Democrats use mass shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue to demand gun control

The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.


In Crimea, this very week.....a shooter used a pump action shotgun to murder 21 college students...

It isn't the gun, it's the gun free zone, and the target area....that is the problem.
Congressional Democrats immediately pushed for gun control measures following the mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday that left at least 10 people dead.
Democrats Use Mass Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue To Demand Gun Control

The demotwats ways use incidences to try and take the guns you all aren't getting them even more so now than ever before. YOu fkrs are wack jobs we need gun owners in our nation.
Well he used an AR and a couple of handguns. So ... if he didn't have them, eleven people who went to temple yesterday morning would be alive.

You are still a foolish human being....

Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives....including stopping mass shooters.....until you can match the 1.1 million times a year that Americans use their legal guns to save lives, you have nothing intelligent to post....if it saves one life? How about the lives saved by 1.1 million defensive gun uses by good, law abiding people?

In Crimea this very week, a shooter used a pump action shotgun to murder 21 college gun controlled have nothing based in truth, facts or reality to argue with...
The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Bowers cousin said he was a LUNATIC. He had a history of threatening before, and other sundry crimes. His social media sites had anti-semitic comments. And in this country, sure, give the guy another gun.

No one gave him a gun, you foolish human....... if he was a criminal, where was your magical background check stopping him?

The gun free zone got those people killed.....
Congressional Democrats immediately pushed for gun control measures following the mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday that left at least 10 people dead.
Democrats Use Mass Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue To Demand Gun Control

The demotwats ways use incidences to try and take the guns you all aren't getting them even more so now than ever before. YOu fkrs are wack jobs we need gun owners in our nation.
Well he used an AR and a couple of handguns. So ... if he didn't have them, eleven people who went to temple yesterday morning would be alive.

37,000 people died in motor vehicle accidents last year. If we didn't have cars they would be alive.

actually, you are off a bit......and poison killed even more people.....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Bowers cousin said he was a LUNATIC. He had a history of threatening before, and other sundry crimes. His social media sites had anti-semitic comments. And in this country, sure, give the guy another gun.

Lunatics will always do loony things. That is no reason to for the oppressive government to violate the Bill of Rights and take firearms away from the hundred of millions of people in this country that don't do loony things with their firearms.

There are about 15-20 million AR-15s in this country and an infinitesimal percentage of them are used for crimes.
And yet it is the mass shooter's weapon of choice.

The weapon of choice for gun crime in this country is a cheap handgun.
You know, like the kind that come in and shoot up innocent people going about their daily business, in church in school in the coffee shop in the theater in the airport
name it. The AR is there.

The AR-15 is not the weapon of choice....hand guns are.... and a rental truck is more dangerous than any rifle....

List of school massacres by death toll - Wikipedia

Bath, U.S., (1927) school.... 44 dead, dynamite, bolt action rifle.

Virginia Tech.... 32 dead.... pistols.

Sandy Hook.... 26 dead... AR-15

Crimea school shooting.... 20 dead... pump action shotgun.

Parkland shooting.... 17 dead.... AR-15 rifle.

Dunblane, Scotland, school shooting.... 17....pistols.

Erfut, Germany school shooting.... 16... pistol.

Winnedan, Germany..... 15.... pistol

Umpquaa college shooting..... 9....pistols, had rifle, didn't use it.

Santa Fe, Texas....10.... shotgun and revolver

Kauhajoki, Finland... 10.... pistol and molotov cocktails

Cologne, Germany (1964)... 10....homemade flame thrower, lance, mace(bludgeon)

Enoch, U.S (1764)..... 10... Tomahawks and mauls....

Yan Yenming, China.... 9.... knife

Nanping, China.... 8.... knife

Red Lake, U.S...... 9.... pistol, shotgun

Osaka, Japan.... 8.... kitchen knife

Jokela, Finland... 8.... pistol...

Oikos univeristy, California.... 7... pistol

Anne Anne, China.... 6.... knives and chisels...

Northern Illinois University.... 5... pistols and shotgun

Santa Monica.... 5.... AR-15...

Bremen, Germany.... 4.... 6-10 hand guns...

La Loche, Canada.... 4.... shotgun
Congressional Democrats immediately pushed for gun control measures following the mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday that left at least 10 people dead.
Democrats Use Mass Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue To Demand Gun Control

The demotwats ways use incidences to try and take the guns you all aren't getting them even more so now than ever before. YOu fkrs are wack jobs we need gun owners in our nation.
Well he used an AR and a couple of handguns. So ... if he didn't have them, eleven people who went to temple yesterday morning would be alive.

So sure about that, huh?

Knife-wielding attackers kill 29 at China train station - CNN

Here is just a sample.....from around the world...

List of school massacres by death toll - Wikipedia

Bath, U.S., (1927) school.... 44 dead, dynamite, bolt action rifle.

Virginia Tech.... 32 dead.... pistols.

Sandy Hook.... 26 dead... AR-15

Crimea school shooting.... 20 dead... pump action shotgun.

Parkland shooting.... 17 dead.... AR-15 rifle.

Dunblane, Scotland, school shooting.... 17....pistols.

Erfut, Germany school shooting.... 16... pistol.

Winnedan, Germany..... 15.... pistol

Umpquaa college shooting..... 9....pistols, had rifle, didn't use it.

Santa Fe, Texas....10.... shotgun and revolver

Kauhajoki, Finland... 10.... pistol and molotov cocktails

Cologne, Germany (1964)... 10....homemade flame thrower, lance, mace(bludgeon)

Enoch, U.S (1764)..... 10... Tomahawks and mauls....

Yan Yenming, China.... 9.... knife

Nanping, China.... 8.... knife

Red Lake, U.S...... 9.... pistol, shotgun

Osaka, Japan.... 8.... kitchen knife

Jokela, Finland... 8.... pistol...

Oikos univeristy, California.... 7... pistol

Anne Anne, China.... 6.... knives and chisels...

Northern Illinois University.... 5... pistols and shotgun

Santa Monica.... 5.... AR-15...

Bremen, Germany.... 4.... 6-10 hand guns...

La Loche, Canada.... 4.... shotgun
The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Bowers cousin said he was a LUNATIC. He had a history of threatening before, and other sundry crimes. His social media sites had anti-semitic comments. And in this country, sure, give the guy another gun.

No one gave him a gun, you foolish human....... if he was a criminal, where was your magical background check stopping him?

The gun free zone got those people killed.....

Background checks are the most useless things we have in this country.

Having firearm background checks to stop criminals from using a firearm in a crime is about useless as having drug laws to stop addicts from using drugs.

However, it makes the stupid Moon Bats think they are doing something.

I saw this on another forum as well, and it's a really good and even excellent lesson on how dishonest liberal scum are. In this meme, all of those quotes are only snippets of what was actually stated, and taken in whole as they were actually stated, give a whole new meaning to what this cowardly meme says he said.

After some research anyone can find out what was actually said and if honest, they can see just what liars liberals are. I'll explain one statement in this meme and then the libs can pound sand. The second amendment statement was calling for gun owners to vote Clinton out, which they did, not for them to shoot people. Only crazed dim libs do that. No I won't provide any links, because we all know America hating libs do not deal with truth or fact. Good day.
The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Bowers cousin said he was a LUNATIC. He had a history of threatening before, and other sundry crimes. His social media sites had anti-semitic comments. And in this country, sure, give the guy another gun.

No one gave him a gun, you foolish human....... if he was a criminal, where was your magical background check stopping him?

The gun free zone got those people killed.....

Background checks are the most useless things we have in this country.

Having firearm background checks to stop criminals from using a firearm in a crime is about useless as having drug laws to stop addicts from using drugs.

However, it makes the stupid Moon Bats think they are doing something.

And it is one stepping stone for the to get universal background checks...which then gives them the abiility to demand gun registration...
The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Bowers cousin said he was a LUNATIC. He had a history of threatening before, and other sundry crimes. His social media sites had anti-semitic comments. And in this country, sure, give the guy another gun.

No one gave him a gun, you foolish human....... if he was a criminal, where was your magical background check stopping him?

The gun free zone got those people killed.....

Background checks are the most useless things we have in this country.

Having firearm background checks to stop criminals from using a firearm in a crime is about useless as having drug laws to stop addicts from using drugs.

However, it makes the stupid Moon Bats think they are doing something.

And it is one stepping stone for the to get universal background checks...which then gives them the abiility to demand gun registration...

These asshole Liberals want to make America a socialist shithole so they can get all their free stuff.

They know the right to keep and bear arms could be an impediment to that so they do everything they can to undermine that right.

Their mindless zeal to do away with our right has nothing to do with public safety. Only socialist greed.

Of course telling you that is preaching to the choir.

By the way, I am working on building an AR today. When it is completed I will have 29 of them. I am afflicted with AR Derangement Syndrome. If I get one or two AR parts I am obsessed with building it out to a complete AR.

I have 28 ARs (soon to be 29) and have never used one in a crime. Not only that but I have no intentions of ever using one in a crime.

I wonder why the asshole Liberals are so obsessed with wanting to take them away from me? They are really dickheads, aren't they?
The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Bowers cousin said he was a LUNATIC. He had a history of threatening before, and other sundry crimes. His social media sites had anti-semitic comments. And in this country, sure, give the guy another gun.

No one gave him a gun, you foolish human....... if he was a criminal, where was your magical background check stopping him?

The gun free zone got those people killed.....

Background checks are the most useless things we have in this country.

Having firearm background checks to stop criminals from using a firearm in a crime is about useless as having drug laws to stop addicts from using drugs.

However, it makes the stupid Moon Bats think they are doing something.

And it is one stepping stone for the to get universal background checks...which then gives them the abiility to demand gun registration...

These asshole Liberals want to make America a socialist shithole so they can get all their free stuff.

They know the right to keep and bear arms could be an impediment to that so they do everything they can to undermine that right.

Their mindless zeal to do away with our right has nothing to do with public safety. Only socialist greed.

Of course telling you that is preaching to the choir.

By the way, I am working on building an AR today. When it is completed I will have 29 of them. I am afflicted with AR Derangement Syndrome. If I get one or two AR parts I am obsessed with building it out to a complete AR.

I have 28 ARs (soon to be 29) and have never used one in a crime. Not only that but I have no intentions of ever using one in a crime.

I wonder why the asshole Liberals are so obsessed with wanting to take them away from me? They are really dickheads, aren't they?

Well look at how stupid asses think being legally molested at the airport is ok, and makes them feel oh so safe.
Reallyeeee, they've never even caught anybody with a bomb at a gawd dam airport to begin with.

It is used to belittle us, take away our rights and liberties , when 911 happened the crooked deep state pricks used that to bring on the police state, to strip our rights away little by little they've been chipping away at it all..

The Democratic nut jobs aren't done yet they have a real surprise waiting to make Trump look real bad .

Assault on the Second Amendment

A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. – The Bill of Rights The founders of America saw things different from modern day collectivists. The writers of the Constitution did not establish the Second Amendment to protect sportsmen and hunters. The intent of the Second Amendment is to protect your individual right of freedom and to protect you from a tyrannical State. …Continue reading →
Congressional Democrats immediately pushed for gun control measures following the mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday that left at least 10 people dead.
Democrats Use Mass Shooting At Pittsburgh Synagogue To Demand Gun Control

The demotwats ways use incidences to try and take the guns you all aren't getting them even more so now than ever before. YOu fkrs are wack jobs we need gun owners in our nation.
Well he used an AR and a couple of handguns. So ... if he didn't have them, eleven people who went to temple yesterday morning would be alive.
No frivolous gun control laws would have stopped this guy... you fucking moron
The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Bowers cousin said he was a LUNATIC. He had a history of threatening before, and other sundry crimes. His social media sites had anti-semitic comments. And in this country, sure, give the guy another gun.

Lunatics will always do loony things. That is no reason to for the oppressive government to violate the Bill of Rights and take firearms away from the hundred of millions of people in this country that don't do loony things with their firearms.

There are about 15-20 million AR-15s in this country and an infinitesimal percentage of them are used for crimes.
And yet it is the mass shooter's weapon of choice.
Na, not really
I'm wondering if some people have agreed to have lobotomies? They must have if they think a law is going to stop a determined criminal.
Very early yesterday morning Robert Bowers considered himself to be a patriot who owned an AR15 and a good guy with a gun on his way to do his part to make America Great again. The NRA's main goal was making sure he could have all the guns he wanted.

No, moron, and it is because of stupid posts like this that we do not trust you or the other anti gunners.....

Really? Which part of my post wasn't true early yesterday morning? Try to answer the question instead of changing the subject.
The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Crazies not owning assault weapons is a threat to your bill of rights?

That’s nonsense.
The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Crazies not owning assault weapons is a threat to your bill of rights?

That’s nonsense.

You using a tiny number of criminals to call for banning the most popular rifle in the United States is nonsense....there are well over 8 million AR-15 rifles in private hands....and as we saw at the CNN downhill, you asshats are now calling for banning all semi automatic weapons...that would mean almost every rifle, pistol and shot gun in the United States...and then you say you don't want to ban guns...

That is what is nonsense...
The filthy ass Democrats use any excuse to call for the dissolution of the Bill of Rights.

Here is that asshole piece of Democrat shit from Florida doing it.

Crazies not owning assault weapons is a threat to your bill of rights?

That’s nonsense.

You using a tiny number of criminals to call for banning the most popular rifle in the United States is nonsense....there are well over 8 million AR-15 rifles in private hands....and as we saw at the CNN downhill, you asshats are now calling for banning all semi automatic weapons...that would mean almost every rifle, pistol and shot gun in the United States...and then you say you don't want to ban guns...

That is what is nonsense...

I didn't bookmark it so I don't have a link but a couple of weeks ago I saw a report that estimated the number of ARs in the US to be more like 20 million.

The lower estimates you see like the 6-8 million are for the number of completed rifles that have been sold through a FFL. That doesn't include what is more than twice that number of lowers and 80% lowers that were built into rifles.

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