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Democrats, What Can They Say?

Clearly, the answer for democrats is to use more single syllable words, like trump does, to appeal to the ignorant ninny class.

I don't even know if that will work.

I spent a half an hour last night talking to someone I knew since childhood. he has a sweet job as a City of Chicago trash collector. (Well, one that pays well, anyway). And even though Republicans have said time after time the biggest change they would make would be to bust up the unions and privatize tasks like his, he still votes Republican.
Clearly, the answer for democrats is to use more single syllable words, like trump does, to appeal to the ignorant ninny class.

I don't even know if that will work.

I spent a half an hour last night talking to someone I knew since childhood. he has a sweet job as a City of Chicago trash collector. (Well, one that pays well, anyway). And even though Republicans have said time after time the biggest change they would make would be to bust up the unions and privatize tasks like his, he still votes Republican.

What is it with these people? They SAY they don't want exactly what they vote for. And then they blame the Dems/Obama/Clinton when they get what they voted for.

Next election, they do it again.
A few weeks ago, some democrats attended a seminar on how to talk to regular people. You see, they figure maybe those crushing loses in November may be somewhat related to how they present their ideas. They have to make a change, find a hook- like Hillary’s famous, “I ain’t no ways tired” schtick that worked so beautifully in winning the hearts of black people!

Democrats wonder if ordinary folk just don’t understand their clever nuance. They talk differently. They listen differently. So, some dems are flirting with the idea of finding a new way to communicate with all those dummies who don’t live (or aspire to live) in NY, CA, Washington DC, or don’t run to a safe space at the first whiff of differing opinion. You know, those prejudiced deplorables.

Not too many took advantage of this (good for a write off) wine and cheese seminar weekend. Apparently, it was a bit of a bust. They were supposed to learn how to triangulate those rubes from the middle of the country but the seminar leader apparently never mastered the Fly Over dialect.

If democrats really want to learn about communication styles and winning, they might consider studying Donald Trump’s approach to speaking. Let’s face it, no one will mistake Trump for a lyrical speaker but he resonates with many Americans- even some who used to vote democrat. Why? He talks to them. His nose is not in the air. In all his ineloquence, Donald Trump offers that old fashioned approach of offering ideas and beliefs- straight up, hold the nuance. Trump says things like, this is a great country. We are a great people. Government works for the People. More Americans believe that, than believe what democrats tell them. Things like: Americans who are concerned about terrorism are Islamophobes.

It sure doesn’t look like democrats are truly looking to change their message, or the way it’s presented. Nancy Pelosi is back as House spokes mouth. She continues to spout half-truths, innuendo and outright nonsense. Just the other day, she went on a rant about a tweet of Mike Flynn’s- only it wasn’t Mike Flynn’s tweet. (Who’s for another round of Fake News?)

Chuck Schumer has picked up where Harry Reid left off. Just blurt something out! People might think it’s true! Mitt Romney didn’t pay his taxes, announced Reid. Donald Trump is embarrassed about his cabinet nominees, says Chuck. That’s why he wants to hurry up and have them approved.

What democrats need to learn is that more and more Americans are on to them. They understand that dishonesty is the democrat dialect, so they don’t believe them anymore.

Maybe it doesn’t matter if democrats don’t articulate to all Americans. There are other paths to communication skullduggery and government bureaucrats who remain true to the party line are on it. EPA drones had a good cry and now are protesting Scott Pruitt as head of the department. Is Pruitt incompetent? Nah. He just isn’t a leftist. These workers are entitled to their opinions but they don’t get to pick their boss. That’s not stopping them from emoting. Save the planet! Don’t let Donald Trump pick the head of the EPA!

Other government bureaucrats have surely had a hand in getting Mike Flynn kicked out of the Trump administration. We don’t really know what was said and not said in Flynn’s phone call with the Russian Ambassador. We do know that there was a leak about the phone call itself, and it had to have come from someone in a government department able to listen in on Flynn. So we have a sudden anonymous leak. The democrats and their media allies add a dash of innuendo and Flynn looked bad. We are told Flynn didn’t tell Pence all the details about a conversation. Now Flynn is out. Will we hear about who is doing this illegal leaking? Doesn’t seem so, the media has moved on to complaining about how much money is being spent to protect Trump and his family.

And they wonder why Trump considers them purveyors of Fake News.

There is surely more democrat talk on the way. Former president Barack Obama promised he was not leaving, that he intends to return to his roots. That would be Community Organizing, where all that is accomplished, is talk.

We’ll hear.




Insiders: Obama Holdover 'Shadow Government' Plotting to Undermine Trump - Breitbart



Who Rules the United States?
Clearly, the answer for democrats is to use more single syllable words, like trump does, to appeal to the ignorant ninny class.

Bro, try quoting some facts and figures if you want us to become GOP. You wrote more than 10 paragraphs filled with babbling prose that never proves anything.
What is it with these people? They SAY they don't want exactly what they vote for. And then they blame the Dems/Obama/Clinton when they get what they voted for.

Next election, they do it again.

Well, I think the problem is, the reality of it doesn't sink in.

I did hear an interesting theory is that there is a slice of the White Working Class - the so-called "Reagan Democrats" who will vote for Democrats when republicans have messed up the economy, but when the economy is going reasonably well, they give in to their racial, sexual and religious bigotry and vote for the Republican.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat
Iam new at this location so bear with me and cut some slack. I see you have ran into the same bunch of bull that I have all over the net. I have started not to reply to the Progressive group because it seems that they have some sort of sheet of paper with one message on it and this is what is posted "No matter what" so I have just read it and skip on...But you are right that these people just don't get.

They are fundamentalists with no actual ideology other than defining something as "right wing" and then taking the opposite stance. They do not understand, much less follow any consistent principles, but merely indulge in herd mentality. They are the sheeple of the left and are little different than the most rigid bible thumpers of the right.
Clearly, the answer for democrats is to use more single syllable words, like trump does, to appeal to the ignorant ninny class.

Considering that Blacks and Hispanics just so happen to be the least well-educated portion of the population, perhaps you should be considering yourself with who is really trying to appeal to the ignorant ninny class.

Trump is buffoonish to be certain, and acts in many embarrassing ways, but it wasn't just white trailer trash who voted for him despite this simple minded clichĂŠ you are trying to foster here.
Trump is buffoonish to be certain, and acts in many embarrassing ways, but it wasn't just white trailer trash who voted for him despite this simple minded clichĂŠ you are trying to foster here.

That's true. It wasn't trailer trash who voted for him, just those with mental handicaps.
Democrats don't speak clearly enough. If they just presented themselves more gently. They could try this

It's not personal. We really hate you. You are bad people who take a shower when you get home from work. You are ugly but maybe its not your fault. You were raised to believe in certain freedoms. For your own good we will take those from you. Trust in democrats, we know what's best.
A few weeks ago, some democrats attended a seminar on how to talk to regular people. You see, they figure maybe those crushing loses in November may be somewhat related to how they present their ideas. They have to make a change, find a hook- like Hillary’s famous, “I ain’t no ways tired” schtick that worked so beautifully in winning the hearts of black people!

Democrats wonder if ordinary folk just don’t understand their clever nuance. They talk differently. They listen differently. So, some dems are flirting with the idea of finding a new way to communicate with all those dummies who don’t live (or aspire to live) in NY, CA, Washington DC, or don’t run to a safe space at the first whiff of differing opinion. You know, those prejudiced deplorables.

Not too many took advantage of this (good for a write off) wine and cheese seminar weekend. Apparently, it was a bit of a bust. They were supposed to learn how to triangulate those rubes from the middle of the country but the seminar leader apparently never mastered the Fly Over dialect.

If democrats really want to learn about communication styles and winning, they might consider studying Donald Trump’s approach to speaking. Let’s face it, no one will mistake Trump for a lyrical speaker but he resonates with many Americans- even some who used to vote democrat. Why? He talks to them. His nose is not in the air. In all his ineloquence, Donald Trump offers that old fashioned approach of offering ideas and beliefs- straight up, hold the nuance. Trump says things like, this is a great country. We are a great people. Government works for the People. More Americans believe that, than believe what democrats tell them. Things like: Americans who are concerned about terrorism are Islamophobes.

It sure doesn’t look like democrats are truly looking to change their message, or the way it’s presented. Nancy Pelosi is back as House spokes mouth. She continues to spout half-truths, innuendo and outright nonsense. Just the other day, she went on a rant about a tweet of Mike Flynn’s- only it wasn’t Mike Flynn’s tweet. (Who’s for another round of Fake News?)

Chuck Schumer has picked up where Harry Reid left off. Just blurt something out! People might think it’s true! Mitt Romney didn’t pay his taxes, announced Reid. Donald Trump is embarrassed about his cabinet nominees, says Chuck. That’s why he wants to hurry up and have them approved.

What democrats need to learn is that more and more Americans are on to them. They understand that dishonesty is the democrat dialect, so they don’t believe them anymore.

Maybe it doesn’t matter if democrats don’t articulate to all Americans. There are other paths to communication skullduggery and government bureaucrats who remain true to the party line are on it. EPA drones had a good cry and now are protesting Scott Pruitt as head of the department. Is Pruitt incompetent? Nah. He just isn’t a leftist. These workers are entitled to their opinions but they don’t get to pick their boss. That’s not stopping them from emoting. Save the planet! Don’t let Donald Trump pick the head of the EPA!

Other government bureaucrats have surely had a hand in getting Mike Flynn kicked out of the Trump administration. We don’t really know what was said and not said in Flynn’s phone call with the Russian Ambassador. We do know that there was a leak about the phone call itself, and it had to have come from someone in a government department able to listen in on Flynn. So we have a sudden anonymous leak. The democrats and their media allies add a dash of innuendo and Flynn looked bad. We are told Flynn didn’t tell Pence all the details about a conversation. Now Flynn is out. Will we hear about who is doing this illegal leaking? Doesn’t seem so, the media has moved on to complaining about how much money is being spent to protect Trump and his family.

And they wonder why Trump considers them purveyors of Fake News.

There is surely more democrat talk on the way. Former president Barack Obama promised he was not leaving, that he intends to return to his roots. That would be Community Organizing, where all that is accomplished, is talk.

We’ll hear.




Insiders: Obama Holdover 'Shadow Government' Plotting to Undermine Trump - Breitbart



Who Rules the United States?

Were you dropped on your head as a child?

Sure looks like it.
It sure doesn’t look like democrats are truly looking to change their message, or the way it’s presented. Nancy Pelosi is back as House spokes mouth. She continues to spout half-truths, innuendo and outright nonsense. Just the other day, she went on a rant about a tweet of Mike Flynn’s- only it wasn’t Mike Flynn’s tweet. (Who’s for another round of Fake News?)
Nancy Pelosi cited a fake Michael Flynn tweet, she did not push #fakenews That would be Hannity pushing the fake Seth Rich conspiracy and FOX itself having backed that conspiracy, only to have to back off and apologize an

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