Democrats want 1 million Negroes to move into white homes


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
and report anyone that has waycist beliefs....hehheh

Surely I jest but leftism, marxists, communists, socialists and what knot would no doubt agree with such a thing and we only have to look at the real world to see that such things are not uncommon in leftist societies in............Red China to be most specific.

and most well remember how obama psychophants heaped praise on Mao Tse Tung.

One million Chinese people 'move into Muslim homes to report on Islamic or unpatriotic beliefs'

link.............One million Chinese people 'move into Muslim homes to report on Islamic or unpatriotic beliefs'
People from the Uighur community living in Turkey carrying flags of what ethnic Uighurs call 'East Turkestan', pray during a protest in Istanbul, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, against what they allege is oppression by the Chinese government to Muslim Uighurs in far-western Xinjiang province. ( AP/Lefteris Pitarakis )
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Hmm, I guess they want "Others" too, but themselves????????????

Good point....very few liberals have anything to do with the common negroes....being elitists they send their kids to private schools if at all possible and leave the white working class to send their kids to the integrated public schools where they are surrounded by common negroes as found in the inner city ghettoes.

The liberals will associate with the upper class negroes but it is the white working class forced to rub elbows with the common negroes.
Stuff like this is why I always eye my new neighbors up nice and good. Then I usually say hello and show em where the line is. I keep it casual, though.

After some time passes and I figure out their most frequent outdoor congregation area, I plant a bunch of bushes to block em out of my view.

Sometimes we'll catch a glimpse of each other in the yard, then they start waving and I'm like aw sht, let me pretend like I'm doing something real quick. I start pulling weeds or something. Sometimes it doesn't work, whenever they say oh, hey, nice flower beds you have there, then I'm like aw sht again.

Used to it didn't have to be that way.
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Stuff like this is why I always eye my new neighbors up nice and good. Then I usually say hello and show em where the line is. I keep it casual, though.

After some time passes and I figure out their most frequent outdoor congregation area, I plant a bunch of bushes to block em out of my view.

Sometimes we'll catch a glimpse of each other in the yard, then they start waving and I'm like aw sht, let me pretend like I'm doing something real quick. I start pulling weeds or something. Sometimes it doesn't work, whenever they say oh, hey, nice flower beds you have there, then I'm like aw sht again.

Used to it didn't have to be that way.

A friend in need is a pest.
A friend in need is a pest.

Well, no, all the wives on the block always call me to fix their broken stuff. I don't mind helping people.

It's just the new neighbors you have to give the once-over. Especially with stories like that in the op.

You never know what kind of weirdos you're gonna get next door.
that should say:
''African American'' [ ???!!! ]
not ''negro''

that should say:
''African American'' [ ???!!! ]
not ''negro''

Well....Jesse Jackson said blacks prefer to be called African-American(did he take a vote)Many Negroes still prefer negro....and of course the Negro College fund is still called ...the Negro college fund.

Amongst the hipsters Afro-American was preferred at one time if I remember correctly... and before that Negro was the nice way to refer to blacks even though most North and South--East and West used the n-woid and still huge numbers in private still do and young blacks of course often prefer the n-woid when talking to and about each other. The 'coloreds' lest I forget was also thought of as an acceptable and nice word along with Negroes. But today 'colored or coloreds' is out but people of color is acceptable to most politically correct types. Go and figure but no not report back to me.

Negro of course came from the Niger river in Africa. In French it just means black.

The 3 main races are still referred to by anthropologists as Caucasian, Asian and Negroid. When they were first brought over they were referred to as Africans and then came blacks followed by Negro.

I kinda think in the not distant future some young African-American aspiring for influence and leadership not to mention power will come up with a new name that blacks prefer as African-American is getting rather jaded and demonized.

Meanwhile back at the ranch.....It all gets rather coinfusing...and sometimes dangerously so...if one does not keep up wid da changes....there was an old fellow talking about Negroes on a bus when a bunch of young Nigas jumped him and beat him calling him a racist......what I want to know is who is on first...and of course a rose by any other name is still a rose. hehheh
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My problem is , Total Disconnect, on Obama, if I Did vote, it would have been Obama because Blacks-Hope-Change. Holy #*$%. He was supposed to be, wait a second, the answer to all American Unity in the World and 96% of Some demographic voted for. what... The Hawaiian Kenyan half-race purportedly black-enough. New York and the Daily Show couldn't shut up about , its like France elected an Algerian. Oh ya, because Algeria was a French colony, and an almost immigrant is elected, that's positive for all immigrants... Sa-I-Gu festival , free hotdogs. Black immigrants are the coolest in the world though , right, I play jazz and Frenchman dates my sister, vous aime la noire, mon amis? Oui oui, Je noire beaucoup..
My problem is , Total Disconnect, on Obama, if I Did vote, it would have been Obama because Blacks-Hope-Change. Holy #*$%. He was supposed to be, wait a second, the answer to all American Unity in the World and 96% of Some demographic voted for. what... The Hawaiian Kenyan half-race purportedly black-enough. New York and the Daily Show couldn't shut up about , its like France elected an Algerian. Oh ya, because Algeria was a French colony, and an almost immigrant is elected, that's positive for all immigrants... Sa-I-Gu festival , free hotdogs.

Yeh bro, dat cool.
Ya I guess French Algeria and British india are still 100% muslim and hindu respectively, and there's some permanent racist stigma attached to the original Uncle Tom peoples', the UncleTomians, Obama took care of it because immigrants can grab your Lincoln-for-Federal-Lawyer jobs. I Guess.

Sorry! The post... Well Negroes IS like 1950's Encyclopedia the N's, What Have the Negroes Invented Today, We Inquired, were you searching for Duke Ellington?
What is more annoying than a segregated college system and an integrationist public school system? It was Annoying and Weird! The highschool teachers almost at random pick out a white and black student getting along , where's your brother today?! I went to state college and all the blacks demoralize drop out at chem lab and go to historical black college. it is one of those things to throw you off balance, its not fun. They drove across state black prison inmates, hey you dropped your soap. its like brown v board of education in reverse. I wanted my ghetto N son to muck up some rich whitey but we only gots to drive 5 miles to get to do it.
Clinton made the economy zoom and women liked his penis taste, not his fault , DEFINE IS, bush had to avenge his daddy, Personally. And I didn't understand anything Obama did And I'm not trying to alienate any black people, I'm out of touch on this. I vote for McCain , I got tortured in Vietnam for 10 years by That One, I mean, sir. Then I vote Kerry next election, I was for the vietnam war before I was against the war, throw the medals. Our country is secretly in the back pocket of Vietnam. thatd be cool.
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Ya I guess French Algeria and British india are still 100% muslim and hindu respectively, and there's some permanent racist stigma attached to the original Uncle Tom peoples', the UncleTomians, Obama took care of it because immigrants can grab your Lincoln-for-Federal-Lawyer jobs. I Guess.

Sorry! The post... Well Negroes IS like 1950's Encyclopedia the N's, What Have the Negroes Invented Today, We Inquired, were you searching for Duke Ellington?
What is more annoying than a segregated college system and an integrationist public school system? It was Annoying and Weird! The highschool teachers almost at random pick out a white and black student getting along , where's your brother today?! I went to state college and all the blacks demoralize drop out at chem lab and go to historical black college. it is one of those things to throw you off balance, its not fun. They drove across state black prison inmates, hey you dropped your soap. its like brown v board of education in reverse. I wanted my ghetto N son to muck up some rich whitey but we only gots to drive 5 miles to get to do it.
Clinton made the economy zoom and women liked his penis taste, not his fault , DEFINE IS, bush had to avenge his daddy, Personally. And I didn't understand anything Obama did And I'm not trying to alienate any black people, I'm out of touch on this. I vote for McCain , I got tortured in Vietnam for 10 years by That One, I mean, sir. Then I vote Kerry next election, I was for the vietnam war before I was against the war, throw the medals. Our country is secretly in the back pocket of Vietnam. thatd be cool.

Yeh, bro....I can dig it.

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