to be offensive. Changing the names of football teams or baseball teams, which is ridiculous. Or the terrorist destruction and vandalism of statues of Christian European men, the types of people who were my ancestors destroyed by black criminals. That would be like a group of 200 white men destroying a statue of a black person for whatever reason they deemed the fit. It is terrorism, no different than the Taliban blowing up the statues of Buddha because they said that it was the right thing to do. That’s not how civility works.

I will criticize Republicans so please acknowledge me. I’m not one-sided. I’m open-minded, I’m liberal. I am for freedom. I criticize Republicans for canceling people literally firing people for criticism of Israel. What they falsely claim is anti-Jewish behavior. That is, of course the same thing is the left-wing fanaticism and the left-wing ideology of firing somebody because they disagree with BLM ideology or other radical ideologies. Radical ideologies.
His police chief disagreed. The jury disagreed. More importantly, logical thinking disagrees.

The police has the right to use force to subdue. Maybe Minnesota allows for the technique used to subdue. NO handbook allows for that technique being used even AFTER the person subdued doesn't just calms down but becomes TOTALY non-responsive as in DEAD. A fact the video shows was brought to his attention MULTIPLE times by bystanders. That's not police procedure but MURDER.
In short this

WILMINGTON, Del. — The Democratic Party fully embraced the imagery and themes of the Black Lives Matter movement on its convention's first night Monday,

Perhaps you don’t know this or you’re ignoring it. A major plank of the Democratic Party Is BLM ideology you can see it above.
And the Democrats are wide open about their views. They think men can get pregnant, they all get on a knee and wore some traditional African garb for George Floyd the guy who held a gun to a pregnant ladies stomach.

Democrats say that white homeless people are privileged. They give a pass to vandalism, violence and graffiti by antifa and BLM.

Democrats allowed a trans person to show their breasts at the White House doing a presidential event. Democrats approval of parades where men get naked and dancing in front of children.

What world are Democrats living in if they think that they have the ability to criticize the other side when their side openly supports insanity.
Can you even hear yourself talk?

What is a corporation?

It is nothing more than a government creation.

Most think that the Boston Tea Party was about higher tea taxes. Nope, taxes actually went down once the British crown used the East Indies Co. to put a monopoly on tea in the colonies. That was the reason for the protest, they did not like the corporate monopoly on their tea.

But yea, there were other taxes from the British crown that they did protest, like the Stamp act.

The colonist correctly equated government and the East Indies Co. as one in the same, but you don't.

Don't feel bad, the education system is skewed so that you don't get such truth.

I always get a laugh when I read this quote from Ben Frankin.

It would be thought a hard government that should tax its people one tenth part.

Benjamin Franklin

Today we see a new aristocracy arising with wealth so extreme, “I don’t need your money” is who you consider a man of the people.
Rich people pay a lower tax on their income.
You have been brainwashed by divisive Democrats who lie constantly:


You people need to realize as you cheer when Bush and Trump give rich people tax breaks. That's putting the tax burden more on you. That's SHIFTING the tax burden to us.

Tax cuts ALWAYS have given lower income brackets a higher percentage REDUCTION! That they make less money than millionaires means they don't get as many dollars' reduction in their tax bills. Democrat brainwashing is divisive, dishonest, reprehensible and food for the ignorant masses.
If you had your way, "the rich," such as, oh, Hanoi John Kerry, Communist George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Bloomberg, Hollywood Glitterati and all the rest of the Uber Rich Leftists would pay 90% of their income to feed the Democrat Trough. It STILL wouldn't be enough to satisfy socialist Dems.
Stop drinking socialist Kool Aid.

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